2021 U.S. Masters Swimming Annual Meeting
USMS to Host Virtual Annual Meeting in 2021
USMS will again be hosting the Annual Meeting virtually in 2021. The Board of Directors approved this change during their winter meeting. (read full communication) To ensure we provide an improved virtual experience, the Executive Committee is actively reviewing the format of and feedback from last year’s virtual Annual Meeting.
Below are resources, important updates, in addition to all annual meeting information to ensure attendees will be prepared to fully participate. Should you have immediate questions regarding the 2021 annual meeting, please contact Volunteer Services.
Below are resources, important updates, in addition to all annual meeting information to ensure attendees will be prepared to fully participate. Should you have immediate questions regarding the 2021 annual meeting, please contact Volunteer Services.
Resources for Delegates
- Zoom
- The annual meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. It is highly recommended that delegates sign up for an account and use it to log in to Zoom.
- Zoom Survival Guide for the Annual Meeting - this will give you an overview of what to expect.
- Annual Meeting Orientations and Zoom Training Recordings
- Pre-annual meeting emails
- 3/29/21 - USMS to conduct virtual Annual Meeting this year
- 6/10/21 - Mark these dates on your calendar
- 7/16/21 - STREAMLINES for Volunteers
- 7/19/21 - 2021 USMS Virtual Annual Meeting - Update 1
- 7/30/21 - A message from the president
- 8/23/21 - 2021 USMS Virtual Annual Meeting - Update 2
- 9/3/21 - 2021 USMS Virtual Annual Meeting - Update 3
- 9/15/21 - STREAMLINES for Volunteers
- 9/20/21 - 2021 USMS Virtual Annual Meeting - Update 4
- Zoom links sent to all voting delegates - if you did not receive them, contact volunteer@usmastersswimming.org before Friday, 9/24/21!
- 9/23/21 - 2021 USMS Virtual Annual Meeting - Update 5
- 9/26/21 - Update to HOD 3 Agenda - 2021 Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting Delegate Packet
The full annual meeting packet has been finalized and is available in PDF format.
The packet and individual sections are subject to revision, please be sure to check back frequently to see if any sections have been updated.
Individual Sections of Annual Meeting Packet
- Table of Contents
- USMS Annual Meeting Schedule
- Committee Meeting Schedule - These meetings were an opportunity for those who are interested to watch committees in action, and were not formally part of the annual meeting.
- House of Delegates meeting agendas
- National Office - CEO Report
- 2021 Elections
- Committee Reports
- Proposed Amendments
- Rules
- Final Adopted Rules (10/8/2021)
- Long Distance
- Final Adopted Long Distance (10/4/2021)
- Legislation
- Final Adopted Legislation (10/4/2021)
- Rules
- 2022 Financial Planning
- Presentation Videos
- 2021 In Memoriam Video
- 2021 Service Awards Video
- Captain Ransom J Arthur MD Award: Introduction - Peter Guadagni, Acceptance Speech - Bob Bruce, OREG
- Coach of the Year Award: Introduction - Kenny Brisbin, Acceptance Speech - Chris McPherson, ENSW
- Annual meeting opening remarks – President Peter Guadagni
- 2021 Update and 2022 Priorities – Dawson Hughes, USMS CEO
Meeting Minutes
Read minutes from all meetings held in conjunction with the 2021 annual meeting.
Remembrance List
Please review this list of USMS members who have passed away since the 2020 annual meeting (click the "Date of Death" column heading twice to reverse sort). If you know of a name that should be added to this list, submit it to USMS Volunteer Services.
Resources for Committees
- Committee report template (pre-annual meeting)
- Instructions for meeting minutes
- Meeting minutes template (MS Word document)
- Example of a completed meeting minutes document
Post-Annual Meeting
- 2022 Committee Request (closed 10/10/2021)
- 2021 Annual Meeting Evaluation (closed 10/10/2021)