USMS is governed by its volunteers, also known as the House of Delegates. The HOD is composed of nearly 250 LMSC officers who attend our annual meeting. At the annual meeting, the HOD elects the USMS Board of Directors.
The BOD is composed of 16 voting members. USMS legal counsel and the chief executive officer are nonvoting, ex-officio board members. The Executive Committee, to which members are elected in odd years, includes the president, vice president of administration, vice president of local operations, vice president of programs, vice president of community services, secretary, treasurer, immediate past president, legal counsel, and chief executive officer. The remaining eight board positions, recognized as at-large directors, are elected in even years, one from each zone. BOD members are elected for two-year terms and may run for an additional two-year term, for a total of four years of service.
The USMS President appoints committee chairs and committee members with input from the vice presidents to whom they report. The USMS President also appoints special assignments and liaisons. Zone chairs are elected by their respective zone members.
Board of DirectorsExecutive Committee
Vice President of Administration
Vice President of Local Operations
Vice President of Programs
Vice President of Community Services
Past President
Legal Counsel - Nonvoting
Chief Executive Officer - Nonvoting At-Large Directors |
USA Swimming Representative
Zone Chairs
Breadbasket Zone
Colonies Zone
Great Lakes Zone
Northwest Zone
Oceana Zone
South Central Zone |