2005 USMS National Elections

Welcome to the 2005 USMS National Elections information site. The election will be held during the 2005 Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates ("HOD"). Descriptions and duties of the Officer and Director positions on the Board of Directors ("BOD") have been prepared for the information of potential candidates. Processes for the election are governed by the Election Operating Guidelines ("EOG"). Please read all information carefully and refer to the Election Schedule to avoid misunderstandings.

New Officers and Directors Elected

GREENSBORO, N.C., Sept 16 - The USMS House of Delegates elected seven Executive Committee members and eight at-large Directors during the annual meeting of the HOD. Heading the list of successful candidates was new USMS President Rob Copeland. The full list of new officers and directors follows:

Election Committee Posts Convention Schedule

July 10 - The Election Committee met on July 10 and firmed up the schedule of activities for convention. This schedule may be subject to change after floor nominations are complete.

Election Committee Qualifies Candidates

May 8 - During a meeting on May 8, the Election Committee qualified the nominees for the USMS Executive Committee and BOD. Candidates for Executive Committee will be placed on the slate for election in September. Director candidates will be slated by their respective zones during convention. All positions, filled and unfilled, will be open for nominations from the floor during convention.

The slate for Executive Committee:

Qualified Director Nominees are:


Jan 1 - The nomination period is from January 1, 2005 through April 30, 2005. Nominations for Officers and Directors will follow the same process. Nomination Packets are available for download or obtained by email from the Election Chair.

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