USMS Award Recipient

U.S. Masters Swimming Dorothy Donnelly Service Award

Recipient: Carol Nip
Year: 2021
LMSC: Pacific

Carol founded Albany Armada Aquatic Masters in 2013, a Pacific LMSC club. Although she coached professionally, she also volunteered at many levels. A frequent attendee at the USMS Annual Meeting, she served on the Diversity & Inclusion and Coaches committees. In the LMSC she served as the Vice President of Coaches and Clubs. During Covid-19, Carol was a role model for many clubs and swimmers who were struggling while pools remained closed. She recruited an experienced team to conduct a virtual coaches’ clinic in October 2020. The clinic was such a success that she and her committee extended virtual offerings to include bi-monthly clinics as well as a monthly community talk and social. Carol started social media groups to keep members connected. With many pools closed, she encouraged organized swims in the San Francisco Bay.