All Participants by Zone, LMSC, Club (4,096 Swimmers)
Includes all swims recorded in participant's FLOGs through 12/31/13.
Breadbasket Zone (363 Swimmers, 67,345.03 Total Miles, 185.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Colorado LMSC (128 Swimmers, 24,478.81 Total Miles, 191.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CMS (Colorado Masters Swimming) (112 Swimmers, 20,983.93 Total Miles, 187.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Deb Andrew F56 471.72
Marcia Anziano F68 320.59
Cindy L Arnold Humiston F53 4.46
Brad Askins M45 97.50
Doran Bae F27 0.93
Joseph J Bakel M52 532.79
Joost Bakker M38 366.38
John R Batchelder M32 559.29
Melanie A Beard F36 81.29
Anna W Beelaert F39 276.62
Amy Benedict F32 58.35
Aimee Bennett F57 259.72
Rebecca D Bryan F40 123.47
Rosella Cadel F59 64.12
David P Cain M35 421.31
John Castanha M54 146.36
Laura K Cence F47 52.44
Tea Chand F46 1.55
Rosalyne Cho F40 214.27
Stephen P Chorey M50 430.12
Kate Clagett F27 134.52
Laura A Corder F50 15.52
Robert N Cowan M41 286.68
Morriah F Cowden F30 3.42
Kim Crouch F52 359.77
Mariah P Cunnick F29 68.54
Clif Cusack M44 206.35
Jen Czarnecki F41 102.93
Linda J Daniel F68 50.57
Janice A Dau F51 143.37
Kirsten L Derr F49 350.06
Hugh Duffy M58 3.98
Aimee L Dunavant F31 200.61
Audrey L Eldridge F50 264.92
James I Fesler M48 318.30
Scott G Forrester M36 0.63
Erin C Framke F40 411.64
Kathy M Francis F54 374.30
Lacy K Fuller F34 10.57
Lisa Gable F55 124.18
Doug A Garcia M52 14.09
Joseph Giles M68 123.44
Tom A Gould M48 258.11
Jenny M Guillot F29 222.93
Brian E Haan M57 5.91
Heather Hagadorn F48 607.97
Barbara G Hall F62 70.88
Debby Hamilton F48 64.31
Michelle A Hancock F45 118.92
Larry T Harper M59 500.16
Lisa Harris F52 69.35
Eric Hatch M39 238.96
Terry A Heggy M59 493.65
Brett H Henning M30 1.60
Lilian Hoffecker F58 48.31
Mary E Holman F27 504.11
Sara E Holman F27 545.98
Brian K Hoyt M47 10.91
Edward Hut M50 255.15
Erin E Hutchings F35 5.97
Lauren Hyde F54 104.49
Sara Jelley F26 162.45
Katie E Jenkins F31 52.66
Jeanne E Jones F49 375.25
Robert W Kaliski M52 293.85
Joel R Kostyrka M52 321.90
David A Krell M35 14.15
Katie Krieves F61 44.40
Sarah H Laidlaw F63 10.37
Jesse McRae M27 89.42
Heather M Melrose F40 168.52
Justina P Mickelson F44 150.70
Jeffrey W Morrison M58 400.38
Mary E Morrison F54 167.93
Jim Murphy M53 637.05
Judy A Nelson F53 70.17
Lisa A Neujahr F48 42.73
Scott C Newcomb M53 56.23
Christopher C Nolte M56 403.65
Melissa Nolte F23 120.43
Susan D Nolte F52 326.25
Jack Nuanes M50 52.34
Fontaine C O'Connell F39 280.28
Suzanne F Olczak F45 256.93
Joshua K Parry M32 233.86
Heather Paul F39 273.97
Rocio Perera-Alcalde F43 54.03
Michelle Poole F49 44.53
Rebecca M Pyle F57 129.41
Alfonso Ramirez M51 37.53
Jessica J Reinhardt-Vitcenda F36 14.85
Paul M Robertson M37 100.02
Thomas J Rosinski M43 460.49
Michael Schultz M51 100.20
Warren P Schutte M42 2.42
Shawn Slade M44 209.98
Jesse K Smith M44 185.79
John D Smith M45 8.04
John A Songin M26 136.90
Steven Spellman M64 358.72
Gay-Lynn M Tangdit F45 200.11
Lesley Therrian F28 174.15
Kris Tokarski M50 300.21
Antoinette Townley F53 250.11
Lara R Urano F44 130.02
Patrick Von Tscharner M49 1.24
Nicole Vowles F43 288.43
Sarah E Walker F29 29.69
LeighAnn White F44 91.29
Richard N Wilson M46 88.35
Louise Wise F71 187.75
Kristin Yeager F35 214.45
Club UC32 () (14 Swimmers, 3,173.72 Total Miles, 226.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anne H Aspen F44 12.02
Stephanie D Baker F30 2.11
Steve Campbell M65 368.39
Meghan D Devine F24 151.87
Steve Grimes M50 250.96
Maureen A Harvey F56 143.82
Sarah A Klahn F51 3.86
Hendrik J Meerman M51 589.05
Branden T Rakita M32 323.35
Daniel M Ritt M59 380.58
Cara C Schaarschmidt F37 39.26
Tracy N Sellard F49 616.02
Tom Toomey M52 272.87
Susan Walczak F35 19.57
Club WMSC (Wyoming Masters Swimming Club) (2 Swimmers, 321.16 Total Miles, 160.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Todd A Adams M49 205.59
Karen S Swanson F57 115.57
Iowa LMSC (35 Swimmers, 6,167.94 Total Miles, 176.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club IAMA (Iowa Masters) (25 Swimmers, 5,276.87 Total Miles, 211.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dennis Bennett M47 618.92
Orlin D Buhr M64 114.61
Julie J Cain F41 333.84
Thomas L Casavant M54 500.33
Rachel A Dieter F29 0.00
Jack M Fritts M63 211.73
David C Gehring M47 196.45
Dennis W Green M53 60.57
Tom Green M55 629.59
Steven A Gronemeyer M66 321.12
Jennifer L Hamann F33 110.17
Diane M Happel F49 67.22
Brad R Hernandez M47 28.21
John R Hill M50 156.87
Mandi E Kowal F50 1.96
Megan C LaBresh F34 457.64
Greg D Moyle M37 223.72
Nicholas A Quanrud M38 145.02
Jody L Rausch F44 113.18
Katie Raymon F29 39.21
Christopher M Tyler M43 207.80
Janet L Ungs F55 310.48
Liz Uribe F26 225.98
Marcus L Williams M24 1.62
Rebecca L Zange F47 200.63
Club SWIA (Southwest Iowa Masters) (2 Swimmers, 369.22 Total Miles, 184.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Holly J Collins F33 218.67
Crystal M Sharp F29 150.55
Club UC40 () (8 Swimmers, 521.85 Total Miles, 65.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sarah Boyer F21 0.00
Rachel M Jans F26 16.57
Kurtis S Jones M24 28.10
Ann Kealy F54 116.11
Cynthia B Lande F28 1.31
Lance E Longstreth M43 82.75
Chris M Mann M24 50.43
Elizabeth M Smith F61 226.59
Minnesota LMSC (65 Swimmers, 16,700.75 Total Miles, 256.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club EDIN (Edina Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 46.68 Total Miles, 23.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
George W Klus M57 1.25
Katelyn St. Sauveur F25 45.43
Club FSTM (FAST Masters) (1 Swimmers, 16.53 Total Miles, 16.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David Colao M33 16.53
Club HOPK (Hopkins Masters Swimming) (21 Swimmers, 8,572.17 Total Miles, 408.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Annette M Paradise Allen F50 500.00
David R Bergquist M29 588.42
Craig L Collins M54 501.95
Beth A Dalton F57 344.87
Sandra E Frimerman-Bergquist F30 939.34
Carrie Gundersen F25 300.02
Signe K Hensel F50 95.63
Susan M Hilal F37 368.67
Gordy Kaufmann M47 434.71
Laura L Kueny F51 0.00
Lynsay R Madley F37 177.30
Kristin E Marentette F40 0.00
LeeAnn M Mateffy F50 241.34
Katie Melmer F44 381.76
Todd W Miller M50 752.29
Eileen M Rice F52 146.14
Amy R Rittenhouse F36 100.48
Eric Roesner M39 525.97
Randy J Schlichting M48 523.82
Kathryn E Vandam F28 631.07
Karen K Zemlin F46 1,018.39
Club ISMT (ISWIM MASTERS TEAM) (4 Swimmers, 444.31 Total Miles, 111.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Veronica J C Ellingson F40 174.12
Rana Murphy F42 12.66
Eric J Strobel M48 250.14
John M Weum M53 7.39
Club MINN (Minnesota Masters Swim Club) (25 Swimmers, 4,672.19 Total Miles, 186.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marc S Anderson M64 0.00
Jeff J Armstrong M49 411.07
Omar Awad M45 300.19
Terrell J Brown M60 405.26
Annie Dank F34 237.66
Arthur C DeWitt M36 6.59
Melissa C Gregory F40 5.90
Brian K Holthus M56 14.20
Ashley E Kirkegaard F25 151.22
David S Kough M50 416.50
Peggy Kratz F53 387.57
Krisie M Melsen F33 242.87
Jody Minner F45 128.83
Lorraine D Moore F50 21.34
Jack M Nieters M19 2.84
Joan T Ramquist F50 106.73
David Reeder M43 79.89
Richelle L Schmitz F29 50.43
Barbara A Scouler F51 0.00
Lisa I Smith F31 82.13
Reed H Steele M33 590.05
Carrie E Stolar F46 500.06
Larry G Stracke M57 155.77
Teri N Takehiro F52 231.57
David J Wymer M37 143.51
Club NORT (Nort'landers Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 257.95 Total Miles, 257.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John L Muhich M51 257.95
Club RRCC (Red River Channel Cats) (2 Swimmers, 197.91 Total Miles, 98.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ralf J Mehnert-Meland M49 70.58
Chris Swee M34 127.33
Club SEMS (South East Metro Sharks) (3 Swimmers, 804.84 Total Miles, 268.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert "Dru" D Drake M59 276.88
Ronald G Lulich M47 327.95
Kristi E Ratzlaff F52 200.01
Club UC30 () (6 Swimmers, 1,688.17 Total Miles, 281.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ellen J Agren F36 302.84
Joseph C Benacci M51 287.47
Joseph D Fang M61 387.79
Brad M Kanter M43 54.36
Tracy B Pechmann F51 100.02
Anders Ringdahl-Mayland M26 555.69
Missouri Valley LMSC (53 Swimmers, 9,519.73 Total Miles, 179.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club MOVY (MOVY Masters) (47 Swimmers, 8,613.27 Total Miles, 183.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andrew F Barkow M39 217.58
Becky Berger F51 10.65
Linda J Brooks F47 17.10
Robin C Bruce F28 87.17
Steve Burns M61 53.47
Bill Carroll M62 67.04
Vicki L Catt F52 307.21
Jenny Denney F30 54.48
Ross J Freese M50 289.38
Chip Glidden M63 787.88
Jeane M Gruender F85 95.54
Marty Gura M41 186.46
Douglas J Hayden M48 205.73
Amy B Hearst F42 336.52
Richard A Hynick M63 54.92
Bridget Kelly F25 500.66
LeeAnn King F45 5.54
Jen Kiper F41 14.26
Anne M Kobbermann F34 15.50
Christopher D Kuntz M36 76.57
Cindy Lanigan F56 277.63
David H Lindsey M63 656.35
Heidi L Loecke F42 554.43
David Longhurst M70 6.25
Brent Magnusson M42 379.76
Shayne Malone F55 203.32
Mark L Mann M27 156.98
Jim Marietta M57 122.05
Nancy McKenzie F33 118.78
Tracy C Merrill M28 82.78
Lisa A Mische-Lawson F42 319.27
Mark Morash M46 206.31
Gary L Mundhenke M52 154.40
Sherrie Murnahan F45 170.75
Richard S O'Dell M36 6.53
Margaret Scherschel F49 183.93
Jeff V Schmidt M50 276.73
Bill Sherman M55 201.17
Ron Spangler M60 0.00
Mark A Stewart M51 128.12
Tony A Stewart M40 81.92
Randy Stotler M35 5.09
Lori Terzopoulos F47 300.03
Anthony G Thompson M49 193.31
Bob Welchlin M56 380.56
Stacy Williamson F37 61.65
Christie Zoch F42 1.53
Club UC28 () (6 Swimmers, 906.46 Total Miles, 151.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Braxton B Copley M50 221.23
Kittie Govreau F64 4.60
Brandon C Kovach M42 538.30
Adrienne L Lamphear F26 0.99
Robert E Russell M73 89.08
Michael E Sheehy M66 52.25
Nebraska LMSC (27 Swimmers, 4,646.54 Total Miles, 172.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CGCC (Common Ground) (2 Swimmers, 175.61 Total Miles, 87.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
DeeDee Jeter F47 117.63
Chloe A Wilwerding F21 57.98
Club LMAO (Lincoln Masters and Others) (6 Swimmers, 429.75 Total Miles, 71.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Erik R Bahr M33 0.00
Molly C Nance F48 0.00
John P Neal M51 2.25
Megan M Ockander F31 60.13
Shirley Peng F29 38.96
Sharill L Prey-Luedtke F49 328.41
Club OMAH (Omaha Masters Swim Club) (16 Swimmers, 3,952.88 Total Miles, 247.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lindsay M Bartels F34 71.93
Colleen A Fredrickson F48 3.49
Sharessa A Gutierrez F33 509.35
Brinker Harding M52 370.80
Terry L Koopman M57 200.77
Andrew J Korenak M48 374.11
Gary L Krysl M51 317.00
Ryan G Krysl M23 279.77
Tim K Patterson M56 366.93
Erin M Sullivan F56 306.96
William Tapprich M57 316.02
Keelah J Wagoner F30 83.43
Regina M White F57 2.70
Cody L Wienk M40 202.27
Edwin A Willis M60 230.01
Patrice K Zalesky F54 317.33
Club UC29 () (3 Swimmers, 88.30 Total Miles, 29.43 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J McGlynn M40 1.24
Jenny Overhue F46 4.38
Mike Rucker M53 82.69
North Dakota LMSC (6 Swimmers, 677.77 Total Miles, 112.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AQST (Aquastorm Swim Team) (3 Swimmers, 312.27 Total Miles, 104.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brian Bergeson M44 108.45
Lori Klabunde F50 3.01
Mike Swanberg M52 200.82
Club DKTA (Dakota Masters) (3 Swimmers, 365.49 Total Miles, 121.83 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer Carlson F50 26.28
Jane L Hutzol F49 38.80
Robin C Tracy F49 300.41
Ozark LMSC (35 Swimmers, 3,573.67 Total Miles, 102.10 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CSPM (CSP Tideriders Master Swim Club) (10 Swimmers, 918.08 Total Miles, 91.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Beth J Calabotta F46 87.74
Kathryn M Frost F53 49.32
Robert K Henke M58 25.23
Robert T Hitchcock M47 124.54
Melissa Holtmeyer F29 1.88
Beth M Huebner F40 88.64
Carol L O'Neill F50 178.23
Beth Perry F33 3.41
Donald A Skor M61 359.11
Michele C Woodley F55 0.00
Club SLAM (St. Louis Area Masters) (19 Swimmers, 1,865.96 Total Miles, 98.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan Aud F58 178.90
Pam K Bettis F59 205.08
Ruth Broadway F33 13.90
Michael T De Vlieger M43 242.55
Karl R Gundersen M44 39.72
Cathy Hall F59 1.96
Steven T Hancock M57 78.38
Ruth A Hentschke F60 96.39
Regina Kaplan-Rakowski F39 3.98
Shamus P Keeler M33 62.26
Rapeepan Maitree F27 50.17
Christopher Morehouse M42 16.52
Stephen E Newman M45 6.68
Mary M Pohlmann F68 404.12
Nancy Reycraft F66 200.05
Elizabeth L Seyferth F55 7.61
Mark T Shaffer M35 125.00
Chris Sheets M54 127.56
Andrew T Thorp M49 5.13
Club UC22 () (5 Swimmers, 760.54 Total Miles, 152.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dan Honious M53 604.50
Liz McCane F59 125.34
Kim G Peterson F43 6.77
Tarah M Walsh F25 17.22
Meredith E Wolz F37 6.71
Club ZILA (Team Godzilla) (1 Swimmers, 29.09 Total Miles, 29.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David P Utley M51 29.09
South Dakota LMSC (14 Swimmers, 1,579.81 Total Miles, 112.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club PMST (Prairie Masters Swim Team) (13 Swimmers, 1,573.66 Total Miles, 121.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeff W Hodges M38 60.54
Jenny A Hodges F39 223.08
Carrie L Jacobson F54 153.32
Steve W Johnson M59 216.76
Stephanie M Klein F31 119.18
Nicole Neal F39 118.06
Nicolle Paulson F28 150.37
Matland Peterson M29 166.29
Megan K Peterson F30 268.73
Priscilla A Pulscher F59 29.15
Lisa M Reuland F31 16.08
Molly E Smith F44 11.56
Mary S Turner F50 40.54
Club UC54 () (1 Swimmers, 6.15 Total Miles, 6.15 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeff R Hartzell M37 6.15
Colonies Zone (927 Swimmers, 176,448.00 Total Miles, 190.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Adirondack LMSC (25 Swimmers, 4,624.84 Total Miles, 184.99 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ADMS (Adirondack Masters) (23 Swimmers, 4,444.93 Total Miles, 193.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David J Barra M48 367.84
Ashley L Braniecki F28 425.83
Jim Butler M35 180.01
Palmyra Catravas F46 76.66
Stephen Danna M55 112.46
N Elizabeth Dearstyne F49 39.32
Alicia Fletcher F40 300.68
Kevin A Fletcher M43 58.47
Therese M Gigliotti F50 297.62
Fred C Gliesing M57 162.03
Tom Hedderman M57 223.51
Andrea M Hunt F65 445.14
Sarah Kittle F22 0.00
Michael A Lazorchak M45 23.66
Matthew J Mauriello M37 67.54
William H Miller M49 345.35
Christy H O'Callaghan-Leue F37 18.40
Patrick J Quinn M82 40.75
Deborah A Roberts F55 52.59
Rosanna D Sikora F58 506.13
Mike Taber M56 20.11
Jim Todt M50 260.20
Martin Turecky M47 420.62
Club SSYM (Southern Saratoga YMCA Masters) (1 Swimmers, 63.13 Total Miles, 63.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mark A Styczynski M44 63.13
Club UC03 () (1 Swimmers, 116.79 Total Miles, 116.79 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
June Vyse Gravener F82 116.79
Connecticut LMSC (43 Swimmers, 8,237.32 Total Miles, 191.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CONN (Connecticut Masters) (25 Swimmers, 4,118.89 Total Miles, 164.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ashley C Beeman F41 365.88
Peter Crumbine M75 202.66
Andy O Davis M51 369.01
Louis F Fabrizio M60 216.53
Heather T Gold F43 127.57
Wallace B Greene M56 56.42
Arthur Gunzl M51 23.18
Kevin T Hoffman M57 357.26
Kristin Irish F49 307.95
Jessica F Kallipolites F35 71.39
Tom R Larsen M54 231.40
Linda Lucht F51 169.95
Jennifer R Madonia F41 30.82
Steve R Mentz M47 106.59
Heather L Montanaro F38 7.10
Pam Henry Moss F51 222.61
Michael Parry M49 40.74
Charlene S Puska F45 81.45
Janet Roome F54 40.62
Coleman Ross M47 159.23
Ally Sega F40 72.36
Laura R Tiedge F52 46.34
Andrew Vogel M24 1.53
David C Whitmore M52 521.62
Lynne Zareski F66 288.67
Club CPCT (Chelsea Piers Connecticut) (4 Swimmers, 448.23 Total Miles, 112.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Aaron Goldenberg M43 72.73
Jason Mager M32 26.97
Corri C Stewart F25 348.53
Thomas Waniewski M43 0.00
Club MMMS (Mansfield Master Marlins Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 427.18 Total Miles, 427.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Scott H James M59 427.18
Club MMST (Mako Masters) (1 Swimmers, 753.42 Total Miles, 753.42 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Arthur F Apgar M48 753.42
Club NWMS (New Wave Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 251.78 Total Miles, 251.78 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rick Shanley M34 251.78
Club UC05 () (10 Swimmers, 1,888.45 Total Miles, 188.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nora D Edwards F69 41.37
John P Harding M68 376.04
Charles R Herrick M53 1,037.35
Elizabeth A Kennedy F32 5.68
Tamarah K McCue F40 11.93
Nancy J McMonagle F48 261.36
Ellen Murray F54 91.76
Chuck Sala M45 56.65
Melissa Wall F31 3.47
Ruth Welch F28 2.84
Club ZEUS (Zeus Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 349.38 Total Miles, 349.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Donald T Mahon M77 349.38
Delaware Valley LMSC (84 Swimmers, 14,186.37 Total Miles, 168.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club 1776 (Colonials 1776) (27 Swimmers, 5,966.51 Total Miles, 220.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gerry Auman M61 182.90
Kenneth A Barbee M49 257.59
Scott D Beardsley M52 54.67
Charles M Bender M49 34.70
Robert A Bonsall M50 317.84
Barbara B Burke F52 263.64
Susan J Flanders F51 302.35
William H Fleming M64 68.07
Ericka Hahn F47 45.88
Barney Heller M59 438.67
Katie Hoban-Smith F44 15.64
Laurie Hug F48 637.86
Robert B Jones M62 100.74
Natalie M MacConnell F33 19.72
Heather Melck F46 130.88
Richard W O'Shaughnessy M79 4.80
Thomas J Patterson M36 560.62
Michele S Pollio F49 369.41
Bryan T Richardson M57 450.91
Joanne S Saunders F57 53.81
Christopher W Schalleur M41 13.52
Christine M Schroeder F64 18.13
Diana C Sosnowski F46 393.12
Krista L Striano F34 77.10
James Thornton M61 331.71
Sue N Watts F59 441.71
Melinda S Wolff F60 380.52
Club AFTR (Aftermath Masters Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tyler Myers M37 0.00
Club BCCM (Burlington County College Masters) (1 Swimmers, 78.30 Total Miles, 78.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy Okun F51 78.30
Club CPAC (Central Penn Aquatic Club) (4 Swimmers, 314.49 Total Miles, 78.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Diane M Coffey F61 28.78
Anne Greenawalt F29 47.90
Jan E Hastings F47 127.56
Peter A Machado M29 110.26
Club ENMU (Endurance Multisport) (1 Swimmers, 0.60 Total Miles, 0.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dana E Stow F37 0.60
Club FINS (Fins Aquatics Club) (10 Swimmers, 2,062.30 Total Miles, 206.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert E Breitel M46 582.82
Theresa M Candelaria F52 275.39
Meghan L Gardner F30 179.51
Merrill J Hilf F53 170.34
George T Horan M59 189.26
Jana Nogowski F42 62.01
Carolyn A Placke F49 163.87
Melanie K Rodbart F34 172.32
Caroline F Stein F43 202.63
Teresa Talbot F63 64.15
Club HAYS (Hanover YMCA Sr. Stingrays) (1 Swimmers, 61.45 Total Miles, 61.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cheryl E Abel F44 61.45
Club MAMA (Marauder Masters) (1 Swimmers, 139.42 Total Miles, 139.42 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy E Anttonen F72 139.42
Club PAFC (Pennypack Aquatic & Fitness Club) (3 Swimmers, 897.32 Total Miles, 299.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristen R Faughnan F33 303.32
Kelly O Jones F42 127.39
Pamela T Shepard F48 466.61
Club SJAC (South Jersey Aquatics Club Masters) (1 Swimmers, 7.75 Total Miles, 7.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Laurel Tyrrell F47 7.75
Club SVY (Spring Valley YMCA Masters) (2 Swimmers, 705.26 Total Miles, 352.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer Della Guardia F45 195.23
Jim Harrop M42 510.03
Club UC08 () (30 Swimmers, 3,747.75 Total Miles, 124.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Maxwell C Adams M44 501.84
Virginia M Birmingham F49 168.76
Ava Bleazard F30 13.83
David T Carey M48 92.24
Kim C Cloud F41 52.43
David E Cooksey M51 251.16
Amy C Crowe F63 2.22
Kay M Deakyne F59 605.01
Rick W Fesler M32 33.81
Marianne D Gault F51 75.28
Paul C Gondek M61 204.61
Suzanne S Herel F46 23.06
Laurie K Hohwald F58 67.00
Roberta Hower F50 100.95
Pamela A Howley F31 0.00
Karen A Hutchins F30 62.33
Erica R Koran F31 119.12
Agnes L Koschoff F61 147.59
Taylor B Krauss M34 106.90
Betty Lampe F58 315.62
Jennifer L Long F43 12.00
Shannon Lynch F32 231.52
Michael P Martin M53 102.75
Heidi Palau F46 87.73
Tim Schaffling M48 5.00
Aliza Schmidt F41 102.90
Sharon Schmidt-Mongrain F38 172.69
Elizabeth Stellato F24 0.68
Elaine J Thibodeau F51 3.30
Jessica B Tiedebohl F30 85.43
Club VMS () (1 Swimmers, 0.80 Total Miles, 0.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Denise Mangold F43 0.80
Club YWMA (YWCA Masters of Adams County) (1 Swimmers, 204.44 Total Miles, 204.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristina L Rebert F50 204.44
Maryland LMSC (70 Swimmers, 12,238.04 Total Miles, 174.83 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AAA (Anne Arundel Amphibians) (6 Swimmers, 1,210.43 Total Miles, 201.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John R Berger M67 258.89
Laura D Currey F45 229.99
Carolynn Foley F70 374.02
Doris K Lam F30 100.32
Matthew G Levendoski M27 117.13
Rachelle Synoracki F35 130.09
Club ACM (Arena Club Masters) (12 Swimmers, 1,974.06 Total Miles, 164.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Daniel J Colopietro M50 144.89
Michael Fanelli M59 515.16
Mark Hergan M47 74.86
Michael Iacchei M33 177.47
Shawn D Lackey F43 103.81
Sam Lapan M39 37.73
Jennifer A Masquelier F36 268.63
Zachary P Mellin M22 103.68
Rosanne U Mooney F46 71.47
Anthony C Paxton M55 265.01
Elizabeth B Roark F35 70.07
Mary C Tillie F50 141.28
Club CMYM (Central Maryland YMCA Masters) (1 Swimmers, 110.76 Total Miles, 110.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shay B Strong F33 110.76
Club COLU (Columbia Masters Swim Team) (13 Swimmers, 2,344.75 Total Miles, 180.37 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Roberta Bardini F49 307.82
Matthew Cechini M33 12.98
David A Dash M45 507.05
James D Hanson M39 0.00
Michelle Kim F33 16.22
Angela L Kozlowski F49 275.43
Bart Lane M41 160.53
Dawn J Lawrie F38 254.47
Sue Mangan F49 1.02
Michelle L Miller F43 4.32
Heather Offenberg F50 304.61
Stacie Pare F46 194.09
Sara E Smith F36 306.19
Club CRAB (Chesapeake Region Aquatic Blues) (1 Swimmers, 107.87 Total Miles, 107.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karen Wallace F52 107.87
Club DAMD (DelmarvaAquaticMastersDogfish) (1 Swimmers, 27.98 Total Miles, 27.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gary Kelley M37 27.98
Club GCHR (Goucher Masters) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick M McNeel M22 0.00
Club HUH (Health Unlimited Hurricanes) (2 Swimmers, 251.10 Total Miles, 125.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michele M Firlie F44 51.53
Diane G Paterline F59 199.57
Club MACM (Monocacy Aquatic Club Masters) (2 Swimmers, 744.72 Total Miles, 372.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Janet Manning F49 629.68
Anna Paulsen F27 115.03
Club MARY (Maryland Masters) (15 Swimmers, 2,537.16 Total Miles, 169.14 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tess Bloomquist F69 81.74
Lynne W Bragg F67 236.66
Michael R Brown M67 367.73
Susanne Johnson F44 1.11
Christine Jorgensen F68 4.77
Valerie Kirchhoff F46 150.63
Michael P Lee M46 317.45
Hope Mao Oehler F47 540.72
Alex Petrlik M72 11.80
Jeanne M Ripley F56 37.75
Christine A Romans F38 150.12
Christopher W Stevens M52 601.31
Kelly Swartout F50 1.65
Suzie F Templeton F44 33.72
Whitney Tull F28 0.00
Club MERR (Merritt Marlins) (1 Swimmers, 527.13 Total Miles, 527.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Franco Prezioso M48 527.13
Club NAAC (Naval Academy Aquatic Club) (2 Swimmers, 196.42 Total Miles, 98.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Justin L Cashman M42 2.05
Elizabeth H Mesora F55 194.37
Club NBAC (North Baltimore Aquatic Club Masters) (1 Swimmers, 75.31 Total Miles, 75.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anne T Lawler F56 75.31
Club RAID (Potomac Raiders Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 79.66 Total Miles, 39.83 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Annemarie K Simpson F34 19.29
Thomas D Truitt M50 60.37
Club UC09 () (10 Swimmers, 2,050.70 Total Miles, 205.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Janice Burton F50 365.39
Eric B Kramer M24 91.39
Sara Levine F55 358.99
Jennie S Martin F32 9.34
Patrick McArdle M41 59.85
Ted Skinner M41 267.53
Stephen B Suddeth M53 260.43
John F Wetzel M60 303.35
Jennifer Woolford F36 12.47
Charles W Wright M73 321.96
Metropolitan LMSC (101 Swimmers, 18,196.90 Total Miles, 180.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AGUA (Asphalt Green Masters) (11 Swimmers, 1,926.46 Total Miles, 175.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rich Bernstein M67 459.71
Claudia A Costa F49 155.11
Christine C Duque F33 300.52
Karen L Einsidler F57 657.83
Renee M Emmet F36 3.83
Kathryn Grassel F32 11.48
Lyndsay R Hodge F27 6.02
Kyoko Kobayashi F41 204.83
Evan O'Dea M29 76.14
Sarah M Penrose F30 50.99
Victoria L Tiase F40 0.00
Club BCTM (Bearcat Masters) (5 Swimmers, 682.85 Total Miles, 136.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James A Allen M50 215.06
Nathaniel R Dean M36 2.36
Elizabeth J Merena F61 236.36
Jamie Steinbiser F29 2.83
Tuula Vartiainen F38 226.24
Club CHEL (Chelsea Piers Masters) (1 Swimmers, 50.09 Total Miles, 50.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ellen Weinberg F52 50.09
Club CIBB (Coney Island Brighton Beach Open Water Swimmers) (7 Swimmers, 1,396.09 Total Miles, 199.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J Gemelli M43 456.36
Mark Jacobs M38 503.46
Meredith Klein F30 0.00
Melissa L Kretschmer F51 308.95
Suzanne M Sataline F50 92.87
Janine Serell F52 34.43
Barbara H Shimasaki F59 0.00
Club CTRI (Columbia Tri) (1 Swimmers, 300.05 Total Miles, 300.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Elizabeth Cornell F46 300.05
Club FISH (FISH Masters) (8 Swimmers, 646.71 Total Miles, 80.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Heidi L Baks F44 100.00
Carolyn M Bennett F35 60.17
Jonathan D Churins M38 54.57
Marie S Cole F51 33.69
Curtis A Dozier M36 51.88
Joseph E Glauda M37 6.82
Lawrence E McCue M59 330.37
Shannon Mulcahy F35 9.20
Club HUMS (Huntington Masters) (1 Swimmers, 18.07 Total Miles, 18.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Steven H Moskowitz M49 18.07
Club LIEM (Long Island Express Masters) (1 Swimmers, 61.72 Total Miles, 61.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Adele E Goldberg F34 61.72
Club METR (Metro Masters Swim Club) (9 Swimmers, 1,557.56 Total Miles, 173.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kirsten Berger F45 85.28
Susanna Feder F49 38.66
Evelyn C Foley F54 127.61
Kenshin Furuta M33 3.64
Julie Gallanty F53 2.14
Timothy E Gardner M51 387.72
Phyllis Ho F52 543.54
Jennifer J Kyff F40 56.09
Morton F Wolf M65 312.87
Club NYCH (NYC Hydras) (1 Swimmers, 6.87 Total Miles, 6.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cindy Ng F32 6.87
Club OWS (Open Water Swim) (2 Swimmers, 50.68 Total Miles, 25.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jia H Jung F32 50.68
Robert Toedter M43 0.00
Club REDT (Red Tide) (12 Swimmers, 2,458.69 Total Miles, 204.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anna S Armentrout F42 185.54
Rachel F Cohen F35 228.29
Laura J Colby F56 276.46
Abigail A Fairman F36 254.05
Emily J Klemmer F54 26.58
Zahava Lipton F27 471.25
Arion P Robbins M29 199.87
Michael J Rosencrantz M43 94.91
Szabolcs Rozsnyai M32 114.35
Roberta C Saint-Amour F28 150.52
Kristina M Syvarth F27 99.44
David E Uprichard M47 357.42
Club SEAW (Seawolves Masters) (1 Swimmers, 610.09 Total Miles, 610.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert L Unger M56 610.09
Club TNYA (Team New York Aquatics) (14 Swimmers, 2,988.32 Total Miles, 213.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Hannah Borgeson F41 502.29
Randall A Chamberlain M44 150.29
Daniel B Chang M28 17.78
Jennifer Flak F36 34.15
Craig D Goodwin-Ortiz de León M36 6.56
Steven Z Goran M55 13.94
Janet Harris F48 410.20
RJ Hermanet M43 563.34
Katharine A Keenan F31 156.47
Mark E Larson M50 650.15
James G Morrissey M40 302.14
Anthony F Reen M52 3.81
Miriam S Tuliao F52 128.08
Elisabeth Turnbull-Brown F41 49.13
Club UC06 () (19 Swimmers, 4,179.01 Total Miles, 219.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lisa E Batey F35 152.86
Gregory Bird M36 196.09
Pascal Borderies M54 638.98
David Camacho M33 64.44
Catherine A Collins F42 0.00
Lisa M Concepcion F30 0.42
Joan P Craffey F60 622.49
Kathryn Cronin F55 15.68
Braden A Ferrari M37 56.74
Jonathan Gottlieb M51 101.29
Nicole J Hirschman F40 700.41
John B Inglese M30 7.50
Joshua Needleman M48 88.79
Tracy K O'Neil F35 193.07
Kenneth S Resnick M58 175.71
Spencer L Schneider M53 133.91
Mo Siegel M62 619.25
Marguerite P Verga F35 100.34
Yehoshua A Zohar M59 311.06
Club WM (Westchester Masters) (1 Swimmers, 341.76 Total Miles, 341.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brad Polhill M50 341.76
Club XCEL (Excel Swimming) (7 Swimmers, 921.91 Total Miles, 131.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard M Brown M48 91.69
Timothy J Brown M29 50.84
Jacqueline Fagan F46 151.90
Lisa Hiller F51 24.44
Eyad Karadsheh M37 307.25
Jane McWilliams F58 51.00
Helen L Paone F35 244.79
New England LMSC (179 Swimmers, 39,523.91 Total Miles, 220.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club GBM (Great Bay Masters Swimming, Inc) (5 Swimmers, 485.37 Total Miles, 97.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy Graham-Garcia F53 56.27
Deborah Hart F61 135.02
Colleen A Kenny F24 40.63
Kirsten Read F48 0.00
Amy Waters F52 253.46
Club MESC (Maine Masters Swim Club) (26 Swimmers, 6,641.91 Total Miles, 255.46 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kate Beard-Tisdale F60 185.56
Richard J Bell M44 176.77
Rob Benson M45 376.74
Kerry J Black F65 69.44
Susan A Bridge F53 90.23
Sean M Carter M38 263.80
Derek M Cerjanec M62 321.75
Susan A Cooney F44 400.82
Cheryl A Daly F41 511.41
Allison J Dorko F26 356.41
Nicole M Gagnon F40 3.58
John A Gale M57 521.55
JoAnna Greenwood F42 160.03
Margot A Hayes F44 29.80
Catherine K Johnston F23 65.88
Susan L Knight F43 276.72
Andrew M MacKeil M23 6.25
Chloe A Meisner F24 66.43
Margaret A Metcalf F57 214.31
Benjamin M Morse M41 381.14
Son Nguyen M34 506.73
Amy Rolnick F50 465.76
Debra K Shissler F59 57.40
John B Shumadine M46 520.66
Emily L Stuart F54 501.97
Simon M Wignall M37 110.78
Club NEM (New England Masters Swim Club) (125 Swimmers, 30,433.29 Total Miles, 243.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mark E Alexander M55 438.40
Maria D Anderson F50 121.39
Therese Andrews F29 267.45
Paul Arsenault M52 306.57
Biff M Atwater M72 0.00
Joanne L Barker F49 41.61
Elise J Beeger F29 342.07
Alexander Beeman M24 313.47
Jim L Boland M58 49.64
Damon Bosetti M29 26.61
Sarah Bradford F43 90.45
Cecelia R Braun F38 188.30
Jennifer Brehob F55 136.33
Justin R Brinkmeyer M32 294.03
Charlotte J Brynn F47 1,204.05
Chelsea L Bueter F28 402.81
Bob Burrow M50 364.43
Thomas E Burt M34 293.10
June F Carson F65 193.91
Isani E Cayetano M37 0.48
AnnMarie Chase F43 16.89
Morgan Cooper F22 103.29
Les Cutler M70 281.50
Kyle Cutter F28 100.23
Elisa D'Andrea F49 18.05
Laura E Delorey F51 285.09
Steve C Delosh M58 11.93
Denis J Desaulniers M63 168.13
Chris P DeSisto M50 295.91
Peter W Dillon M47 1.70
Paul L Dow M60 246.87
Jennifer Downing F35 443.18
Paul T Edelman M57 135.41
Beth H Eggimann F52 322.30
Laurie S Ellis F50 233.91
Michael J Emmons M32 237.28
Beth A Estel F57 375.27
Michelle L Faulkner F33 0.00
Doug Fyffe M57 238.99
Patrick A Gambrel M59 473.43
Bill Geary M55 207.54
Jonathan M Gladstone M45 551.18
Rainy M Goodale F43 7.02
John F Goodwin M56 1.99
Donald Graber M59 39.03
Rhonda A Grasberger F48 90.97
Tracy L Grilli F56 316.55
Susan L Hannel F50 102.27
Margaret C Haskins F55 566.88
Bo J Hatfield F52 394.18
Ursula Hester F42 151.64
Kylee Hitz F44 151.71
Gail M Holland F55 241.58
Jeff Holmes M44 307.67
Elaine K Howley F36 463.85
Becky Hunnewell F33 623.41
Nancy E Hutchins F46 207.85
Matthew J Jaroszewicz M23 284.82
Sue Jensen F53 330.07
Margaret S Johns F59 0.00
Jimmy Kantor M49 312.11
John P Koteles M63 106.40
Tricia S Kules F62 251.63
Martin Kulhanek M30 63.73
Martin P Kulig M49 26.25
Jean Lambert F53 209.73
Christopher S Landry M58 377.73
Catherine R Laramie F56 371.80
Gregory Y Lauwers M55 1.20
Michael Leake M35 300.08
Raymond L Lemoine M67 161.07
Anker Lerret M55 221.33
Helen Lin F29 493.07
Yohann J Littee M32 263.95
Lidia A MacDonald-Carr F32 148.36
Elizabeth A Mancuso F28 325.69
Michael R Mappes M46 103.38
Esther Martinez Borobio F31 168.51
Scott A Mc Inerney M27 30.45
Brian J McLaughlin M58 1,238.37
Catherine A McNiff F43 195.98
Daniel M Moran M31 371.68
Dorothy Mullaney F55 282.14
Cynthia Needham F65 532.38
Bob Ouellette M58 193.52
Katharine Owen F34 329.07
Ann Palms F41 70.56
Mary M Pasquale F47 201.22
Christine Pasterczyk F47 270.60
Grace D Peirce F65 5.51
Susannah S Perry F31 0.00
Mary Phelan F57 26.96
Jen Piepenbrink F26 50.22
Jim R Podolske M59 122.04
David P Polatty M43 239.10
Joseph R Porter M31 36.99
Nichole D Pouliot F27 294.99
Madeline C Quick F23 78.01
Sharon Quinan F50 181.97
Jessica S Rapp F44 322.77
Jim Robinson M56 250.31
Jenny Rood F28 301.72
Ellie Rounds F37 58.95
Peter W Rufleth M63 358.77
Mark Sandt M53 366.00
Morgan A Sawin F26 500.11
Douglas Sayles M46 413.77
Rob Schiller M62 273.98
Carla B Silva F39 12.19
Karin E Stokes F52 317.90
Peg Sullivan F56 183.65
Paul Talewsky M63 172.84
Nancy Thomson F49 83.21
Nancy M Tunstall F51 568.93
Maura Twomey F57 316.72
Scott Vankuilenburg M48 160.46
Dick Wallace M71 200.23
Jennifer F Warren F41 18.61
Lisa M Wentworth F51 502.25
Edward Westrick M53 1.59
James M Wetzel M56 680.25
Melinda B Williams F32 34.44
Holly Worthington F53 44.15
Frank C Wuest M53 470.83
Paula J Yankauskas F59 1,056.23
Club SRPM (Simon's Rock Pace Makers) (1 Swimmers, 109.67 Total Miles, 109.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jonathan A Cade M51 109.67
Club UC02 () (22 Swimmers, 1,853.67 Total Miles, 84.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie L Baumeister F46 280.73
Jeffrey Bigos M37 1.62
Jim Birmingham M40 114.33
Bethany Bosch F29 16.00
Jeff Bruce M48 501.20
Carolina Chacin F44 6.05
David P Coelho M51 158.66
Catherine W Cybulski F47 50.97
Paul A Davies M46 7.90
Kristine E Decourcey F38 55.33
Michael P deLone M28 14.13
Nate Desrochers M20 0.00
Sheelagh Higginson F50 19.45
Robert E Johnson M67 64.32
Bob Khederian M47 132.59
Joseph Lloyd M28 21.42
Jeffry Nichols M47 113.04
Gregory O'Connor M45 168.01
Ann E O'Shaughnessy F48 1.14
Sarah E Palmer F36 0.00
Elizabeth A Proctor F29 126.78
Karoline A Trela F30 0.00
New Jersey LMSC (127 Swimmers, 25,836.21 Total Miles, 203.43 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BERK (Berkeley (NJ) Aquatic Masters) (23 Swimmers, 6,584.16 Total Miles, 286.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lynn Ascione F46 748.26
Jennifer L Bauman F41 617.51
Elizabeth M Broos F57 33.58
Kathleen B Carlyon F52 19.35
Lorna Cialdella-Morehead F49 167.39
Sarah T Clark F42 68.61
Richard C Clew M48 101.72
Ronald J Epstein M46 266.66
Robert Gatto M50 266.96
Mary R Hesselgrave F70 84.32
Paul J Kiell M83 312.52
Susan Kirk F53 466.74
Suzanne Kruep F38 115.21
Michael O Lavitt M55 160.74
Rosanne Lemongello F51 68.61
Eric P Marquard M50 371.84
Ken Niemi M58 402.03
Kimberly A Plewa F30 593.17
Anne-France A Saillot F51 328.68
Sandra P Seddon F59 390.00
Gail F Seelig F63 392.06
Bridget Sherratt F43 237.21
Marie H Vellucci F64 371.00
Club DRMS (Ranger Aquatics Masters) (5 Swimmers, 763.00 Total Miles, 152.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Beth Bigham F43 122.16
Jeffrey M Dietel M43 4.02
Nancy Finn F52 139.61
Robert E Franks M56 284.10
Matthew Gann M45 213.12
Club GSM (Garden State Masters) (64 Swimmers, 13,978.58 Total Miles, 218.42 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Barry A Bachenheimer M43 64.92
Janice E Baker F53 209.60
Patricia L Beronio F78 86.45
Tiffany S Brennan F36 341.98
Jon Briggs M47 0.00
Sandra D Brighouse F56 80.00
Leslie R Brunell F50 44.52
Barbara W Burton F60 88.26
Elizabeth B Burton F48 67.76
Richard D Carlson M60 286.46
Sandra L Carosi F47 856.06
Amy S Carow F52 284.89
Tim Christian M51 292.22
Sharon Danzger F48 68.26
Victoria J Elbrecht F43 193.28
Matt Ellis M48 1.86
Robert J Fetter M36 120.23
Joseph C Flanagan M49 280.56
Sue Freeman-Patterson F62 239.40
Chip Freund M51 56.45
Steve Glassman M65 225.92
William R Haas M78 136.79
Sara J Haldeman F32 0.00
Elisabeth Hilzen F24 5.77
Bridgette A Hobart F51 947.60
Mark S Hoffman M52 219.18
Bob Hopkins M71 202.13
Rhonda Hospedales F41 88.31
David Juchniewicz M59 577.92
Jerry A Katz M75 157.51
Chet Klope M58 204.23
Ursula Kohama F56 157.41
Peter D Langham M62 273.18
Larry E Lengle M80 103.21
Francesca Mancuso F54 287.66
Erika Maresca F39 302.64
Carol A Martyniuk F61 144.26
Frank McElroy M65 627.92
Lyndsay C McMeen F33 362.42
Curtis Miller M53 280.59
Douglas S Miller M41 302.95
Aaron T Moore M48 582.33
Nancy G Moore F56 143.32
Matthew G Murphy M51 337.28
Edward F O'Hara M67 127.22
Regina T Papini F46 33.06
Heidi Pfefferkorn F53 46.37
Lynda H Przedpelski F49 663.29
Paula M Pyrcz F68 43.86
James Rokosny M54 253.91
James Ryan M61 723.74
Sarah S Sangree F56 130.20
Rick Schluter M57 90.68
Julie A Schoenlank F33 149.97
Kevin D Seise M39 79.35
Julie A Sheaffer F49 114.72
Faith Springsteen F25 66.93
Joel E Stein M63 50.65
Christopher N Swenson M31 0.00
Edward M Tirpack M58 132.61
Ed M Tsuzuki M55 375.47
Richard J Wallace M66 385.00
Erik Werfel M50 19.60
Ilse Wolfe F49 158.27
Club HOBO (Hoboken Masters) (3 Swimmers, 86.68 Total Miles, 28.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Teila K Krahn F25 0.00
Cara Murphy F24 84.09
Brad Thornton M27 2.59
Club JAM (Jersey Area Multisport) (3 Swimmers, 1,040.01 Total Miles, 346.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Margaret R Martonosi F49 337.45
Leigh G Segal F48 368.70
Norman Sorkin M57 333.86
Club PAA (Peddie Aquatic Association) (5 Swimmers, 952.55 Total Miles, 190.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert J Fisch M34 248.22
Christopher E Gibson M57 681.41
John McBride M43 0.00
Kellan P Peck F46 22.93
Arun S Rao M42 0.00
Club RBAY (Raritan Bay Area YMCA) (5 Swimmers, 666.14 Total Miles, 133.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Donald Free M54 0.00
Atsushi Hamanaka M54 82.28
Meredith Lyndon F57 127.76
Jay Muldoon M58 197.78
Todd Schaper M50 258.31
Club UC07 () (19 Swimmers, 1,765.09 Total Miles, 92.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Philip T Allocco M56 2.50
Allen B Bachenheimer M72 73.92
Fay Bizub F57 104.81
Daniel Bloomfield M52 61.80
Anthony Bonura M59 0.00
Brittany Dalonges F27 2.36
Mark Haftkowycz M46 267.18
Juli Harpell-Elam F45 0.00
Denis Kallish M55 105.55
Thomas MacNabb M48 250.17
Richard P Noxon M30 0.00
Ramunas Radzevicius M31 110.26
Kevin Schmidt M51 301.00
Michele Siegrist F52 50.06
Keith Tamboer M40 132.68
Leslie A Trott M63 225.12
Charles Yoo M37 1.45
David I Yusko M42 76.22
Yuyue Zhou M23 0.00
Niagara LMSC (50 Swimmers, 9,714.43 Total Miles, 194.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BUMS (Binghamton Univ Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,974.44 Total Miles, 329.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Molly Brown F27 171.58
Jack Cothren M64 752.90
Gregory M Danner M32 163.09
Keren Gershon F22 134.85
Leo C Gibbons M60 250.99
Priscilla A Modrov F25 501.02
Club MERC (Mercury Swimmimg) (1 Swimmers, 200.09 Total Miles, 200.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Graham Frazer M44 200.09
Club NIAG (Niagara District Masters) (32 Swimmers, 5,580.64 Total Miles, 174.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alissa Andrews F25 70.18
Mike D Burgess M49 23.58
Wayne Coger M62 305.00
John S Dalziel M36 103.19
Aara E Edwards F34 5.37
Suzanne S Etherington F62 118.66
Lance M Evans M52 151.56
Jerry T Firlik M51 8.32
Martha Fischer F57 0.00
Gerry Gould M54 287.70
James R Hauck M49 8.47
Dolly Hinckley F83 388.20
Brian D House M35 53.44
Crystal D Jordan F43 79.56
Dan M Kinsky M68 273.18
Rudy Kurniawan M42 285.39
Julie C Langenbacher F51 63.89
Kenneth W Margrey M52 164.52
Kellie W McCaffery F32 304.16
Sue Mekker F50 91.72
Deirdre Perkins F50 41.19
Marj A Rinaldo F22 121.26
Alan J Rolnick M46 25.99
Bernard F Russell M49 544.25
Kevin S Shea M56 542.60
Kay B Simonson F52 614.28
Andrew J Starowicz M41 79.73
Richard D Swanson M55 29.94
Jill D Thrasher F46 120.49
Robert A Webber M57 552.59
Thomas W Weber M83 120.79
Karen S Williams F53 1.42
Club NICK () (1 Swimmers, 421.76 Total Miles, 421.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kelly A Darlak F33 421.76
Club SKAN () (3 Swimmers, 953.48 Total Miles, 317.83 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John Alley M50 213.52
Shari Del Favero F51 313.93
Beth Pickett O'Sullivan F55 426.03
Club UC04 () (7 Swimmers, 584.03 Total Miles, 83.43 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kevin M Antshel M44 2.61
Joshua D Harris M32 200.87
Shannon E House F37 61.53
Eric Nelson M62 300.17
Sarah E Spurling F30 0.00
Carlos Villamil M38 13.58
Michael Wilbur M57 5.26
Potomac Valley LMSC (156 Swimmers, 27,387.21 Total Miles, 175.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ALEX (Alexandria Masters Swimming) (11 Swimmers, 1,100.41 Total Miles, 100.04 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie Gauzens F29 255.26
Cindy Halim F34 0.00
Casey L Layman F27 13.13
Katherine Leightley F34 69.35
Debbie Maline F30 101.47
Ray Novitske M58 88.68
Chris Richey M43 24.89
Tim Taylor M26 164.52
Michael J Tyson M46 241.98
Meghann P Van Horne F32 3.30
Jonathan D Wood M53 137.83
Club ANCM (Montgomery Ancient Mariners) (15 Swimmers, 2,237.69 Total Miles, 149.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Daniel J Blumenthal M50 61.00
Pamela M Blumenthal F46 192.61
Lisa Chin F32 173.95
Carol Clark F46 3.64
Holly A Donnelly F41 118.82
Warren E Friedland M57 211.05
Ira S Holmes M56 0.00
George Humbert M45 252.70
Johnson X Jia M31 177.75
Peter Nickoloff M48 124.24
Jan S Peterson M63 0.00
Margot K Pettijohn F67 527.25
Matthew F Reeves M43 175.57
Jeffrey H Roddin M44 219.10
Brittany C Westlake F32 0.00
Club ARMS (Arlington Masters) (7 Swimmers, 828.36 Total Miles, 118.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Janet L Eichers F47 11.99
Andrew W Foote M38 143.64
Stephen M Musheno M24 9.52
Christina F Pekarek F31 88.81
David N Pekarek M30 500.09
Shannon L Stewart F33 4.63
Amanda E Telford F35 69.69
Club DCAC (District Of Columbia Aquatics Club) (8 Swimmers, 1,140.15 Total Miles, 142.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lauren E Au F29 500.00
Diana Church F34 124.03
Sara Hewitt F33 253.47
Ross A Linderman M36 144.93
Angel N Morrow F32 15.55
Elizabeth Omasta F39 74.80
Marilyn E Redman F57 0.00
Lisa R Wolf F52 27.37
Club DCM (DC Masters) (1 Swimmers, 374.66 Total Miles, 374.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary Ella Payne F56 374.66
Club DCRP (DC Dept Of Recreation & Parks) (7 Swimmers, 1,288.40 Total Miles, 184.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kathy Bainbridge F48 177.38
Anne M Henochowicz F29 15.82
Melissa R Mc Cartney F35 327.28
Michael T McCarthy M37 50.03
Dan Nagelberg M27 0.00
Dana Page F52 537.05
Wendy S Schleicher F44 180.84
Club DCTC (DC Triathlon Club) (2 Swimmers, 161.15 Total Miles, 80.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Matt Aloisi M36 108.72
Elizabeth A Carroll F58 52.43
Club FBST (Fort Belvoir Masters) (1 Swimmers, 542.93 Total Miles, 542.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Chad J Mirt M40 542.93
Club FXCM (Fairfax County Masters) (4 Swimmers, 295.34 Total Miles, 73.83 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tamara J Crudden F29 0.00
Rebecca T Kiessling F36 151.40
Erin B Miller F24 0.17
Laurelyn L Rawson F42 143.76
Club GERM (Germantown Maryland Masters) (10 Swimmers, 1,608.41 Total Miles, 160.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Todd Bischoff M50 224.08
Daniel B Blitz M46 13.36
Chip Lagdon M53 442.56
Jennifer J McVeigh F41 50.05
Alison H Melley F41 47.81
Denise L Noznesky F47 268.93
Terri Postma F44 342.06
Johanna Schneider F40 100.19
Farol L Tomson M42 99.39
Emily Vogtmann F30 19.98
Club GMUP (Patriot Masters Swim Team) (7 Swimmers, 1,139.06 Total Miles, 162.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Melanie Y Brown F32 151.34
Paul A Grecco M52 276.87
David S Henkel M33 4.07
Leslie C Livingston F52 371.18
Susan T Wilkinson-Megaw F60 0.00
Stuart J Williams M33 328.76
Alex J Wilson M22 6.84
Club HAC (Herndon Aquatic Club) (1 Swimmers, 0.34 Total Miles, 0.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Liz Badley F31 0.34
Club L4S () (21 Swimmers, 2,699.50 Total Miles, 128.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marlene Becker F49 153.62
Ryan M Begin M38 115.49
Mary C Dasso F51 252.77
Nathan P Dean M38 408.46
Sara E Demyanovich F49 226.77
Lauren E Fitzgerald F37 3.30
Derek Fromson M49 14.67
Kerensa D Hadley F40 62.07
Christopher House M50 238.27
Janet Janas F52 51.16
Jennifer G Johnston F66 252.03
Kimberly C Light F55 33.89
Mary Grace M McAlevy F49 222.68
Suzy M Morgan F48 162.44
Nicolas O Nouvel M48 64.25
Janet R Palfey F54 68.90
Elisabeth Perry F27 29.74
Kathy N Rice F54 155.22
Mike Skeele M38 0.00
Amy R Smith F55 162.74
Bruce H Smith M52 21.02
Club LMAC (Life Time Mid-Atlantic Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 554.69 Total Miles, 277.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Beverly Kelley F55 544.47
Leanne McAllister F46 10.22
Club MACH (Machine Aquatics) (6 Swimmers, 2,582.62 Total Miles, 430.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jon C Brendsel M49 347.38
John E Buechler M46 785.33
James P Earls M51 390.08
Daniel C Elliott M60 550.68
Susan W Ellis F49 502.72
Frank J Purcell M47 6.42
Club NCAP () (1 Swimmers, 11.80 Total Miles, 11.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John P Lonam M64 11.80
Club RIPM (Riptide Masters) (3 Swimmers, 823.93 Total Miles, 274.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Janet Day F52 105.34
Maria K Dewing F50 152.77
Caitlyn A Ramsey F45 565.82
Club RMST (Reston Masters Swim Team) (7 Swimmers, 2,114.52 Total Miles, 302.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael F Boyle M62 651.87
John Carlson M42 36.11
Mandy Dawson F51 0.00
Brian R Evans M49 401.82
Sheryl K Katsaros F44 268.75
Michelle A Moyer F51 405.52
Steven C Pohnert M43 350.46
Club SDS (Sea Devil Swimming Masters) (5 Swimmers, 385.22 Total Miles, 77.04 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Peter N DeWeese M35 144.29
Richard P Dexter M44 112.50
Valerie A Dexter F44 1.05
John N Latta M42 71.55
Jim Peal M48 55.84
Club SPRY (Team Swim Spray) (2 Swimmers, 497.03 Total Miles, 248.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shannon E Greene F28 314.10
Ryan C McCabe M28 182.93
Club TERR (Terrapin Masters) (11 Swimmers, 3,774.13 Total Miles, 343.10 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Allyson M Adams F49 304.32
Diana M Corbin F45 576.15
Mollie K Grover F32 401.44
Blake A Holden M37 36.17
Teal Liu F28 520.17
Alison S Meehan F42 375.50
John H Osman M54 100.48
Mark J Schactman M47 306.15
Bill Shipp M53 616.66
Jeffrey R Strahota M33 409.44
James E Wilson M37 127.65
Club UC10 () (23 Swimmers, 3,226.86 Total Miles, 140.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Heidi L Applebaum F28 16.84
Paul F Bousel M60 450.63
Bethany C Bower F51 0.00
Jeff Chaloupek M48 133.24
Janet H Chen F39 0.00
Karen L Chew F44 29.43
Sumie T Emory F62 183.11
Matthew W Fetters M52 185.28
Deborah Gayle F35 423.78
Alison Gold F34 164.61
Sherry L Green F59 169.30
Dorothy J Halbe F25 8.75
Donald L Henderson M55 156.18
David J Horowitz M48 2.39
David Humphrey M42 41.12
Bruce R Lee M53 411.26
Humberto Lopez M29 20.71
Charles G Mackall M78 98.52
Tiffany McQueen F41 185.43
Suzanna E Murphy F50 29.83
William P Sulik M54 202.23
Ulrika Swanson F36 62.62
Judith E Trenck F70 251.60
Club WAV1 (Wave One Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rachel Eberhard F26 0.00
Virginia LMSC (92 Swimmers, 16,502.77 Total Miles, 179.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BWST (Blue Wave Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 1.25 Total Miles, 1.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Growson Edwards M36 1.25
Club CPYM (Crozet Parc YMCA Masters) (3 Swimmers, 586.20 Total Miles, 195.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rebecca A Deaton F38 2.11
Rebecca L Franklin F45 214.89
Cherie A Witt F49 369.21
Club FAFF (Fredricksburg American Family Fitness) (1 Swimmers, 60.38 Total Miles, 60.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Charles F Day M60 60.38
Club LAMS (Leesburg Area Masters) (3 Swimmers, 162.30 Total Miles, 54.10 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristen L Day F37 60.71
Katy Erat F55 98.18
Lara Shisler F46 3.41
Club LTSM (LetSwim Masters) (1 Swimmers, 148.06 Total Miles, 148.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Aram R Khosrofian M55 148.06
Club POWM (Peluso Open Water Masters) (2 Swimmers, 554.67 Total Miles, 277.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alice W Phillips F48 282.16
Richard A Stauffer M58 272.51
Club QMST (Quest Masters Swim Team) (10 Swimmers, 1,453.19 Total Miles, 145.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Opal E Brink F19 4.26
Caycee P Buscaglia F48 201.49
Amy H Cook F46 10.91
Pam D Dameron F68 251.93
Cynthia M Ficara F40 71.76
Randy J Harris M57 100.37
Amy Howard F49 236.01
Cleary Maly F43 147.37
Sabine C Stadtmueller F46 176.39
Carrie R Wilson F30 252.70
Club RCA (Rockbridge County Aquatics) (3 Swimmers, 414.33 Total Miles, 138.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Debbie Desjardins F54 55.00
Lisa Greer F43 122.77
Susan E Harrison F39 236.56
Club STON (Stonewall Masters) (1 Swimmers, 191.72 Total Miles, 191.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick J Bradley M47 191.72
Club SUNF (Sunfish Masters) (5 Swimmers, 440.66 Total Miles, 88.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jan L Chu F46 1.68
Michele V Davidson F56 228.75
Robert W Davidson M56 78.07
Kevin M Davis M48 0.20
Julie F Goldberg F29 131.97
Club UC12 () (20 Swimmers, 3,099.94 Total Miles, 155.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cameron A Burr M44 0.93
Josh Cheatham M32 143.88
Roberta F Green F58 783.58
Ana Paula Grilo F44 357.23
Craig Joy M51 375.24
Tsvi H Katz-Hyman M65 262.51
Anne B Koepfinger F45 79.67
Keiko H Kuykendall F46 53.61
Susan L Lansbury F51 1.62
Jennifer I Manuel F39 195.43
William M Mulvihill M48 137.95
Alan H Nagasawa M61 275.27
Victoria Nicholls F47 175.00
Susan B Ofsa F56 10.63
Mark E Oldfield M47 42.06
Kerry S Pribik F45 84.97
Grant B Rackham M24 10.51
Sheldon M Retchin M63 75.55
Kathee L Sharp F54 21.83
Kim Wilcox F38 12.46
Club VMST (Virginia Masters Swim Team) (39 Swimmers, 9,011.68 Total Miles, 231.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lauren E Aepli F26 77.49
Todd L Bassett M49 170.54
Matthew H Bickley M52 3.69
Warner F Brundage M70 214.65
Lynda J Calkins F63 354.46
Charles E Cockrell M45 355.81
Howard B Craddock M60 414.26
James W Davis M67 125.15
Mariah V Dudley F26 155.82
Edward H Gaulrapp M71 150.91
Betsy L Goode F54 329.09
Douglas Hill M58 21.00
Dave Holland M46 388.09
Shirley A Loftus-Charley F62 1,000.20
Betsy Marshall F35 104.48
Leslie J Mastropaolo F40 59.20
John W Mccorkle M62 148.30
Alison Moore F43 342.87
Carolyn J Mullaney F52 81.73
Danielle E Myers F29 156.63
Julia A Nefczyk F45 106.81
Chris C Nelson M42 445.85
Maybeth Osmun F54 227.01
Mary Ann Peterson F53 295.37
Drusilla S Powell F54 79.16
Cheryl H Ptak F66 100.01
Claire C Russo F30 492.89
Richard A Scott M78 222.11
Lauren E Shank F26 50.03
John R Shrum M65 50.36
Maura J Smith F32 63.09
Nancy Speer F51 230.13
Karen A Stephens F52 510.15
Chris L Stevenson M49 339.69
Heather N Stevenson F54 4.97
George A Sushkoff M48 264.18
Val R Van Horn Pate F51 302.89
Michael S Villani M49 437.35
Katie Webb F34 135.24
Club WAVA (Warrenton Masters Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 123.13 Total Miles, 123.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Drew A Rathgeber M37 123.13
Club WCMS (RMH Wellness Center) (1 Swimmers, 203.37 Total Miles, 203.37 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lesley Eicher F38 203.37
Club WVMS (Wytheville Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 51.88 Total Miles, 51.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Larry G Hutton M57 51.88
Dixie Zone (667 Swimmers, 147,353.07 Total Miles, 220.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Florida LMSC (189 Swimmers, 47,901.79 Total Miles, 253.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AQNT (Space Coast Aquanauts) (1 Swimmers, 269.15 Total Miles, 269.15 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jerry Birck M63 269.15
Club BDO (Blue Dolfins Masters) (1 Swimmers, 165.52 Total Miles, 165.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bernardo Campesino M43 165.52
Club BLU (Blu Frog Team) (6 Swimmers, 1,857.71 Total Miles, 309.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ryan Barson M40 250.84
Deborah J Cheslow F48 30.17
Andy S Kroupa M44 240.38
Tom K Leonard M48 299.41
Celeste Lind F54 528.92
Rich Mercer M50 507.99
Club CATM (Clearwater Aquatic Team (Masters)) (1 Swimmers, 3.86 Total Miles, 3.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Emily A Green F36 3.86
Club DBMS (Daytona Beach Masters Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 457.48 Total Miles, 228.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David R Carrig M45 449.95
Niomie Hunt F21 7.53
Club DMSC (DeLand Masters Swim Club) (4 Swimmers, 252.20 Total Miles, 63.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lindsay Elliott F37 114.94
Betty English F47 52.16
Craig P Gronlund M40 77.53
Teresa Rogers F52 7.58
Club FACT (Florida Aquatic Combined Team) (12 Swimmers, 3,606.18 Total Miles, 300.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marianne E Bradley F70 94.93
Joan K Campbell F83 20.19
Paula M Cunio F52 258.85
William F DeMambro M71 9.96
JoAnn Fuller F71 529.58
Rolland S Fulton M59 169.81
Daniel H Jenkins M69 555.72
Amy C King F44 507.91
Gary A Laursen M70 12.43
Isaac M Silver M35 808.66
Cynthia L Tiffany F40 634.26
Leah Vail F48 3.88
Club FMM (Florida Maverick Masters) (15 Swimmers, 2,898.43 Total Miles, 193.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jean M Allen F73 150.29
Michael Biggs M65 53.74
Patricia M Bond F75 330.04
James F Browne M75 213.58
James N Enyart M72 231.95
Gaylord Hopkins M72 171.45
Margie Hutinger F73 77.77
Paul Hutinger M89 29.05
Regan Kenner F90 1.99
Ann A McDonnell F75 517.93
Sue A Moucha F55 349.18
Doris C Prokopi F78 400.55
Hartzell H Stringer F60 167.86
Karen S Swanigan F58 186.81
William F Tillotson M62 16.25
Club GCST (Gulf Coast Swim Team Masters) (4 Swimmers, 903.05 Total Miles, 225.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John M Henry M45 252.83
Eileen T Kallin F52 0.99
Sam Moreland M42 649.23
Thomas A Pear M49 0.00
Club GSC (Gator Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 200.77 Total Miles, 100.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Erin P Condon F34 194.69
Rick Kinard M60 6.08
Club HLJ (Holmes Lumber Jax) (4 Swimmers, 1,417.06 Total Miles, 354.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jean A Bancks F57 1,038.92
Hal L Gilreath M51 342.36
Tracey H Kuhn F42 28.48
Pennie W McGuire F64 7.30
Club LAS (Lakeland Area Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 329.71 Total Miles, 329.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John L Acken M43 329.71
Club MOO (Masters Of Orlando) (2 Swimmers, 154.86 Total Miles, 77.43 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James M Hasley M42 114.49
Sean P McClean M44 40.37
Club NFMS (UNF Masters Swimming) (3 Swimmers, 95.41 Total Miles, 31.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert S Bernstein M47 82.18
Douglas B Lyons M31 0.00
Lauren Morgan F25 13.24
Club NOLE (Club Seminole) (1 Swimmers, 19.55 Total Miles, 19.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alina M Ebling F26 19.55
Club NPYM (North Port YMCA Masters) (1 Swimmers, 100.76 Total Miles, 100.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nicole M Buckley F49 100.76
Club NTC (National Training Center Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 30.59 Total Miles, 30.59 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gary A Revelt M44 30.59
Club SAST (St Augustine Swim Team - Masters) (1 Swimmers, 16.71 Total Miles, 16.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rebecca L Lopez F22 16.71
Club SCCS (Sun City Center Sharks) (1 Swimmers, 150.54 Total Miles, 150.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pameladell R Hillestad F51 150.54
Club SCSF (Suncoast Swimfit) (4 Swimmers, 1,100.72 Total Miles, 275.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Monica Breden F59 476.08
Tom W Caprio M48 179.52
Michelle A Crook F46 403.42
Ronnie I Velazquez M36 41.70
Club SPBM () (1 Swimmers, 16.70 Total Miles, 16.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Laurel KIsh F54 16.70
Club SPCO (Space Coast Masters) (3 Swimmers, 922.94 Total Miles, 307.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karen Drack F37 137.04
Donald D Gornto M42 365.65
Peter B Turner M54 420.26
Club SPM (St Pete Masters Inc) (17 Swimmers, 6,031.75 Total Miles, 354.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert E Beach M83 333.67
Brooke J Bowman F46 747.77
Christopher A Burke M51 600.39
Charles H Dean M47 1,043.16
Jessica Dekle F31 9.35
Storm S Eddy F63 227.64
Charlotte E Hollingsworth F36 4.45
Nicholas F Lang M58 168.94
Barbara A McNulty F56 848.64
Oscar Negrete M37 300.99
Rupesh R Patel M41 272.74
Carl H Selles M66 399.01
Sandy L Steer F74 85.27
Paula M Texel F43 369.99
Brian E Vaile M51 30.30
Theresa M Walker F44 254.12
Karen L Westerman F46 335.33
Club SRQM (Sarasota Tsunami Masters) (8 Swimmers, 1,342.43 Total Miles, 167.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Melanie M Babineau F60 15.23
Nancy L Kunzle F55 124.65
Amy McCormack F58 312.30
Violet L Nagy F58 115.07
Danielle M Narvaez F19 15.06
Zoraya Narvaez F48 132.54
Jodi Schwartz F45 566.46
Lucy B Tobias F74 61.13
Club SWIM (S W I M Florida Masters Inc) (1 Swimmers, 84.73 Total Miles, 84.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Teresa A Zilko-Miller F49 84.73
Club SYSM (Sarasota YMCA Sharks) (38 Swimmers, 10,988.31 Total Miles, 289.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ellen K Bennett F50 308.61
Rachel H Bowman F48 396.82
Petr Buble M67 969.40
Rob Butcher M41 95.05
Paul A Cajka M56 441.30
Gerry Chojnowski M64 394.29
Melissa A Conley-Guido F29 10.93
Rosanne Cooke F52 5.34
Bob E Couch M66 287.20
Randolph L Crawley M67 1.73
Suzanne Custer F46 70.65
Kyle B Deery M29 510.30
Cathy A Fedako F52 513.86
Russ Gill M66 221.77
Allen F Hillman M46 296.97
Linda K Hopson F58 5.78
Ken Hoskinsom M44 17.65
Roger Kahn M58 224.52
Anna Lea Matysek F52 4.88
Jim Matysek M54 272.92
George K Mehok M46 156.54
Jan H Miller F70 85.11
David Miner M45 435.77
Gudrun M Morgan F62 210.74
Chad A Nance M41 137.03
David W Oakes M73 242.08
Lori L Overly F48 466.85
Valeriy I Palubok M48 106.41
Milena Rohr F53 820.01
Carl A Savickas M63 7.95
Thomas L Schwartz M53 1,052.80
Luke Shaheen M25 19.40
Darryl W Sjoberg M68 100.99
Mary G Tucker F43 101.28
Scott Tyle M44 514.45
Melissa D Varlas F40 530.56
Helen L Vetter F73 394.45
Tom J Weigand M56 555.94
Club T2NM (T2 Naples Masters) (31 Swimmers, 9,455.70 Total Miles, 305.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Leslie Aaron F51 22.30
Lisa Blackburn F42 2.67
Doug Brown M51 332.51
Carl W Burdin M44 62.24
Jeffrey Cahill M56 254.98
Joan E Gamso F56 445.14
David L Gray M45 753.99
Elise Hatfield F28 269.94
Joni O Henderson F57 33.55
William Hollowsky M50 301.06
John M King M51 603.88
Marshall J King M18 502.84
Bill Koller M65 768.02
Donna M Krall F64 270.00
Sean P Lawler M49 561.93
Janeice Martin F42 61.11
Dan M McDonald M47 0.75
Bruce E Mohl M67 502.27
Meredith A Moore F64 253.36
AnnMarie Morrisseau F45 586.92
Susan B Nolan F49 401.40
Debra L Orringer F41 525.06
Brad Plaster M49 1.14
David L Poorman M51 278.93
Nichole Roller F29 136.14
Amy S Thompson F51 359.93
Ian C Thompson M51 388.24
Deniece Vella F23 32.93
Fred W Wakelin M71 430.42
Steven L Whitney M60 61.05
Gordon Wilson M74 250.97
Club TMM (Tampa Metro Masters) (1 Swimmers, 144.23 Total Miles, 144.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marjorie J Escobio F47 144.23
Club UC14 () (20 Swimmers, 4,772.65 Total Miles, 238.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Laura L Bender F73 0.00
Michelle E Bracken F56 2.56
Troy A Church M45 8.30
Martin W Denker M70 30.31
Jordan R DeTillio M36 5.68
Tim M Dodge M53 500.02
Stoney Dvornik F52 100.11
Adam D Edgington M35 318.38
Isabelle C Fraser F75 113.21
Patricia J Funk F63 827.12
Seeley Gutierrez F37 258.09
Irina Haecker F35 350.94
Adam Nehama M43 350.05
Richard S Nowakowski M63 315.21
Kim Philo F49 530.63
Alberto Rhor M41 6.40
Michael T Shepardson M53 3.18
Frank D Totten M57 933.05
Renate M Walker F32 107.10
Jeremiah West M30 12.30
Club WFLM (West Florida Lightning Masters) (1 Swimmers, 110.65 Total Miles, 110.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tara L Skinner F50 110.65
Club WOO (Wahoos of Ocala) (1 Swimmers, 1.45 Total Miles, 1.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brian F Kuhn M47 1.45
Florida Gold Coast LMSC (92 Swimmers, 18,942.09 Total Miles, 205.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club FLAQ (FLA Aquatics, Inc.) (1 Swimmers, 16.11 Total Miles, 16.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jody A Wesgate F46 16.11
Club GOLD (Gold Coast Masters) (37 Swimmers, 9,568.57 Total Miles, 258.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Helen P Arnold F40 125.89
Lisa A Bennett F57 376.10
Ingrid Bon F43 252.85
Lee Brennan F51 272.68
Jeff Cohen M56 61.62
Brian Coomes M53 4.48
Rafael P da Silva M33 0.31
Stephen E Dehnert M36 254.88
Robert Dzamba M59 187.94
Marc Gallet M54 47.64
Lauren Grippo F22 106.50
Aldo D Jansel M27 51.76
Jill D Johnson F48 542.25
Tom L Kapenga M49 28.27
Paul D Kissinger M50 425.87
Brian M Kruse M40 103.62
Darcy H LaFountain F58 752.65
Dale A LeClair F44 447.04
David W LeClair M46 168.10
Cathy Mancino F64 372.90
Sergio A Marchi M30 358.52
Stan R Marion M53 144.14
Peggy H McDonnell F58 432.31
Carolyn Mizell F46 374.43
Jonathan B Olsen M50 365.27
David H Owen M61 646.43
Roger L Parsons M66 8.87
Marianne E Porter F35 280.34
David Quiggin M69 185.14
Raul Reis M49 74.02
Debra Robenhymer F44 507.90
Susan Scharr F43 259.97
Karl Shires M52 370.51
Samir Tobar M24 415.09
Don Tsang M38 150.27
Steve Vosilla M60 355.49
Jaime T Yordan-Frau M49 56.52
Club GRSC (Gulliver Swim Club) (5 Swimmers, 1,436.73 Total Miles, 287.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lillian M Alvarado F54 2.24
Adrian Legaspi M61 5.24
Kelly A Legaspi F42 510.76
Mitch McInnis M52 339.07
Ricardo J Valdivia M49 579.42
Club HAT (Heritage Aquatic Team) (1 Swimmers, 114.96 Total Miles, 114.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lohna M Erickson F54 114.96
Club MWA (Midtown Weston Aquatics) (1 Swimmers, 15.11 Total Miles, 15.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Romulo E Vallejo M50 15.11
Club NCMJ (North County Masters of Jupiter) (7 Swimmers, 643.42 Total Miles, 91.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rebecca Brinich F47 43.84
Patrick Cannan M73 225.35
Matt Handel M52 71.77
Deborah Leslie F61 14.63
Nancy Munro F55 272.57
Dana M Rymarz F42 10.39
Sylvia L Wenger F51 4.87
Club PLAN (Plantation Swim Team Masters) (1 Swimmers, 305.57 Total Miles, 305.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Fernando Abad M49 305.57
Club SFTL (Swim Fort Lauderdale) (19 Swimmers, 3,407.32 Total Miles, 179.33 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Laura Ackermann F38 6.09
Sarah L Bennett F50 365.95
Gwen D Benoit F34 8.20
Sherie Berk F60 270.15
Ana M Carbonell F52 277.35
Dale R Cox M55 18.09
Lisa R Cox F52 33.15
Dina Elnecave Rubin F40 68.20
Marci A Grady F55 220.51
David Gralnik M42 147.49
Cynthia P Henley F55 511.45
Megan M Lassen F43 382.43
Anita M Mitchell F63 87.80
Daniela Rosenblat F38 309.95
Kathleen J Stutz F31 128.98
Eduard Tiozzo M40 86.57
Mark J Tumolo M50 0.81
Linda Webb F68 396.37
Kennon B Williams M32 87.77
Club SOFL (South Florida Aquatic Club) (3 Swimmers, 942.64 Total Miles, 314.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Megan C Garland F27 200.28
Miles Malmborg M53 431.09
Terri D Rivera F54 311.27
Club SUNM () (2 Swimmers, 1,112.54 Total Miles, 556.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tommie A Cuticchia M30 560.09
Heidi R Hester F33 552.45
Club TEDA (Team Davie) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alejandro Arbelaez M37 0.00
Club UC50 () (8 Swimmers, 1,173.70 Total Miles, 146.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Luiz Andrade M43 825.59
Karen Bain F75 1.56
Camilo Bernal M55 132.10
Glauco Frizzera M49 152.93
Terrence Moons M55 51.02
Joshua R Powell M35 0.00
Heather M Ross F37 10.50
Ari S Weinstein M32 0.00
Club WOW (Wahoos of Wellington Masters) (6 Swimmers, 205.42 Total Miles, 34.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Arthemise B Baldwin F63 1.24
Patti Collins F51 29.52
Adam Furlong M26 131.98
Alicia Geth F46 13.05
Michelle Nelson F41 8.13
Dan Wheeler M48 21.50
Georgia LMSC (90 Swimmers, 22,586.43 Total Miles, 250.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ART (Atlanta Rainbow Trout) (1 Swimmers, 69.80 Total Miles, 69.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andrea M Timpeiro F47 69.80
Club AWJ (Atlanta Water Jocks) (9 Swimmers, 3,261.03 Total Miles, 362.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lynn Beach F57 371.54
Nicole S Carlson F44 100.73
David G Eng M55 1,000.32
Kevin T Heineman M47 365.23
Andrew S Lambert M28 20.88
Loukia Lili F32 3.98
Heidi Natkin F39 608.30
Britta O'Leary F29 289.55
Ashley Parcells F23 500.50
Club FMAC (Frances Meadows Aquatic Center) (1 Swimmers, 8.17 Total Miles, 8.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Meghan L Hill F30 8.17
Club GAJA (Georgia Masters) (62 Swimmers, 17,144.03 Total Miles, 276.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer Almand F55 265.80
Kristin A Aziz F48 420.15
Roger O Beardmore M62 330.63
Melissa N Bofto F24 7.19
Wynne Bolton F34 166.00
John W Bowers M44 123.32
Kari L Bradley F41 311.77
James T Breen M52 233.61
Linda M Burkhead F60 314.14
Melinda S Camus F38 422.03
Gayla F Chalmers F48 210.00
Marcela Chavez F35 274.02
Herb Chuven M74 24.20
Tracy Collett F43 158.79
Jessica N Cooper F26 68.58
Rob Copeland M57 451.29
Marianne Countryman F49 850.03
Kathy Crawford F64 122.06
Carol E Cunningham F56 11.48
Linda J Demma F37 259.82
Bill Dudley M69 144.21
Sara M Edwards F36 30.87
Chris C Greene M51 1,184.10
Ashley Grindlay F29 171.13
Malena B Hankins F40 504.82
Paul H Harwart M56 306.24
Donna L Hooe F51 554.98
Robin Hoy F57 108.61
David R Jacobson M54 411.72
Cathy W Jones F42 308.53
Andy Klenzak M47 438.03
Elaine Krugman F51 434.83
Bill Lotz M64 463.07
Condit Lotz F65 366.16
Randy Marchman M49 393.52
Bradley T Martin M28 265.33
Karen A Materne F51 172.82
Beth O McGee F51 14.01
Doug Michalke M60 57.18
Jennifer Morris-Scott F42 225.14
Daniel P Murray M55 115.63
Craig W Page M31 533.00
Jeff A Palm M42 49.92
Kari J Pederson F30 513.75
Andrew M Perry M45 190.00
Laurli M Pleiman F24 1.53
Mark L Rogers M48 423.88
Thomas B Sealey M53 224.08
Joseph R Sebestyen M41 181.82
Linda J Shaffer F52 0.00
Mike Slotnick M57 475.77
Beth Sutton F58 231.50
Owen Sweitzer M24 29.49
Ann H Sykes F59 434.73
Alexis Underwood F30 182.61
Philippe M Vandorme M62 1.40
Michelle L Walcher F29 109.94
Lisa L Watson F59 461.54
Kelly O Weselman F43 317.57
Ward Wight M68 23.15
Brian Yetter M50 191.35
John V Zeigler M68 871.16
Club LINS (Marlins Masters) (1 Swimmers, 109.63 Total Miles, 109.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David E Dingess M51 109.63
Club RAY (Stingrays Masters Swimming) (4 Swimmers, 244.01 Total Miles, 61.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David M Campbell M46 8.80
Stacy L Fox F50 90.06
Lisa D Marsh F46 50.45
Tracey L Pitts F51 94.70
Club UC45 () (12 Swimmers, 1,749.76 Total Miles, 145.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mark W Clayton M55 9.52
Lex Dempster M36 1.07
Andy Eberheart M40 133.85
John I Gabilondo M59 136.14
Eugenio P Galiano M47 600.96
James L Goforth M48 129.62
Deb Hanson F43 154.12
Lonny Martin M58 199.29
Jonathan K Montague M44 106.92
Denise E Myers F52 32.72
Thomas J Rentschler M59 225.87
Jane Sutter F51 19.69
North Carolina LMSC (131 Swimmers, 23,761.56 Total Miles, 181.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club NCMS (North Carolina Masters Swimming) (123 Swimmers, 22,697.00 Total Miles, 184.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert D Adams M53 74.48
Amanda S Allen F34 14.98
Tom Allen M44 365.26
Craig Anderson M64 126.34
Alan T Arnholt M50 141.71
Adam S Asch M60 200.03
Teresa S Avery F33 34.88
Vladimir Banas M44 301.99
Robin Batchelor F56 507.02
Michael P Beachler M62 376.79
Thomas Beck M49 370.20
Richard S Bober M62 504.15
Erin Bolduc F34 426.51
Tim Braam M51 292.67
Bob F Brown M70 204.18
Terri Buchanan F45 100.55
Eugenia B Burrell F55 108.63
Diane Byers F64 183.05
Jane M Bynon F46 113.98
Gregory B Cook M51 379.94
Stan Cox M58 506.96
Hale Croom M52 88.81
Sheryl L Cuppy F48 30.88
John M Czarnowski M42 36.48
Melanie J Dagenhart F33 32.05
Scott J Dallamura M35 89.12
Robert J DeLuca M55 1.70
Bruce N Diel M65 369.42
Mark Doyle M54 300.07
Elizabeth Elco F24 11.84
Will Eustis M38 40.67
Pamela L Fortney F51 118.07
Anthony J Frank M46 127.56
Jack Gibson M60 276.77
Ernie Glass M64 378.72
Margaret T Godwin F65 202.24
Brian H Goldman M49 265.35
William J Gothard M57 165.15
James M Green M69 881.54
Shawn E Greer F44 114.51
Lisa Haidt F43 64.89
Larry S Hartley M53 763.79
Kara L Hefner F42 119.84
Angela Henry F44 104.31
Mary Anna Hovey F70 223.07
Bob Husson M68 227.51
John Y Jackson M71 146.89
Robert L Johnson M32 131.81
Milt Jones M48 164.06
Rebecca L Jones F45 347.68
Steven D Kelley M62 204.60
Susy A Kim F44 87.48
Karen L Kitzmiller F41 171.90
Camille A Klotz F68 275.81
Jennifer Larson F36 1.14
Carlos A Lerzundy M31 26.81
Carlton R Lewis M46 94.86
Jacquelyne L Lewis F44 66.29
Olivia P Linkel F37 251.29
Sharon L Long F43 294.16
Rita Maynard F62 120.16
Sean Maynard M22 219.65
Christine M McAlarney F48 276.21
Frank P McGrath M77 172.84
Deborah R Meckler F49 0.75
Rebecca S Medearis F60 235.74
Bill Miller M56 180.68
Steven E Moore M41 208.56
Karen Moorman F62 131.62
Jan Elisa Mosca F63 127.25
Davis M Murphy M27 53.01
Cheryl A Murray F61 615.48
Stephanie A Nelson F42 175.00
Laura B Nicholson F31 33.13
Trey O'Neale M46 401.12
Andrea H Packard F39 246.05
Glenn B Paige M49 106.11
Donna Parsons F63 80.80
(Earl R) Bob Payne M63 10.35
Jennifer K Perrottet F33 556.06
Sue Perryman F69 302.10
Traci D Poole F36 6.31
Nicole M Popovich F39 59.77
Deb Pritchard F48 500.05
Jane I Rice F68 4.09
Hailey M Robins F44 11.29
Todd R Rogers M51 4.91
Mark S Rubacky M44 256.35
Mark A Savoldi M47 186.24
Kirstie S Scheib F44 1.19
Nancy V Seay F54 67.41
Steven J Shotts M43 301.55
Cathy M Singletary F56 138.04
Henry P Singletary M52 331.73
Steven D Slott M31 36.53
Olivia Snyder F22 100.78
Margie J Springer F52 4.20
Dani Stein F26 21.99
Ricky Stevens M58 126.05
Marian B Story F51 25.14
Jason Sturgis M41 170.03
Billy Su M39 113.70
Davis H Swaim M50 182.77
Kenneth D Sweigart M62 308.99
Leah C Swisher F28 50.05
Phyllis Tsang F31 0.00
Alicia K Uhl F36 501.94
Greta Van Meeteren F66 366.25
Hans P Van Meeteren M69 277.36
Linda L Walden F53 54.43
Patricia H Waldron F51 0.00
Teri A Walker F40 26.34
David M Wang M42 260.51
Jeff Weller M53 329.22
Heather West F51 0.57
Heidi Williams F44 330.51
Matt Willis M38 92.53
Debbie R Wilson F59 13.13
Wayne D Wilson M49 11.43
Jamina C Winston F30 4.62
Julie Winters F51 300.08
Kevin Woody M50 190.62
Tammy L Yates F32 42.17
Club UC13 () (8 Swimmers, 1,064.56 Total Miles, 133.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robin Coxe F58 155.70
Christy M Gunnet F40 70.70
Matthew J Gunnet M38 108.13
Katy L Kazel F42 199.90
Vance C Kramer M57 43.86
Alayna Levie F26 250.23
Kelly Levie F26 233.77
Taylor Phillips M53 2.27
South Carolina LMSC (52 Swimmers, 11,714.22 Total Miles, 225.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BLF (Bluffton Masters Fins) (1 Swimmers, 6.59 Total Miles, 6.59 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Edward Jerger M91 6.59
Club BMST (Beaufort Masters Swim Team) (3 Swimmers, 391.92 Total Miles, 130.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Barbara M Eisele F83 206.95
Mary Eklund F49 179.20
Jane Y Frederick F54 5.77
Club CAT (Clemson Aquatic Team) (2 Swimmers, 41.50 Total Miles, 20.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Angelina Oberdan F27 33.24
Adam Tepe M33 8.26
Club COLM (Columbia Masters) (2 Swimmers, 803.62 Total Miles, 401.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gary E Bell M67 551.92
Charlie Brown M53 251.70
Club GS (Greenville Splash YMCA Masters) (4 Swimmers, 564.11 Total Miles, 141.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nick S Elliott M36 132.83
Larry Gamble M58 4.72
Henry K Kneece M30 159.80
Cheryl M Reinke F49 266.77
Club GSMS (Grand Strand Masters Swimming) (10 Swimmers, 2,460.83 Total Miles, 246.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Juliet M Casper F46 155.24
Mike Casper M71 422.27
Judy A Childers F59 222.19
Steve R Dalpiaz M47 266.78
Maria L Elias-Williams F49 60.45
Karen K Fuss F47 239.47
Tom Maguire M70 283.69
Joan K Preller F65 153.64
Joel Schmaltz M43 356.78
Sam Wathen M60 300.32
Club HHAC (Hilton Head Aquatic Club) (6 Swimmers, 2,354.09 Total Miles, 392.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jessica Andrzejewski F33 60.26
Rosita Delia F55 104.40
Joseph F Green M49 500.35
Chris Maldonado M43 503.19
DJ Murray F83 653.75
Rick Williams M53 532.13
Club PALM (Palmetto Masters) (3 Swimmers, 913.17 Total Miles, 304.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J Malik M32 567.27
Patrick Mauldin M50 2.17
Lindsay Shuler F29 343.73
Club SMRT (Southern Marlins Racing Team) (3 Swimmers, 1,046.84 Total Miles, 348.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andrew C O'Laughlin M30 239.86
Jessica N Robinson F35 6.46
Anna Tommerdahl F26 800.52
Club SWYS (Sea Wolves YMCA Masters) (1 Swimmers, 115.71 Total Miles, 115.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nicole M Smith F31 115.71
Club TGM (Team Greenville Masters) (1 Swimmers, 102.53 Total Miles, 102.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary Beth Carlson F26 102.53
Club UC55 () (12 Swimmers, 1,658.17 Total Miles, 138.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Heather L Bowling F46 74.15
Kim M Cotton F52 50.72
Mike Dougherty M37 56.67
Elizabeth A Evans F56 7.51
Bubba Gillis M50 38.92
Melinda J Menzer F44 460.62
Victoria J Montgomery F53 587.45
John M Pittman M56 117.27
Amanda T Proffitt F33 50.58
Dwayne L Schalles M48 1.86
Rhea L Spratt F49 124.41
Mark A Stone M57 88.01
Club WAMT () (4 Swimmers, 1,255.14 Total Miles, 313.78 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Leah A Aragon F50 40.57
Barbara A Barber F61 349.80
Shelley Rubert F42 181.20
Rebecca Weber F51 683.57
Southeastern LMSC (90 Swimmers, 19,382.61 Total Miles, 215.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AMS (Auburn Master Swimmers) (5 Swimmers, 993.38 Total Miles, 198.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
William S Boldt M53 0.00
Jeffrey M Hemmes M42 523.32
James R Mc Donald M64 136.01
Frances L Roark F67 291.79
Matthew Stuckwisch M28 42.27
Club BFY (Bristol Family YMCA) (1 Swimmers, 314.80 Total Miles, 314.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Janine Myatt F46 314.80
Club BSCM () (2 Swimmers, 292.00 Total Miles, 146.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Detra R Cleven F45 0.00
Stacey Upton-Bracey F52 292.00
Club BSLM (Birmingham Swim League) (2 Swimmers, 135.52 Total Miles, 67.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
William Massey M58 122.40
Mary Jo Schmalz F47 13.13
Club CAMS (Central Alabama Master Swimmers) (1 Swimmers, 16.08 Total Miles, 16.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ray E Williams M49 16.08
Club CTMS (Crimson Tide Masters Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 34.35 Total Miles, 17.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christopher Armbrester M25 4.09
Stephanie L Lawton F22 30.26
Club EXCL (Excel Aquatics Masters) (4 Swimmers, 1,313.92 Total Miles, 328.48 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pearl B Cox F64 256.82
Sarah Sarbacker F34 156.45
Meaghan D Suhich F24 519.83
Allison R Ware F33 380.83
Club GCPS (Gulf Coast Pirate Swimmers) (6 Swimmers, 1,414.72 Total Miles, 235.79 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bryan Baars M59 225.06
Katherine B Clarke F69 229.17
Nan DeStafney F56 3.64
Bill Evans M63 524.34
Paul Kellum M69 219.63
Sally W Menk F75 212.87
Club GKMS (Greater Knoxville Masters) (1 Swimmers, 1,338.07 Total Miles, 1,338.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Eric Mulkey M58 1,338.07
Club HUNT (Huntsville Swim Assoc) (6 Swimmers, 1,192.92 Total Miles, 198.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cheryl I Barnes F60 169.63
Jim Bostick M57 65.97
Patrick V Hull M39 25.37
Carol A Munster F53 509.42
Shane R O'Neill M41 389.39
Joseph A Olson M54 33.14
Club KARP () (1 Swimmers, 109.00 Total Miles, 109.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Justin A Mann M40 109.00
Club LPM (Lake Providence Masters) (2 Swimmers, 8.89 Total Miles, 4.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Deborah J Higdon F61 7.44
Ron Williams M65 1.45
Club LTSE () (1 Swimmers, 286.56 Total Miles, 286.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J Fahy M57 286.56
Club MATT (Madison Titans) (4 Swimmers, 2,820.09 Total Miles, 705.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David D Berry M53 646.97
David W Cochran M56 619.78
Peter McCoy M44 833.67
David Milburn M52 719.67
Club MCMS (Music City Masters) (1 Swimmers, 627.24 Total Miles, 627.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Valerie L Evans F51 627.24
Club META (Ensworth Tiger Aquatics Masters) (2 Swimmers, 539.58 Total Miles, 269.79 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dee Davis F47 134.74
Heather Rietz F45 404.83
Club MTMS (Middle Tennessee U Masters Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 324.53 Total Miles, 162.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
LeeAnne Quattropani F34 15.00
Billie C Richardson F42 309.53
Club MTSC (Middle TN Masters Swim Club) (6 Swimmers, 485.61 Total Miles, 80.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marisa D Gordon F36 13.38
Amber M Harper F35 30.80
Andreea Ianoli F40 189.57
Roger Lancina M72 208.21
Craig E Lodge M39 23.03
Emily B Moore F46 20.63
Club NASH (Nashville Aquatic Club Masters) (3 Swimmers, 834.73 Total Miles, 278.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
George A Jackson M26 185.57
Helen Naylor F44 510.65
Jennifer R Ryan F43 138.52
Club NAVY (Navy Masters) (1 Swimmers, 292.10 Total Miles, 292.10 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carol Farrington F61 292.10
Club NWFM (YMCA of Northwest Florida Masters) (1 Swimmers, 0.31 Total Miles, 0.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Hannah M Archer F27 0.31
Club PCST (Panama City Swim Team) (5 Swimmers, 599.55 Total Miles, 119.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sue Cottrill F51 127.43
Allison D Lewis F30 324.48
Nathalia Madrid F29 0.00
Jim Meadows M52 79.24
Amanda K Weber F35 68.39
Club RATS (Chattanooga River Rats) (1 Swimmers, 27.41 Total Miles, 27.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael T Tallent M39 27.41
Club SPAW (Southpaw Masters) (2 Swimmers, 360.91 Total Miles, 180.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kathy Wheeler F56 103.24
Ellen Wilson F36 257.67
Club SSMS (Shoals Sharks Masters) (1 Swimmers, 169.35 Total Miles, 169.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Don Anderson M48 169.35
Club UC15 () (25 Swimmers, 4,593.70 Total Miles, 183.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lyn B Cain F53 0.75
Lynn Cartee F66 184.40
Rachel J Cobia F45 118.10
Erin J Dawe F40 0.28
Kay Dugan F62 66.00
Kent Emerson M46 19.39
Toby Hanna M50 23.13
Elizabeth A Helton F29 71.82
Daniel W Johnson M53 12.22
Kayla D Kmet F25 9.38
Lori B Long F54 188.27
Becky L Marion F61 13.13
Greg Marion M50 500.48
Sabina Martinez F29 385.50
Samuel McNair M51 404.07
Merle D Musser M61 229.98
Utley Noble M50 842.55
Cassie Parks F25 506.02
Christopher Rawson M27 0.00
David K Rosenthal M50 202.37
Nicholas E Sella M54 431.41
William J Vanderwilt M63 149.15
Jacob Vaughn M39 171.42
Michele Weir F46 4.21
Jon E Zetterberg M52 59.69
Club YCHA (YMCA Chattanooga Masters Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 257.29 Total Miles, 128.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Noel Reagan F31 100.10
Chirag D Tolia M29 157.19
Southern LMSC (23 Swimmers, 3,064.37 Total Miles, 133.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CMAQ (Catfish Masters Aquatics) (1 Swimmers, 57.35 Total Miles, 57.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Virginia Lee Cora F74 57.35
Club FINM (Franco's Fins Masters) (1 Swimmers, 5.09 Total Miles, 5.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gary T Schoen M55 5.09
Club LSAM (Louisiana STORM Aquatics) (1 Swimmers, 0.40 Total Miles, 0.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jenifer Knight F42 0.40
Club RTM (Riptide Masters) (1 Swimmers, 67.47 Total Miles, 67.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael E White F31 67.47
Club SMS (Southern Masters Swimmers) (11 Swimmers, 2,689.14 Total Miles, 244.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carlie Duhon Bumgardner F28 201.04
Doug Kopp M64 572.77
Fay V Lachney F52 292.35
Kendra L Oehlerich F31 252.99
Greg L Palmer M63 244.54
Mahlon P Poche M49 351.07
Diane R Sabatier F57 547.87
Stephanie Santini F54 189.84
Diana K Strebel F51 5.23
Heather D Wilson F20 31.46
Trey J Woodward M24 0.00
Club SOSM (SWLA Shockwaves of Swimsational Masters) (1 Swimmers, 20.38 Total Miles, 20.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tiffany J Carroll F34 20.38
Club TAQ (Tiger Aquatics) (2 Swimmers, 76.55 Total Miles, 38.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christine Lawson F20 76.55
Shana L Norwood F37 0.00
Club UC24 () (5 Swimmers, 147.99 Total Miles, 29.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Angela M Caufield F28 0.00
Paul Cunningham M40 72.52
Michael S Hunley M46 12.71
Shelby Lambert M44 31.19
Hoyt Self M40 31.57
Great Lakes Zone (607 Swimmers, 108,723.32 Total Miles, 179.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Allegheny Mountain LMSC (33 Swimmers, 7,578.89 Total Miles, 229.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ALMT (Allegheny Masters Team) (2 Swimmers, 2,253.75 Total Miles, 1,126.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John Kuzmkowski M59 2,215.63
Susan Pallant F58 38.13
Club CHAR (Chartiers Valley Swim Club Inc) (8 Swimmers, 1,275.70 Total Miles, 159.46 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy F Caves F53 450.94
Tara D'Agaro F38 345.60
Aimee Gelston F42 45.95
Lisa D Kessel F51 120.36
Ken McFerron M38 15.74
Melanie M Miller F42 32.50
Paula C Nettleship F46 221.79
Kathleen A Spray F45 42.84
Club MLAC () (1 Swimmers, 144.06 Total Miles, 144.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick R Malone M36 144.06
Club PTMS (PT Masters) (3 Swimmers, 670.16 Total Miles, 223.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mark Cox M45 389.85
David Keith M41 23.83
Jennifer R Petyk F42 256.48
Club TPIT (Team Pittsburgh Masters) (9 Swimmers, 1,635.35 Total Miles, 181.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary Cerrone F49 320.39
James R Jensen M52 327.78
Jordan F Karp M43 23.10
Paul R Klepchick M38 258.95
Lora L Merritt F37 4.72
Nancy M Ott F48 238.76
Beth A Shutt F34 402.19
Jason P Wiegand M38 29.35
Jolene Zywica F32 30.12
Club UC11 () (8 Swimmers, 1,249.68 Total Miles, 156.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jamie M Brandon F34 50.03
Jim Kellam M39 118.31
Dan Ledford M44 77.67
Hongmei Liang F43 34.55
Kerry R McGee F40 22.74
Mary Anne Savage F53 677.62
Barbara A Simanek F62 268.76
Jeanine Timon F44 0.00
Club WHAM (Woodland Hills Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 350.19 Total Miles, 175.10 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Scott N Graham M56 250.09
David Newman M43 100.11
Illinois LMSC (185 Swimmers, 28,528.43 Total Miles, 154.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ABM (Academy Bullets Masters) (1 Swimmers, 25.97 Total Miles, 25.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nadia L Simek F23 25.97
Club CHGO (Chicago Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 23.96 Total Miles, 23.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mark T Campbell M35 23.96
Club DANY (Danville Y Silver Dolphins) (11 Swimmers, 919.01 Total Miles, 83.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J Bucher M38 211.91
MaryEllen Bunton F42 1.14
Kimberly Cessna F43 100.68
Nadine K Day F43 56.78
Jana L Drennan F52 11.88
Heidi N Furry F39 64.62
Leanne Kelley F51 156.99
Mo D Keyser F54 4.29
Anna E Reik F28 45.67
Ed Zimmerman M52 213.18
Julie L Zimmerman F44 51.87
Club DSC (Decatur Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 13.58 Total Miles, 13.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cindy M Staudenmaier F46 13.58
Club ELG (Elgin Blue Wave Swim Team) (9 Swimmers, 1,737.26 Total Miles, 193.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Paul P Brown M62 104.83
Jaime D Garcia M65 81.65
Chris J Manheim M59 185.11
Edward T Marsh M48 0.00
Frank Matherson M59 250.70
Oz Osborne M67 243.52
Lex Pegues M53 351.57
Jim Roscher M50 514.89
Gaofeng Zhu M44 4.99
Club GLTR (Galter Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 269.93 Total Miles, 89.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Terrie Albano F51 220.87
Jacqueline E Kish F30 43.83
Sara A Williams F39 5.23
Club IM (Illinois Masters) (107 Swimmers, 17,860.69 Total Miles, 166.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael L Abegg M48 79.95
Gregory W Armand M50 114.29
Peggy Armand F50 157.49
Andrea Auer F40 67.67
James A Balcer M35 108.58
Susan Berris F53 55.06
Nancy L Blomquist F62 504.72
Mark G Booth M54 452.18
Carol Bossert-Hartman F53 366.18
Katie A Braun F28 107.68
Tom Carpenter M60 8.05
Amanda H Castle F38 194.76
Elaine Chapa F55 269.71
Sara Chazin F30 0.88
Inge Clark F43 143.39
Thomas J Cummins M53 301.02
Ruta Daugavietis F55 100.20
Kobus De Villiers M45 72.58
Dorothy R Debolt F52 180.80
Jane B Del Greco F57 93.41
Barbara T Dougan F57 1.14
Steven E Dueball M59 199.25
Stephanie Dumire F31 55.10
Jennifer L Egan F46 120.71
Tricia Ellison F37 26.19
Margaret Ellwood F50 127.02
David B Field M64 4.18
Kathryn Froehlich F51 751.04
Karen H Garrow F49 176.18
David M Garza M46 242.85
Karen Geist F36 18.21
Jean S Geller F64 202.45
Bob Genis M46 256.54
Ruth Giles-Ott F45 35.15
Kathryn Glass F29 117.37
Nicole E Goers F33 64.66
Amy Goodwin F32 95.21
Debbie A Gortowski F57 501.22
Dirk Happ M58 185.83
John A Hobson M59 501.25
Heather A Howland F33 204.16
Paul J Hulseman M53 318.80
Amanda Hunt F44 189.78
Dave Hyland M37 128.82
Timothy J Jenkins M52 428.68
John B Jones M40 164.71
Greg Kahwaji M44 250.16
Josh Kercheval M32 478.41
Sheryl W Kern F49 15.45
Ryan R Kirby M20 76.41
Michael F Kozlowski M63 258.30
Cassidy Kuhlmann F30 3.98
Marilyn Kulak F57 100.35
Lynne Lasser F51 343.09
Fred O Lehman M83 251.02
Bradley H Leibov M40 0.00
Ines Lein F45 179.78
John Leonard M33 360.48
Kay M Less F59 45.92
Anthony H Lewandowski M52 84.40
Dana Litoff F29 41.66
Douglas Little M52 215.37
Donna R Maday F52 1.14
Steve Marfise M52 20.68
John A Martin M58 8.98
Douglas P Mc Connell M56 64.77
Rick H Meldahl M68 0.00
Jacqueline M Mesec F47 20.68
Jay Miller M53 227.19
Skip Montanaro M60 86.60
Margaret J Mullen F58 1.56
Kenneth E Nelson M50 0.00
Alice M Novotny F55 324.13
Marjorie Pannell F63 120.99
Patrice Perez F59 18.27
David V Pham M46 2.11
Tim Pollowy M45 330.39
Rachel L Pruess F32 0.00
Mary Quinn F41 226.46
Pete Raines M63 0.00
Frandolf T Reyes M40 54.15
Matthew J Roob M50 274.74
Lynn R Roose F49 231.03
Bernice Ruo F40 376.41
Janis M Rusin F48 31.43
Jon C Rysdon M62 170.91
Alec Sandy M49 53.72
Carleton S Saxton M44 354.73
Susan Scanlan F49 303.22
Mark D Schark M52 141.09
Deborah A Schaub F63 295.46
John C Schoser M48 402.67
Andreas K Seibt M55 824.46
Steven H Shapiro M55 100.10
Christopher T Sheean M47 300.05
David E Sims M51 34.20
Patricia Stevens F56 51.14
Craig Stimpert M49 326.62
Timothy Strudeman M49 86.36
Greg Taylor M42 43.64
Jason W Thayer M42 6.79
Brian P Travers M31 86.43
Paul H Tzur M35 269.98
Val Velasquez F25 5.03
Geralynn M Walsh F52 0.00
Sean Ware M43 310.95
Adam S Yore M34 71.53
Club JPD (Joliet Park District Blue Tides) (4 Swimmers, 448.96 Total Miles, 112.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John W Hackett M63 136.21
Molly Hoover F37 120.45
David Stroh M47 86.79
Julianne M Van Eck F43 105.51
Club LIB (Libertyville Masters) (8 Swimmers, 1,946.38 Total Miles, 243.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kathy S Bedward F47 257.67
Michael D Bergquist M57 259.11
Brian Clark M43 41.39
Ann K Keil F58 195.51
Todd A Keil M58 716.88
Sandra Moenssens F48 0.00
Michael E Reed M58 301.27
Jim Rowland M53 174.55
Club LSLP () (2 Swimmers, 581.35 Total Miles, 290.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Emily M Dangremond F27 168.39
Lee Francis M52 412.97
Club LTIL (LifeTime Illinois) (1 Swimmers, 9.29 Total Miles, 9.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sarah Perkins F29 9.29
Club MGM (Mt Greenwood Masters Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 46.04 Total Miles, 46.04 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Natalie A Oskvarek F27 46.04
Club PSCR () (5 Swimmers, 1,173.49 Total Miles, 234.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jana Brady F35 150.03
Sarah Cann F29 125.02
Terrence J Egan M47 18.22
Sheryl S Preiss F62 128.30
Paula K Reiter F51 751.93
Club UC21 () (30 Swimmers, 3,280.87 Total Miles, 109.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Neal S Anderson M31 133.24
Geoffrey Armstrong M29 13.04
Elizabeth Barbosa F25 440.97
Amanda K Barnard F31 40.00
Michele J Boersma F31 41.53
Kristi L Brewer F32 51.16
Angela Bryant F41 2.88
Julie Campbell F53 83.44
Hilary Clark F46 100.28
John Copeland M32 310.34
Susan Czechowski F41 179.23
Mary T Gawrys F58 7.44
Christopher Heppner M45 186.87
Jennifer A Johnson F39 350.38
Sean O Kelly M37 15.28
Jessica T Lauzon F20 10.49
Elizabeth Lockwood F51 169.59
Evelyn McGowan F54 105.01
Mike McGowan M61 141.20
Roger Metzger M75 17.05
George A Miller M39 176.00
Michelle D Milne F46 169.22
Sharon E Moritz F54 0.00
Wally Morse M66 57.29
Tom Quirk M45 87.54
Kyle L Reynolds M26 3.58
Sean Russell M42 113.70
Kathleen M Stark F40 12.57
Jack Walser M40 68.65
Joseph N Webb M57 192.86
Club XSWM (Swimming With Illinois Masters) (1 Swimmers, 191.66 Total Miles, 191.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ann Gramke F50 191.66
Indiana LMSC (112 Swimmers, 20,428.51 Total Miles, 182.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club COLE (Cole YMCA Masters) (2 Swimmers, 405.28 Total Miles, 202.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Haley M Arnold F24 33.01
Steve M Conover M64 372.27
Club CSC (Carmel Swim Club Masters) (4 Swimmers, 851.08 Total Miles, 212.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer R Joyce F50 10.61
Anthony F Lucas M42 288.76
Lucie R Mays-Sulewski F43 300.29
Patti L Vollmer F52 251.42
Club CSI (Cardinal Swimming Indiana) (1 Swimmers, 127.01 Total Miles, 127.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeffrey A Heavilon M58 127.01
Club DLMA (Duneland Masters) (3 Swimmers, 426.84 Total Miles, 142.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dan Biegel M55 116.58
Salvador Mujica M54 242.34
Rachel J Rivera F35 67.91
Club DOC (DOC IU Masters Swimming) (7 Swimmers, 1,012.66 Total Miles, 144.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick Beemer M38 45.27
George Bookwalter M36 400.27
Meredith Gerber F59 67.43
Lindsey G Hansen F30 103.71
Rebecca B Mankowski F41 16.27
Steve L Mehay M45 366.48
Kerry Thomson F40 13.24
Club FSAM (Southeastern Area Masters Swimming) (3 Swimmers, 536.48 Total Miles, 178.83 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cindy Bennett F51 265.06
Brian Kertin M47 114.60
Abby Witt F31 156.82
Club GRIN (GReater INdiana) (7 Swimmers, 573.55 Total Miles, 81.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Wilmer Blanchard M45 48.57
Keith M Brownewell M50 42.10
Adam J Frantz M33 0.00
Susan C Kerr F58 67.84
Bruce A McAfee M58 213.55
Eric S Tyler M53 0.40
Michael B Wilson M51 201.10
Club HPX (Westview Healthplex) (1 Swimmers, 150.00 Total Miles, 150.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jim L Smock M44 150.00
Club INDY (Indy Aquatic Masters) (25 Swimmers, 4,610.84 Total Miles, 184.43 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kris Bowen F51 89.45
Megan M Carlson F29 23.24
Morgan E Davis F24 17.78
Sara Fauquher F35 198.21
Barbara M Friesth F49 107.28
Karen J Gernert F43 478.22
Cheryl M Gettelfinger F56 413.55
Michael A Gillogly M27 79.85
Matt Hamilton M36 91.09
John Hubbard M33 19.81
Vernon C Imhoff M54 0.00
Molly Jackson F31 50.41
Patrick R Kean M38 64.89
Renee Leslie F42 533.59
Linda L Marvin F40 353.26
Matt Mergy M32 176.51
Katherine Merkle F31 301.96
Judith A Mulder F49 218.13
Erin Murphy F30 0.00
Maria Ramirez F29 58.43
Dave A Thibodeau M48 22.75
Kristyn M Watts F24 99.38
Michael R Wright M51 666.19
Dmitry V Zaretsky M44 285.79
Kip R Zurcher M39 261.06
Club IRM (Irish Masters) (3 Swimmers, 591.72 Total Miles, 197.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sarah R Lukens F31 331.33
Sherry J Sill F53 250.96
Shawn K Titus M50 9.43
Club ISWM (iSWIM) (6 Swimmers, 1,751.21 Total Miles, 291.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Logan C Dawson M23 356.98
Celina Gomez F27 69.32
Jessica E Huber F43 87.46
Rachel A Sitarz F29 387.24
Elizabeth J Thomovsky F38 362.68
Julia H Verville F41 487.53
Club JYMF (Jordan YMCA MultiFit) (1 Swimmers, 205.31 Total Miles, 205.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Scott A Workman M50 205.31
Club LCMA () (1 Swimmers, 21.98 Total Miles, 21.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael S Carlson M45 21.98
Club LMS () (2 Swimmers, 1,034.28 Total Miles, 517.14 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patti Davies F31 255.70
Victoria L Rian F47 778.59
Club MMA (Munster Masters) (2 Swimmers, 666.70 Total Miles, 333.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sonia L Kunas F39 536.87
Catherine Sajn F30 129.83
Club NASM (Northridge Area Swimming Masters) (2 Swimmers, 55.14 Total Miles, 27.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David M Dyck M38 54.58
Charles R Grace M28 0.57
Club NAST (Noblesville Adult Swim Team) (11 Swimmers, 1,348.18 Total Miles, 122.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Timothy D Brown M48 176.69
Jeff J Franciski M41 106.89
Andy Frey M35 50.13
Linda A Imhoff F49 1.36
Joel A Lighty M39 4.91
Jeffrey M Maydak M40 182.97
Debbie Pfledderer F43 70.68
Brian J Reeves M51 30.52
Dennis Skowronski M41 210.58
Danielle R Swope F35 65.19
Robin Walker F58 448.25
Club SWIN (Southwest Indiana Masters) (5 Swimmers, 1,092.03 Total Miles, 218.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Guillermo Bez M41 573.76
Christopher D Eubank M50 0.71
Michael P Kern M47 199.85
Stephanie A Luke F48 35.23
John D Richardson M51 282.49
Club THT (Terre Haute Torpedoes Masters) (17 Swimmers, 3,591.43 Total Miles, 211.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John Bamman M47 102.97
Jerrilynn Bayless F51 523.08
David L Breiding M31 10.68
Carey M Christjansen F39 149.32
Danielle Deckard F44 259.43
Dwayne D Deckard M44 11.76
Scott Fish M42 61.45
Arthur E Foulkes M48 255.93
Audrey L Harbison F50 510.62
Tom Hintz M47 600.21
Joel Lauritzen M31 56.11
Jennifer A Lawrence F43 250.15
Anna E McDaniel F48 61.64
Gregory K Meier M49 165.29
Lisa A Phillips F45 530.08
Kristy A Rightley F43 3.98
Bradley W Stelflug M45 38.73
Club UC16 () (4 Swimmers, 951.66 Total Miles, 237.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michele Castillo F49 96.08
Rob Joyce M52 55.12
Michael A Qualls M47 300.01
Thomas D Swinehart M41 500.45
Club VALM (Valpo Masters) (1 Swimmers, 1.76 Total Miles, 1.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Angelina V Thompson F40 1.76
Club ZAM (Zionsville Aquatic Masters) (4 Swimmers, 423.37 Total Miles, 105.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shelly Achenbach F37 34.25
Lisa L Brown F51 328.84
Beth A Greeson F41 0.00
Anne C Harvey F27 60.28
Kentucky LMSC (38 Swimmers, 6,125.88 Total Miles, 161.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club SKY (Swim Kentucky Masters) (35 Swimmers, 5,868.23 Total Miles, 167.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Chad B Ashmore M31 222.64
Todd Bray M47 96.00
Susan Buchino F38 107.06
Mary C Curl F56 211.97
Robert C Holmes M51 365.66
Amanda F Horton F30 0.00
Peter V Hudson M55 3.73
Laura E Humphrey F39 271.93
Wanda Karia F59 31.39
Yvonne Keith F49 4.15
James M Keller M60 343.13
Charles J Koch M34 108.33
Janice Kregor F57 511.36
Breana L Lewis F37 250.68
Kristen M Lowry F53 208.23
Dan Mattingly M50 378.06
Gail C Murray F56 7.41
Jason Murray M38 225.76
Susan I Paris F67 9.66
Brad Parks M36 91.89
Chris Payne M57 263.64
Loretta Race F36 399.71
Lilly Rader F33 1.58
William F Ritter M53 302.89
CJ Rushman M42 213.14
Jerry G Scrogham M41 69.69
Jon Shastid M65 335.81
John T Shepherd M72 125.09
Deborah Snyder F42 4.23
Mike L Steilberg M54 56.12
Matthew Stone M29 152.95
Barbara A Streater F42 250.27
Cindy A Vaughan F50 0.00
Mimi H Ward F55 232.70
Andrea Wilson F43 11.36
Club UC41 () (3 Swimmers, 257.65 Total Miles, 85.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kelly L Gilmore F39 0.25
Jenni Hoff F37 256.38
Andrew Whitehead M31 1.02
Lake Erie LMSC (43 Swimmers, 7,853.49 Total Miles, 182.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CAQT (Cleveland Aquatic Team) (1 Swimmers, 261.57 Total Miles, 261.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristina Valentic F23 261.57
Club LND () (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael Hawe M27 0.00
Club LSSC (Lake Shore Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 550.11 Total Miles, 550.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary C Bartek F49 550.11
Club MEDM (Medina Masters Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 423.48 Total Miles, 211.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lindy Harvey F41 3.18
Reva J Keaton F43 420.29
Club O*H* (O*H*I*O Masters Swim Club) (21 Swimmers, 3,089.96 Total Miles, 147.14 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Desiree N Alvarado F25 53.21
Jennifer Banning F42 21.91
Chuck Beatty M54 437.16
Gloria C Britton F61 3.75
Chelsea P Diver F26 59.84
Linda M Heuman F54 156.42
Rhonda Y Johnson F50 50.13
Anne S Kaminski F61 67.47
Alan H Knobel M61 6.27
Melanie L Lemieux F31 100.09
Ann K Marshfield F55 340.08
Mark J Marshfield M55 135.19
Robert G McDonald M64 213.45
Flavia L Medlin F46 147.25
Darren A Messina M51 500.30
Gerald H Meyer M69 73.94
Michaela Munday F24 18.42
Julie A Sadar F34 282.10
Coralee C Skoch F29 187.09
Karen W Smith F52 80.72
Samantha Wakefield F31 155.18
Club SAMY (Sandusky Area Masters) (2 Swimmers, 905.08 Total Miles, 452.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karl H Kazmaier M58 359.77
David A Murphy M39 545.30
Club SHSH (Shaker Swimming) (5 Swimmers, 1,204.40 Total Miles, 240.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bill D Bretz M58 578.10
Jacqueline Matthews F50 14.77
Otfried N Niedermaier M55 250.18
Deborah L Peters F45 181.65
Paula C Rownd F52 179.68
Club SWST (SwimStrongsville) (2 Swimmers, 309.76 Total Miles, 154.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andrew G Grimm M53 253.05
Kate M Lanza F33 56.71
Club UC18 () (8 Swimmers, 1,109.13 Total Miles, 138.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Megan Y Boogaart F41 3.01
Kelly C Daily F24 2.49
Gary Lawrence M44 857.63
Elizabeth A Montague F60 19.88
Scott C Peters M46 0.00
Meri J Surdoval-Fetkovich F34 111.72
Jessica A Wright F31 39.43
Matt T Wright M32 74.97
Michigan LMSC (90 Swimmers, 17,924.49 Total Miles, 199.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club MICH (Michigan Masters) (87 Swimmers, 17,514.23 Total Miles, 201.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alexander M Aceino M22 501.10
Cherie D Adkins F45 443.98
Kristi M Alton F38 2.90
Mitzi C Amelon F50 190.23
Joe Aumiller M56 638.83
Jeff M Bailey M46 182.84
Patricia Bearup F59 281.39
Rebecca J Beebe F53 206.99
Michael A Bell M45 141.21
Jenny Birmelin F36 501.85
Brenda Bradley F51 147.06
Theresa Brandt F55 40.20
Mia Byrne F48 26.13
Bill Caldwell M48 200.03
Connie S Cantrell F42 47.50
Bonnie J Cervantes F45 44.69
Paul M Chadwick M56 229.09
Barbara E Church F61 292.75
Nancy R Clark F52 86.83
Brian Clayson M30 106.63
Jackie J Cohen F49 237.76
Rosemary Corey F51 69.37
Susan K Cover F51 0.85
Gabe Crowner M41 67.77
Rachel Cush F29 128.61
James Carl D'Amour M52 408.89
Maddie Diedo F55 474.07
Edward D Donnan M54 41.24
Steven R Erickson M56 302.93
Brian F Foust M64 222.81
Kari E Foust-Christensen F30 201.73
Kerry L Frame F47 421.00
Lori J Friesner F52 13.89
Tim M Funk M53 224.31
Ken Godin M60 460.82
Jude Grant F51 190.26
Lorraine Grix F57 284.46
Beth Handley F35 100.43
Kelsey L Hanko F23 5.80
Terri Hanson F52 97.39
Larry A Haynor M48 105.32
Steven Heaney M50 424.42
Nancy M Hnat F58 205.56
Lisa A Hypnar F59 213.93
Michele Intermont F46 644.47
Robert L Isbister M73 191.90
Judy A Jansen F63 138.96
Jim Jennings M44 251.59
Karen S Jung F54 30.47
Lisa B Katz F39 15.14
Todd A Kellerman M43 111.59
Sean P Kelly M40 11.59
Steven M Kineman M54 160.52
Karen Kreusel F36 0.00
Adam C LaRoche M20 54.74
Cherie Levi F49 85.58
Jennifer M Linn-Hartley F29 18.10
Cheryl J Machovec Dehn F38 18.10
Larry Marshall M62 132.07
Neal Martindale M55 14.46
Emmanuelle J Michel F47 256.77
Julie A Mohan F53 40.48
Nicki Moore F33 36.10
Bruce E Morey M56 444.43
Carol Morrissey F50 158.59
Ray L Novess M65 115.00
Karl Olson M49 212.90
Durai Palanivelu M49 0.00
Julie C Parrish F44 201.15
Paul V Pendred M56 117.34
Jim H Pogue M53 650.78
Jennifer A Pope F44 8.48
Nathan R Poppink M36 24.00
Susan E Roesch F55 62.15
Carolyn L Romzick F56 72.97
Karen C Rosinski F51 300.07
Elizabeth R Schmaltz F34 80.88
Carl R Schmidt M51 100.21
Peter K Shireman M55 506.50
Dick D Specht M60 348.66
Edward T Stickel M63 302.91
Richard A Szuba M65 272.80
Wendy Szymczak F55 164.08
Brenda T Taylor F58 1.64
Douglas W Templeton M59 515.85
Kitty Vanden Brulle F69 170.98
Harriet M Wall F71 1,253.37
Club MLAM () (1 Swimmers, 121.39 Total Miles, 121.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer A Parks F70 121.39
Club UC19 () (2 Swimmers, 288.88 Total Miles, 144.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Earnest C McMillion M46 232.78
Sabra G Shelton F29 56.09
Ohio LMSC (52 Swimmers, 8,695.34 Total Miles, 167.22 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ANBM (Anderson Barracuda Masters) (3 Swimmers, 165.37 Total Miles, 55.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ashley Brinkman F29 19.76
Jessica M Hughes-Skallos F25 144.87
Lisa Rushman F41 0.74
Club BGSU (BGSU Masters) (1 Swimmers, 207.93 Total Miles, 207.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Steven T Hammond M56 207.93
Club CSMT (Columbus Sharks Masters) (7 Swimmers, 788.04 Total Miles, 112.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sarah E Allen F26 105.74
Gregory Clark M30 110.95
Thomas E Gibson M50 122.90
Teri Miller F31 130.15
Ilene R Onieal F30 29.89
Chris K Paolini M50 268.41
Brandon J Sullivan M31 20.00
Club DAS (Dayton Area Sharks) (7 Swimmers, 974.71 Total Miles, 139.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Monica H Borchers F53 161.44
David M Hardwick M62 257.66
Jenifer R Noga F43 4.43
Heidi Polak F25 115.91
Caitlin Smart F24 50.55
Ginny Trimble F29 372.99
Beth Whitehead F41 11.73
Club NAM (New Albany Aquatics Club) (4 Swimmers, 1,005.14 Total Miles, 251.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Edward B Devennish M68 278.66
Justin R Goare M37 25.00
James L Purdie M61 543.50
Angela M Sedivy F51 157.98
Club SWOM (Southwest Ohio Masters) (10 Swimmers, 1,555.77 Total Miles, 155.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Megan M Connor F28 134.18
Annie E Ferguson F27 518.25
Ken Huber M34 257.06
Trina Ingole F43 118.44
April D Kerley F35 177.54
Timothy E Morehead M46 204.23
Ian M Nelson M39 3.73
Susan M Russell F63 0.34
Lisa A Stephens F46 2.05
Sayaka Yamagata F42 139.94
Club SYL (Sylvania Masters Swim Club) (6 Swimmers, 701.85 Total Miles, 116.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alan M Albert M57 475.73
Michelle L Flis F40 58.23
Richard Kramp M32 0.00
Chad J Perry M36 70.49
Shallon E Smith M36 30.56
Jennifer Vanderham F45 66.85
Club UAR (Up and Running Swim and Tri) (2 Swimmers, 348.43 Total Miles, 174.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anne M Frayne F59 341.84
Theresa L Tanksley F40 6.58
Club UC17 () (11 Swimmers, 2,944.24 Total Miles, 267.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Julie K Barth F45 5.41
Kip Bohachek M59 501.23
James P Dugan M50 766.78
Steven R Elliott M49 527.05
Susan L Elliott F51 2.17
Robert E Kowalski M61 320.28
Laura M Leventhal F56 408.81
Patrick R Maynard M59 63.10
David A Mielziner M48 23.64
Melissa J Smith F43 2.33
Jim Sorensen M42 323.46
Club WTRC () (1 Swimmers, 3.86 Total Miles, 3.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cole A Mckenzie M20 3.86
Wisconsin LMSC (54 Swimmers, 11,588.29 Total Miles, 214.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club WMAC (Wisconsin Masters Aquatic Club) (54 Swimmers, 11,588.29 Total Miles, 214.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Elizabeth L Baker F32 0.97
Kristen A Benetti F28 39.70
Erica K Bergstrom F26 310.06
Ann Berres-Olivotti F55 404.64
James B Biles M52 639.65
Lee Boeke Burke F64 48.09
David L Clark M56 702.16
Katey Collins F38 0.00
Scott Conley M43 417.47
Ashley A Cooper F25 51.95
James A Culp M56 302.93
Daniel L DeWeerdt M46 186.21
Shelly R Deyo F41 123.70
Wayne Duprey M54 1.05
Linda Fitzgerald F43 155.17
Karen A Frittitta F49 50.70
Angela M Hansen F42 145.29
Mark A Hartmann M47 600.77
Germaine L Havel F65 4.15
Amy L Johnson F42 134.64
Stephen W Justinger M61 383.83
Katie Kalfas F35 73.20
Margaret Keller F50 265.74
Ryan L Kelley M38 51.70
Christine D Kiefer F46 0.00
Kip A Kircher M51 12.93
Scott T Kissman M45 7.38
Nancy Kranpitz F68 156.68
Rachel A Krejci F31 265.89
Kathy N Landon F52 109.57
Sandra L Lisowski F52 538.21
Melinda J Mann F57 378.24
Jason Martin M45 250.78
Maureen E McMahon F48 11.53
Alex McNair M43 529.03
Kathleen P Mering F55 351.68
Lori Mitchell F38 69.12
Wendy A Muller F57 242.13
Melodee A Nugent F46 1,150.93
Dick M Pitman M69 3.02
Gus I Robledo M55 336.42
Gill Rowley M52 6.73
Albert L Schmidt M60 303.31
Erin E Schneider F34 86.65
Nancy A Schneider F57 54.97
Elizabeth Singer F26 81.82
Daniel R Slick M65 387.99
Holly T Steffes F45 82.56
Lindsey Thompson F31 58.10
Melissa A Vandenhouten F44 241.02
Kimberly J White F34 315.43
Alison M Winters F34 85.68
Michael Zahn M66 165.36
Frank S Zillner M52 211.36
Northwest Zone (382 Swimmers, 79,673.94 Total Miles, 208.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Alaska LMSC (22 Swimmers, 3,974.47 Total Miles, 180.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AKMS (Alaska Masters Swim Club) (21 Swimmers, 3,592.46 Total Miles, 171.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gabrielle Aberle F51 0.00
Megan R Beattie F26 209.38
Elizabeth A Brennell F37 36.73
Catherine Brooks F65 250.44
Forest Brooks M66 183.90
Shawna L Clinkenbeard F45 143.71
Shawn L Dickson F61 0.00
Cheryl A Fellman F41 89.56
Mark Fleming M51 25.12
Ben D Harris M48 210.16
Kristine K Inman F31 117.95
Kevin Knox M42 102.24
James T Lima M58 151.38
Tim B Lundt M52 314.29
Barb Mecum F58 50.49
David W Moore M62 175.00
Don Roberts M55 9.99
Claudia Rose F49 550.02
Heather J Saline F44 298.37
Scott E Watts M47 345.97
Kenneth C Winterberger M60 327.76
Club UC56 () (1 Swimmers, 382.00 Total Miles, 382.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Daniel A LaBrosse M56 382.00
Inland Northwest LMSC (37 Swimmers, 10,269.85 Total Miles, 277.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club HMS (Hydropower Masters Swim Club) (21 Swimmers, 4,862.26 Total Miles, 231.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Claire E Adam F36 1.76
James A Adams M36 505.27
Mark Amara M63 359.14
Kathy Amarasinghe F38 155.54
Deborah J Bell F61 69.43
Mike E Berney M57 869.03
Matthew F Bronson M48 572.95
Paige Buehler F45 201.50
Matthew L Edde M24 365.32
Kathy Farrell Guizar F41 286.79
Larry B Krauser M60 646.59
Jeanne B Leffingwell F59 9.05
Glenn Mabile M53 214.39
Ariel K Ocker F44 2.79
Michael Rourke M45 137.01
Natalie H Sandberg F61 36.42
Ryan Swain M32 17.73
Sonia L Tonnemaker F52 0.00
Bill C Waggoner M66 126.91
Douglas D Wood M63 2.59
Dexter J Yeats F68 282.05
Club LCNM (Lewis Clark Neptunes Masters) (1 Swimmers, 250.50 Total Miles, 250.50 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Margaret Hair F58 250.50
Club RHM () (2 Swimmers, 935.64 Total Miles, 467.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ed Davis M50 413.94
Marcos A Donolo M38 521.70
Club TCAS () (5 Swimmers, 1,480.45 Total Miles, 296.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Steve R Anderson M53 266.69
Heather A Colburn F41 56.86
James T Devere M41 548.59
Pat Lee M42 102.78
Sean J Murphy M50 505.53
Club UC35 () (6 Swimmers, 2,227.85 Total Miles, 371.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jessica R Cloke F23 0.00
Jessica R De Bord F34 60.46
Karen Eldred F30 1,441.01
Eileen Harris F51 278.73
Gary Hurry M60 172.55
Jennifer M Polello F42 275.09
Club WST () (1 Swimmers, 395.71 Total Miles, 395.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Harm-Jan Steenhuis M46 395.71
Club YAC () (1 Swimmers, 117.44 Total Miles, 117.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karl J Lieberknecht M43 117.44
Montana LMSC (20 Swimmers, 2,034.06 Total Miles, 101.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BOZE (Bozeman Masters) (6 Swimmers, 531.94 Total Miles, 88.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anne C Hossner F35 9.94
Jamie L Kujawa F31 67.89
Phillip C Luebke M42 12.09
Mary Robbins F64 176.20
Amber Waters F31 59.65
Audrey Wooding F43 206.18
Club KATS (Kalispell Masters) (5 Swimmers, 546.62 Total Miles, 109.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Holly S Apple F49 127.06
Jose C De Souza M51 158.29
Tony J Popp M53 126.44
Marcella Sandry F50 129.05
Emily VonJentzen F30 5.80
Club MM (Montana Masters) (9 Swimmers, 955.49 Total Miles, 106.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mark S Comfort M60 200.00
Maria Craig F41 173.04
Jackie A Foster F62 231.60
WT Greely M38 120.06
Joshua Higgins M32 25.11
Lisa Lenard F44 55.48
Katie Levine F32 119.83
Peggy L Stringer F62 19.01
Susie Thomas F45 11.36
Oregon LMSC (130 Swimmers, 29,171.99 Total Miles, 224.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club OREG (Oregon Masters) (117 Swimmers, 27,084.90 Total Miles, 231.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Raymond G Allen M87 28.41
Patrick Allender M55 673.59
Daniel M Ambrose M58 3.07
Julie A Andrade F52 506.75
Dianna Appelgate F38 297.41
Warren W Barnes M52 402.05
Sherry L Bender F54 228.22
Michael J Bingle M58 261.40
Marcie E Bowman F49 53.72
Mark Braun M42 170.62
Elizabeth H Budd F59 371.41
Michael P Carew M64 785.30
Jo Ann Casselberry F59 112.15
MJ Caswell F52 234.36
Ned Chasteney M53 257.03
Liz A Cheney F57 25.85
Powei Chuang M42 104.58
Robin A Clevenger F47 16.56
Anicia Criscione F40 570.45
Jed P Cronin M65 440.17
Britta M Daubersmith F48 2.43
Jules DeGiulio M61 635.15
Joan Delgado F68 103.69
Molly Donaldson F33 1.39
Chris Donnermeyer M37 55.93
Douglas S Easton M59 525.42
Kathy Eckert-Mason F56 18.47
Bonnie B Edwards F41 268.86
Nadine Edwards F66 84.92
Wes Edwards M60 254.51
Laraine M Elsten F55 266.91
Angela Fadlovich F47 324.82
Jennifer M Faith F32 100.75
Louise L Frewing F46 40.88
Mark Frost M46 505.90
Dan E Gipe M54 339.00
Shirlene A Gonzalez F44 0.00
Tanya M Goodson F38 23.86
Susan Gorman F47 292.29
Charles D Grall M49 27.76
Jeanette G Groesz F64 141.21
Jon Gudman M58 100.89
Aubree M Gustafson F32 368.92
Lynn A Gutoski F31 1.80
Chris R Guy M51 227.80
Mitch Hanan M55 5.20
Sue Harrington F56 214.05
Elizabeth A Harrison F39 485.92
Jennifer A Hartley F41 69.45
Christine Hirsch F44 211.13
Melissa A Hubert F33 9.91
Michelle C Jacobs-Brown F42 23.12
Suzy Jajewski F38 617.52
Richard A Jenkins M65 113.42
Serena H Johnson F36 365.26
Bob Kehoe M67 359.22
Michael W Kelber M66 320.17
Gail M Kimberling F57 33.96
LoRee A LaFon F53 39.99
Darrin M Lajoie M48 81.04
Lori E Lamoureux F54 139.63
Ellen L Lee F32 436.53
Patrick Lee M33 326.77
Aubrie L LeGault F31 1.70
Kathryn B Lewis F48 379.49
Daron Lindsey M40 17.50
Patrick S Mason M45 131.95
Jonathan Matthews M34 474.30
Daniel D Mayhew M56 208.48
Nick J McClaugherty M39 241.56
Penny S Mclain F52 10.48
Paul (Tank) F McNamara M50 534.01
Bert E McVay M56 31.60
Matt Miller M36 539.34
Ralph Mohr M72 554.66
Susan W Mooney F46 200.03
Cheryl A Morgen F44 281.50
Ken Muller M54 177.23
Annie Muske-Dukes-Driggs F30 4.85
Bowden K Nave M55 391.09
Jade D Nelson F34 20.37
Timothy D Nelson M48 764.89
Tom Newhouse M59 5.17
Jessica Offley F37 50.01
Lisa M Payan F38 0.00
Keith D Peters M48 286.55
Sue Phillips F49 627.94
Annamaria Picollo F66 0.00
Erin M Popelka F32 100.11
James L Proffitt M48 667.81
David A Radcliff M79 633.66
Kelly Reeves F31 250.63
LaDawn C Reid F51 44.43
Jon C Richards M69 232.55
Rick A Rodriguez M51 33.95
Terry Rogers M57 585.69
Sandi Rousseau F66 215.32
Lisa E Sandoval F41 241.26
Jon Schieltz M75 134.45
Vicki M Shinneman F61 22.35
Connie Shuman F58 3.23
Allen L Stark M64 236.13
Carol R Stark F65 355.54
Tom Tanner M58 356.78
Dianne L Thomsen F56 226.02
Nick Thorpe M34 104.20
Charris J Towne F62 7.95
Adam Trexler M35 462.38
Terri L Tyynismaa F51 298.54
Nancy C Vincent F54 232.72
Joy Ward F71 521.64
Timothy P Waud M46 174.91
Cynthia A Werhane F44 331.14
John A Wilkes M43 2.13
Sumner H Williams M34 500.10
Ayre A Williamson-Shilling F45 9.74
Susie S Young F44 55.85
Club UC37 () (13 Swimmers, 2,087.09 Total Miles, 160.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michelle F Barber F39 124.49
Richard A Bruschi M28 379.02
Diane Buswell F52 206.67
Laurie J Drew F46 0.75
Katherine Foster F49 378.27
Kristina L Holmes F46 0.00
Sonya J McLaughlin F70 100.29
Hanna Nelson F26 2.05
Mark P Patterson M51 377.80
Mary Anne Royle F61 365.28
Ashley M Salter F31 4.57
Cindy J Thompson F42 37.84
Linda von Hanneken F54 110.06
Pacific Northwest LMSC (109 Swimmers, 19,399.40 Total Miles, 177.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BWAQ (Blue Wave Aquatics) (16 Swimmers, 1,360.90 Total Miles, 85.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gabe Bush M36 145.73
Miranda L Cox F26 16.99
Emmet F Cullen M43 1.02
Rosamond Edison F40 11.14
Christabel A Fowler F37 3.47
Nicki T Garnett F20 1.16
Diana M Johnson F43 98.65
Robert E Johnson M54 118.13
Kenneth J Kreer M50 53.59
Tyler H Patterson M47 9.77
Christina M Pierce F31 12.44
David J Roholt M38 20.69
Daniel C Smith M51 373.61
Scott T Wiederhold M35 102.26
Judy K Williams F65 229.57
Dave Wright M49 162.67
Club PSM (Puget Sound Masters) (91 Swimmers, 17,609.94 Total Miles, 193.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard P Adcock M58 400.51
Kristine L Antilla F45 125.92
Mary C Armstrong F46 155.13
Sharon F Arroyo F47 164.42
Benford Bennett M47 65.03
Russell J Berrett M44 50.23
Kimberly E Bloor F29 0.00
James (Jay) A Bowditch M76 372.19
Sadie A Brumley F37 307.82
Gary Campen M69 0.54
Ethan M Carlson M19 51.44
Lee Carlson M73 121.69
Kate Carr F47 561.38
Thomas M Carson M54 178.92
Michael H Chang M22 102.77
Lisa S Claesson-Gordon F51 454.55
Heather Clarke F42 202.19
Trish Cox F47 205.67
Sally A Dillon F67 261.38
Suzanne L Dills F68 507.17
Erika Domes F34 42.02
Jessica Dubey F50 40.39
Rebecca Eaton F39 4.09
Tricia Elmer F53 96.66
Shane A Erickson M57 5.57
Bill Fenner M58 169.77
Jenny Ferries F32 148.20
Willy Gevers M54 152.91
Alex Goldstein M45 640.37
Danielle M Graham F41 101.42
Thomas A Grandine M55 706.28
Janna Hagensick F33 207.80
Setsuko Hansen F48 94.83
Kirsten M Hardisty F37 111.00
Laura M Hegarty F43 197.70
Alison W Henderson F36 5.68
Luis E Hernandez M40 6.22
Vineta Jackson F33 82.69
Doug Jelen M40 532.46
Barbara A Johnson F63 149.69
Michael P Jones M53 321.99
Jill H Jordan F50 58.96
Lisa Keith F44 189.62
Dani L Keller F56 98.44
John W Keller M57 185.78
Dan E Larson M46 311.85
Jim A Lasersohn M48 210.91
Richard K Ling M49 63.43
Jacqui Lotz F58 116.05
Kaitlyn Lowder F21 101.20
Mary-Jane M Man F26 378.56
David A Marshall M46 372.23
Rose L Mayfield F58 174.59
Carol McCaig F51 28.01
John M McKenney M35 43.25
Kate McMullen F34 250.70
Candace L Morgan F46 5.41
Kathy L Morris F58 149.46
Bryan Morrison M40 33.85
Lyle A Nalli M53 492.29
Kirk Nelson M43 500.44
Ariel Peake F22 10.54
Laura S Petrini F56 0.00
Daniel L Phillips M50 368.03
Wendy Polidori F44 259.48
Erica M Quam F39 12.22
Helen Rickey F29 96.59
Danielle T C Rideout F35 16.10
Durrell Rittenberg M44 179.37
Kayla L Robertson F24 5.00
Izzy B Rosane F61 384.91
Tom Schulz M42 306.09
Katrina A Schwerin F46 92.01
Janet M Segovia F32 31.26
Douglas Shank M54 146.86
Nancy M Shurtleff F57 31.93
Bridget K Sipher F40 260.95
Kris Speir F50 131.03
Torrey M Stout F24 0.00
Suna Sullivan F46 161.13
David P Tempest M63 483.36
Erin M Thomasson F46 89.83
Ian L Thompson M64 10.17
Brittany N Tourigny F30 61.65
Ray Townsend M46 100.61
Dan Underbrink M57 407.82
James R Underbrink M53 767.05
Linda K Vicik F64 50.58
Haleigh A Werner F44 858.53
Susan Wetstone F40 213.71
Andrea S Wilson F45 201.42
Club UC36 () (2 Swimmers, 428.55 Total Miles, 214.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pamela Kalas F37 278.53
Suzanne M Marlatt F40 150.02
Snake River LMSC (17 Swimmers, 4,188.68 Total Miles, 246.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club IFM (Idaho Falls Masters) (2 Swimmers, 394.53 Total Miles, 197.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robin L Piet F60 357.05
Dina L Sallak F46 37.49
Club RMM (Rocky Mountain Masters) (2 Swimmers, 136.82 Total Miles, 68.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brent M Faure M55 18.41
Caroline E Faure F45 118.41
Club SAWS (Sawtooth Masters) (8 Swimmers, 2,943.43 Total Miles, 367.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert Clayton M46 58.30
Floyd M Fisk M61 424.33
John R Kormanik M50 0.00
Kristi D Lee F38 700.18
Dani M Moffit F45 248.75
Paula J Moores F56 504.20
Alex Mueller M36 505.72
Jill M Wright F62 501.95
Club UC59 () (4 Swimmers, 713.89 Total Miles, 178.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeff Geist M51 203.72
Nadia Louhichi F32 148.91
Anthony W Smola M29 61.65
Remington E Taylor M30 299.61
Club WRY () (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jake DeVries M29 0.00
Utah LMSC (47 Swimmers, 10,635.51 Total Miles, 226.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club HASC () (1 Swimmers, 26.99 Total Miles, 26.99 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dennis N Tesch M48 26.99
Club OACM () (1 Swimmers, 115.11 Total Miles, 115.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karen M Oliver F53 115.11
Club QUAC (Queer Utah Aquatic Club) (3 Swimmers, 65.88 Total Miles, 21.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
George M Duven M33 39.94
Benjamin R Webb M30 23.10
Audra L West F35 2.84
Club SALT (Salt Lake Masters Swimming) (6 Swimmers, 2,833.60 Total Miles, 472.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lynda J Cassidy F47 79.85
Christena K Ensign F45 107.42
Dominique M Maack F21 851.60
Suzanne M Mozdy F46 301.88
William W Reeves M60 1,000.03
R Kyle Treadway M53 492.81
Club SDM () (4 Swimmers, 583.23 Total Miles, 145.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David K Balling M54 144.09
Kris M Edwards F39 255.10
Sarah H Jones F35 11.19
Don B Stringham M46 172.84
Club SLOW (Salt Lake Open Water) (10 Swimmers, 2,684.33 Total Miles, 268.43 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristine K Bates F53 304.97
Sue K Frehse F43 733.36
Todd M Frehse M45 14.32
Josh Green M34 327.65
Gordon R Gridley M41 956.99
Kate Pettipiece F38 28.78
Anne M Stanish F40 13.47
Esther J Stokes F32 58.59
Tamarah L Taylor F38 125.01
Goody Tyler M37 121.20
Club UC34 () (10 Swimmers, 1,512.46 Total Miles, 151.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pam Christensen F58 7.16
Justin T Clark M28 241.75
James V Hansen M77 111.65
Jamie R Hubbard F32 501.49
Carol E Kerlin F59 90.36
Geoff P Lay M28 184.25
Jessi A Lofgren F34 1.74
Chris McClelland M48 5.30
R J Walker M60 318.62
Mary Workman F52 50.14
Club UTAH (Swim Utah) (12 Swimmers, 2,813.91 Total Miles, 234.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Fred C Baird M65 387.72
Mark Belnap M44 581.80
Ellen H Cibula F47 150.61
Jeni Harris F20 22.64
Max Hunter M22 30.31
Erin B Jensen F32 266.01
Katy L Kessinger F59 173.72
Lo D Knapp F59 373.47
Lisa K Kuwahara F50 256.13
Christopher R Mart M58 154.37
Debra S Penney F56 317.07
Bruce E Schroeder M61 100.04
Oceana Zone (468 Swimmers, 99,721.91 Total Miles, 213.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Hawaii LMSC (24 Swimmers, 4,897.40 Total Miles, 204.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club HAQ (Hilo Aquatic Club) (3 Swimmers, 371.02 Total Miles, 123.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Vaughn G Cook M44 236.23
Rebecca Ostertag F44 132.57
Jan K Yamashiro F27 2.22
Club HIMA (Hawaii Masters) (5 Swimmers, 2,518.13 Total Miles, 503.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kevin W Drake M57 772.36
Brenda Jarmakani F66 133.44
Aimee V Kolman F43 301.18
Colleen G Reid F64 500.51
Janet K Renner F52 810.64
Club ISCM (Iolani Swim Club Masters) (4 Swimmers, 201.57 Total Miles, 50.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Matthew K Hiramoto M30 75.89
Martin K Holzgang M34 68.54
Cherise S Saito F29 4.49
Asako Shimazu F46 52.65
Club KMSC (Kailua Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 103.73 Total Miles, 103.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J Artelli M39 103.73
Club KONA (Kona Aquatics) (3 Swimmers, 647.85 Total Miles, 215.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Denise Boatwright F57 303.11
Pamela L Harlow F49 125.93
Bob Hoxsie M55 218.81
Club MMSC (Maui Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 40.73 Total Miles, 40.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael C Roark M62 40.73
Club UC39 () (3 Swimmers, 360.05 Total Miles, 120.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Adam K Elia M42 45.14
Kelli Y Nakamura F36 77.84
Ron Whitmore M45 237.07
Club UHM (University of Hawaii Masters) (2 Swimmers, 303.76 Total Miles, 151.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stuart J Arceneaux M47 116.05
Steven M Minaglia M40 187.71
Club VIMS (Valley Isle Masters Swimmers) (1 Swimmers, 91.16 Total Miles, 91.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Julia T Hendren F44 91.16
Club WSC (Waikiki Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 259.39 Total Miles, 259.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Chio E Hatakeyama F38 259.39
Pacific LMSC (444 Swimmers, 94,824.51 Total Miles, 213.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club 49ER (Motherlode Masters) (6 Swimmers, 195.12 Total Miles, 32.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Larkin Davis F33 7.87
Chris S Gomez F61 10.60
Jonathan Mitchell M37 3.01
Michelle Pogue F50 171.03
Marie D Schafle F65 1.11
Susan K Thomas F50 1.50
Club AAM (Alameda Aquatic Masters) (3 Swimmers, 362.27 Total Miles, 120.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anna Tai Owens F20 173.20
Vishnu Ranganathan M58 185.44
Sarah Jane Sapiano F25 3.64
Club AHMS (Arden Hills Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 49.23 Total Miles, 49.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marissa B Hubbs F25 49.23
Club AHSM (Alpine Hills Swimming Masters) (1 Swimmers, 100.27 Total Miles, 100.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Craig Heberer M55 100.27
Club ALB (Albany Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 456.38 Total Miles, 456.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Steven H Terusaki M60 456.38
Club BAC (Burlingame Aquatic Club) (4 Swimmers, 1,875.39 Total Miles, 468.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sarah L Groskopf F33 301.10
Ali R Hall F52 1,195.45
George Wailes M59 128.57
Suzanna Wilson F48 250.26
Club BAM (Berkeley (CA) Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 443.85 Total Miles, 221.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lori M Copan F51 193.72
August R Fern F39 250.13
Club BAY (Bay Masters) (7 Swimmers, 1,429.37 Total Miles, 204.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Amanda J Akers F35 137.30
Heejay A Chung F42 256.73
Julia J Pak F43 20.40
Jillian M Silva F36 505.18
Barbara M Tajima F49 296.08
Malinda M Walker F44 161.80
Megan Wenger F29 51.88
Club BRCM (Broadstone Masters Swimming Club) (1 Swimmers, 383.55 Total Miles, 383.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Elizabeth B Tiedemann F50 383.55
Club CARS (Carson Tigersharks) (1 Swimmers, 561.92 Total Miles, 561.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Leonard M Williamson M68 561.92
Club CHIC (Chico Masters Swimming) (6 Swimmers, 1,067.98 Total Miles, 178.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Wendy Asnault F44 344.59
Tawny M Cleveland F58 246.65
LeeAnn Kelso F26 7.22
Peggy Ketting Olivier F61 51.70
Rana L Marshall F41 33.05
Heather J Martinez F37 384.77
Club CLOV (Clovis Swim Club Masters) (8 Swimmers, 1,417.29 Total Miles, 177.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Penny Carlo F60 53.17
Amy Horn F37 160.18
Linda G Kelsey F57 278.33
Gregg Kurisu M48 407.21
Linda C Ryan F59 250.91
Robert A Scott M48 26.82
Ron Steager M66 57.16
Kelly M Wiggins F45 183.52
Club CMAM (Cal Maritime Academy Masters) (5 Swimmers, 1,185.68 Total Miles, 237.14 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kim A Bouffard F57 50.63
Susan A Bruno F46 221.37
Doug A Cort M63 229.34
James B Kennedy M62 370.34
Cynthia S Trevisan F48 314.02
Club CMSC (Courtside Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 69.98 Total Miles, 69.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Thomas A Tisch M74 69.98
Club CRUZ (Santa Cruz Masters Aquatics) (16 Swimmers, 3,590.73 Total Miles, 224.42 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Peter Bacon M65 43.72
Alida Canale F68 103.94
Patricia A Cross F62 74.05
Sarah G Finder F23 7.02
Vince Grimaldi M47 113.47
Bonnie M Horgos F23 372.31
Michele D Ignoffo F44 250.54
Patricia D Knowles F42 860.38
Marcella E Laddon F63 14.08
RoseAnne Leso F42 0.26
Krista Newberry F40 154.20
Elizabeth A Nilsen F45 3.86
Cathe L Pleasant F65 213.22
Yutaro A Sano M25 448.08
Hillary Schalit F49 293.22
Ann S Wilson F38 638.37
Club CSSR (Club Sport of San Ramon) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Daryn A Maughan F25 0.00
Club CVM (Carson Valley Masters) (1 Swimmers, 105.02 Total Miles, 105.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer Carr F43 105.02
Club DAC (Davis Athletic Club) (4 Swimmers, 506.05 Total Miles, 126.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Don J Ashton M36 75.85
Stephen C Noctor M49 186.40
Susan D Padgett F65 218.04
Timothy Swift M25 25.76
Club DAM (Davis Aquatic Masters) (10 Swimmers, 3,774.95 Total Miles, 377.50 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary T Burke F59 0.06
Karen L Charney F44 791.45
Kathy M Gill F59 300.54
Kerry N Halsted F50 580.63
Deanna L Johnson F57 535.49
Bob H Lantz M62 312.53
Katy C Lantz F60 541.43
Jennifer R Phalen F49 507.14
Patricia L Price F51 92.89
Ann M Waid F43 112.81
Club DEC (Decathlon Club) (1 Swimmers, 21.44 Total Miles, 21.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kelly G Cantlen F45 21.44
Club EA () (4 Swimmers, 518.39 Total Miles, 129.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Virgen A Del Rio F45 104.38
Michele C Loomis F56 121.56
Christopher L Martin M44 150.81
Julie Verwijst F52 141.65
Club ECAM (El Cerrito Aquatic Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,226.26 Total Miles, 204.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Debbie Bond F55 560.98
Annette Chinn F52 276.01
Julia Cotteral F22 13.92
Jenifer Daganzo F42 157.89
Richard B Davidson M55 173.01
Stephen Dunkle M51 44.46
Club ECYM (El Camino YMCA Masters) (3 Swimmers, 79.40 Total Miles, 26.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Amy C Folden F45 4.89
Peter Harvey M58 0.00
Rose H Roberts F51 74.52
Club FDM (Fresno Dolphin Masters Swim Team) (5 Swimmers, 648.03 Total Miles, 129.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christina M Cassinerio F37 310.65
Cindy Perkins F60 75.21
Michelle C Scarabello F20 16.42
Teri C Scarabello F53 90.75
Elke Yuk F51 155.00
Club FGM (Fremont Glenmoor Masters) (8 Swimmers, 1,286.00 Total Miles, 160.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jerry M Audiat M67 50.11
Laili S Bosma F40 68.45
Matthew J Bosma M38 199.23
Marta A Elliott F60 315.69
Stephanie L Keller F42 32.95
Jim S McDonald M47 410.00
Marian J Stevens F50 101.92
Angela Yee F49 107.65
Club FGST (Fig Garden Swim Team) (5 Swimmers, 698.53 Total Miles, 139.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alex Crocket M69 0.00
Scott Nichols M59 200.14
David R Noble M43 342.71
Robert D Statham M40 50.11
Sarah C Woolf F42 105.57
Club GG (Golden Gateway Tennis & Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 48.70 Total Miles, 48.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Drew Jensen M30 48.70
Club HTUB (Club Hot Tub) (2 Swimmers, 618.37 Total Miles, 309.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sheree Neoh F49 501.20
Sarah K Phelps F43 117.17
Club HYM (Hanford YMCA Masters) (1 Swimmers, 59.94 Total Miles, 59.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sara E Gordon F27 59.94
Club ITM () (2 Swimmers, 403.81 Total Miles, 201.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mike Kadi M49 403.81
Kyle W Kelly M20 0.00
Club LAMV (Los Altos Mountain View Masters) (1 Swimmers, 101.50 Total Miles, 101.50 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mike H Yramategui M52 101.50
Club LNM (Loch Ness Masters) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan B Miller F57 0.00
Club LNRS (Streamliners) (2 Swimmers, 1,210.31 Total Miles, 605.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Eric Carlson M53 504.19
Susan P Helmrich F58 706.13
Club LODI (Lodi Masters) (2 Swimmers, 14.23 Total Miles, 7.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Trenton M Diehl M35 13.38
Michelle A Hulstrom F36 0.85
Club LOM (Ladera Oaks Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,000.40 Total Miles, 333.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John C Henze M50 275.14
Katie M Lin F39 368.38
William R Salisbury M54 356.88
Club MAAC (Modesto Area Aquatic Club) (10 Swimmers, 1,341.60 Total Miles, 134.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David R Bastian M52 225.16
David B Franklin M52 38.55
Sheryl J Galloway F46 51.31
Beth Goodridge F40 26.62
Joseph D Jackson M28 302.83
Zachary A McCutchen M26 184.75
Kathy J Sandner F57 121.08
Karen A Servas F52 278.24
Byron Walker M54 35.16
Bob Weaver M51 77.90
Club MAM (Manatee Aquatic Masters Inc) (37 Swimmers, 9,487.20 Total Miles, 256.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
G Gregory Bauer M78 110.52
Josh B Bernstein M57 517.82
Jennifer Brakeman F43 279.00
Sarah M Chinn F29 79.06
Caroline M Chow F34 401.40
Jim Clemmons M63 527.78
Juliet E Cox F45 475.53
Rob Craven M48 604.25
Peter C Finney M46 260.61
Susan L Fuentes F40 400.53
Suzie E Girard F42 145.46
Kirsten R Halbrook F45 258.35
Todd C Hansen M61 132.93
Kathleen S Kizer F45 295.08
Kathleen Kline F57 160.40
Alan Levinson M62 265.18
Eve G Maidenberg F37 959.56
Cary D Mc Gregor M63 466.46
Kelly L McGrath F53 141.40
Cheryl Miller F55 195.31
Robin M Mills F51 303.89
Christopher S Pankey M59 220.37
Mark J Ragatz M56 25.85
Shauna L Revelli F31 97.26
Beccah D Rothschild F40 150.83
Caroline L Sorenson F31 116.75
Michael Spears M36 217.93
Brian K Stack M62 179.42
Susan G Stanton F61 130.53
Bruce R Storrs M55 209.57
Christina M Summary F49 1.31
Catherine Sychr F37 198.58
Margaret A Thompson F33 168.59
Bob B Upshaw M64 540.52
Joanneke Verschuur F48 101.14
Michael W Voorhies M66 137.47
Melba B Wu F52 10.57
Club MBAY (Monterey Bay Masters Seaside AC) (1 Swimmers, 10.00 Total Miles, 10.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christina A Schmunk F29 10.00
Club MELO (Menlo Masters Aka Team Sheeper) (7 Swimmers, 872.93 Total Miles, 124.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marianne Brems F64 0.00
Ann K Burton F62 211.66
Steve Foster M45 5.20
Stacy F Fredericksen F55 93.41
Linda C Griffin F52 85.31
Karen R Lines F53 1.36
Jana Matena F51 475.99
Club MEMO (Marcia's Enthusiastic Masters of Oakland) (4 Swimmers, 770.96 Total Miles, 192.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeff Everett M53 507.26
Margaret Flynn F50 127.53
Zsuzsanna Laszlo F45 12.05
Peter Tsugawa M55 124.12
Club MPM (Marin Pirates Masters) (7 Swimmers, 1,403.44 Total Miles, 200.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Morena I Calvo F26 305.74
Shari Cruse F46 22.53
Stacey E Ellison F48 506.94
Lynn M Forsey F51 116.67
Jared K Gouldy M41 49.63
Terri A Leinsteiner F55 150.33
Diana H Peroni F41 251.60
Club MTRC (Mount Tam Racquet Club) (3 Swimmers, 1,040.27 Total Miles, 346.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tish B Borden F62 138.57
Marie P Lyons F46 262.55
Sally J Marshall F64 639.16
Club MVM (Mountain View Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,403.76 Total Miles, 233.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sharlene L Gee F47 106.77
Donald A Ingalls M75 221.00
Michelle C Klucsor F37 82.56
Kristin E More F29 228.40
Chuck A Piercey M53 750.09
Karen P West F52 14.94
Club NBA (North Bay Aquatics) (5 Swimmers, 745.32 Total Miles, 149.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Leslie Gerstenfeld F44 181.34
Brenda S Lein F49 186.25
Leslie E Lewczyk F50 1.70
Josh Sale M59 331.07
Ted Smith M49 44.96
Club NUTS (Swymnut Masters) (3 Swimmers, 610.69 Total Miles, 203.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kate Eby F29 216.53
Cokie Lepinski F54 388.31
Shannon O'Hare M35 5.85
Club NVM (Napa Valley Masters) (2 Swimmers, 291.69 Total Miles, 145.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karl J Frisinger M32 160.39
Thomas M Mc Nicholas M74 131.30
Club OAK (Oakwood Athletic Club Masters) (4 Swimmers, 1,704.92 Total Miles, 426.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Betsy A Barsamian-Teman F62 113.33
Teddy Colleen Palmer F59 19.26
Susan K Skilton F55 535.43
Don Tatzin M61 1,036.90
Club OAM (Orinda Aquatic Masters) (4 Swimmers, 953.95 Total Miles, 238.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Len Curran M49 4.89
Amy W Hsu F36 253.42
Matthew P Smyth M42 209.90
Sheila W Yeh F56 485.74
Club OAQM () (1 Swimmers, 106.34 Total Miles, 106.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Edward A Mageean M44 106.34
Club PCCM (Peninsula Community Center Masters) (1 Swimmers, 2.67 Total Miles, 2.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gerald F King M60 2.67
Club PRES (Presentation Masters) (2 Swimmers, 113.38 Total Miles, 56.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kevin Schneider M24 49.31
Suzanne Slivkoff F49 64.06
Club PTCO () (1 Swimmers, 70.14 Total Miles, 70.14 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sara C Bixler F42 70.14
Club QSS (Quick Silver Swimming) (4 Swimmers, 526.12 Total Miles, 131.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Eve Z Brasfield F57 25.23
Sara Fernandes F27 120.77
Jennifer J Lasch F41 123.31
Matt Yuen M54 256.81
Club RAD (Redding Swim Team) (3 Swimmers, 456.39 Total Miles, 152.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nancy L De Halas F52 125.28
Julie B Hunziker F52 213.52
D. Scott Thompson M63 117.59
Club RAMS (Rocklin Aquatics Masters) (4 Swimmers, 657.00 Total Miles, 164.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Scott R Dendall M50 158.49
Nicole Levey F30 250.03
Janet C Olsen F76 125.34
Lorena M Sims F32 123.14
Club RINC (Rinconada Masters) (4 Swimmers, 835.87 Total Miles, 208.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard G Bone M46 100.51
James B Levison M62 444.09
Bolko Stolberg M54 284.38
Eugenia W Woodard F43 6.90
Club RPM (Richmond Plunge Masters) (4 Swimmers, 434.81 Total Miles, 108.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Asha Allen-Roth F43 9.43
Karen C Harris F47 262.41
Amy P Rojas F39 140.10
Jennie R Smythe F41 22.87
Club SAC (Sacramento Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,796.94 Total Miles, 598.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andrew M Hitchings M49 266.72
Stephanie S Moore F31 495.36
Karen L Smith F64 1,034.86
Club SCSC (Santa Clara Swim Club Masters) (5 Swimmers, 1,566.14 Total Miles, 313.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joseph J Giulianelli M52 32.37
James Knight M60 619.26
Maximiliano C Mehech M52 767.06
Ryan M Olein M38 36.20
Sara K Weber F24 111.26
Club SERC (South End Rowing Club) (2 Swimmers, 923.71 Total Miles, 461.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cathy Harrington F56 332.52
Ranie C Pearce F53 591.18
Club SHMS (St Helena Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 62.36 Total Miles, 62.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Julie Kirkham F40 62.36
Club SMAC (Sebastopol Masters Aquatic Club) (5 Swimmers, 688.40 Total Miles, 137.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Amanda Bratberg F28 9.72
Donita L Flecker F31 212.65
Molly Graber F34 155.04
Emily Scott F33 188.50
Karen R Wofford F52 122.49
Club SMM (San Mateo Masters) (18 Swimmers, 5,070.88 Total Miles, 281.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lisa C Antonino F53 132.13
Elizabeth A Berbano F51 15.68
Christian Bertram M28 0.00
Henry Chan M34 355.42
Calvin K Chen M52 146.82
Jeffrey Enright M47 341.44
Michael S Gordon M49 291.18
Bob Levi M61 254.22
Lena Mughannam F39 1,073.36
Kelley R Prebil F36 500.55
Andy M Richards M53 57.88
Courtney Taylor F30 337.39
Norma J Tom F44 230.03
Loren M Tordsen F26 119.65
David P Traver M54 579.39
Kenneth Vandroff M57 394.87
Meredith A West F29 240.87
Kay Yoong F49 0.00
Club SMST (Sierra Marlins Swim Team Masters) (4 Swimmers, 549.49 Total Miles, 137.37 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie Denison F43 328.04
Laura D Holmes F29 170.75
Beth W Laskey F48 0.00
Sarah Rich F27 50.69
Club SNM (Sierra Nevada Masters) (3 Swimmers, 315.74 Total Miles, 105.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Blayne A Gale M48 265.01
Lisa Hahner F40 0.00
James E Pehrson M46 50.74
Club SRM (Santa Rosa Masters) (8 Swimmers, 2,263.52 Total Miles, 282.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Melanie C Belluomini F36 517.62
Robin A Bulman F48 42.95
Brett A Christie M46 12.50
Hilary R Hafner F53 358.63
Brian A Hauck M45 372.31
Christine N Lockhart F55 506.48
Sheila Nelson F45 447.39
Leslie Warren F56 5.63
Club SRVM (San Ramon Valley Livermore Aquatics Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,128.31 Total Miles, 188.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patti Bauernfeind F47 522.55
Daisy W Cheung F47 131.54
Patricia H Lim F47 254.35
Ta-Chien Lin M40 6.93
Becky Mose F47 207.29
Elizabeth T Schluntz F43 5.64
Club STAN (Stanford Masters Swimming) (12 Swimmers, 4,453.54 Total Miles, 371.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Daniela Barnea F69 381.83
Louis G Ceci M63 217.36
Samantha Michel F32 4.43
Stephen T O'Neill M56 481.14
Susan H Preston F51 1,255.26
Kent M Price M75 840.00
Daniele Rosman F33 584.29
Jody L Smith F44 52.35
Ellen Tani F30 3.78
Connie C Tong F42 321.35
Eric Tsay M29 291.72
Sue Y Wang F38 20.03
Club SUNY (CSC Masters-Sunnyvale) (1 Swimmers, 141.04 Total Miles, 141.04 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan M Dragich F63 141.04
Club TAC (Turlock Aquatic Club) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Amanda E Ables F24 0.00
Club TAM (Tamalpais Aquatic Masters) (4 Swimmers, 1,172.13 Total Miles, 293.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alan D Bernard M64 205.26
Judy A Eisenman F59 451.28
Linda R Shoenberger F66 0.00
James N Stambolis M66 515.59
Club TCAM (Tuolumne County Aquatic Masters) (13 Swimmers, 1,022.91 Total Miles, 78.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lorena Arellano F47 17.95
Bette-Lee M Axiak F68 0.99
Mindy R Barr F33 76.22
Rob E Barr M34 192.64
Michael D Green M57 5.88
Patricia Harrelson F65 1.22
Tony L Lloyd M45 21.65
Susan M Loyd F54 73.72
Megan L Mills F43 215.43
Dede A Moreno F58 28.30
Patti H Philpott F43 161.48
Colette Scales F47 101.80
Carlina J Shepherd F57 125.64
Club TEME (Temescal Aquatic Masters) (8 Swimmers, 900.96 Total Miles, 112.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cyane Anaya F42 29.52
Kirsten Anderson F49 41.31
Thomas Edgerton M53 193.28
Michael Kellenback M38 67.73
Rebecca Lee F23 80.24
Todd Narter M49 204.79
Katherine S Suyeyasu F41 276.59
Jamie N Treacy M33 7.50
Club TOC (The Olympic Club) (5 Swimmers, 1,910.90 Total Miles, 382.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
B Gil Dowd M51 217.41
Mike Keck M54 302.75
Bart F Lally M51 518.06
Phyllis E Quinn F58 503.17
Dick Warren M66 369.51
Club TSUN (San Francisco Tsunami Masters) (7 Swimmers, 1,279.92 Total Miles, 182.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Humphrey Chan M50 63.50
Casey D Cheung M40 284.89
Christophe M Crombez M46 340.56
Phil J Diers M56 166.63
Lydia S Gonzales F36 2.76
JP Stephenson M48 169.22
Mark White M50 252.37
Club TUTE (Swimstitute Masters) (1 Swimmers, 87.80 Total Miles, 87.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nora N Degaa F55 87.80
Club TVM (Tri Valley Masters) (10 Swimmers, 3,796.09 Total Miles, 379.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy W Bracken F56 414.53
Barbara B Carlson F49 16.28
John K Crane M62 506.39
Ron Emhoff M58 906.08
Devon A Farmer F26 145.70
Philip Kilmartin M47 286.62
Travis C Lantz M32 327.24
Bill Mc Cracken M52 631.23
Susan Quesada F51 141.55
Grizzly B Wahl M24 420.45
Club UC38 () (39 Swimmers, 6,593.94 Total Miles, 169.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christina L Albright-Mundy F30 35.74
Christopher H Alonzi M49 129.12
Valerie J Armento F62 375.00
Denise Berro F53 300.01
Lisa S Bertain F43 319.88
Becky Biando F48 97.10
Alan Black M53 2.56
Juanita Boutwell F54 8.92
Kelly T Carlin M51 169.63
Philip K Condon M64 190.80
Raffi Cuerten F60 213.88
Diane Daniel F67 153.49
Melissa Deadrich F44 16.88
Erik-Paul Gibson M52 8.58
Dawn Hunt F51 64.94
Jan F Kooy M41 260.44
Catherine Lee F58 242.20
Martha J Lee F60 156.24
David M Mc Kenna M52 1.55
Elizabeth Menozzi F36 330.69
Jan E Miller F54 106.39
Rita M Mt Joy F71 188.35
Peggy Nelson-Aguilar F56 355.54
Julie Newton F31 114.27
Suzanne B Pasztor F49 200.02
Charles A Piercey M79 0.00
Peter S Remick M47 213.18
Elizabeth J Richter F23 387.40
Matt A Schmidt M54 64.80
Jackie R Scoggin F55 3.75
Arnav Sheth M38 0.00
Holly L Silver F50 304.96
Matthew Thomas M43 6.39
Bob Vanderburg M53 109.46
Karen L Welch F62 150.75
Kim P Worden F55 16.73
Kevin Wyckoff M49 200.27
Robert E Young M56 1,086.24
Jill Zadny F34 7.81
Club UD (Ukiah Dolphins) (1 Swimmers, 164.30 Total Miles, 164.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Debbi L Tucker F56 164.30
Club USF (University of San Francisco Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,434.27 Total Miles, 239.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Hadar Aviram F39 439.84
Thao H Bui F31 277.46
Matt Chappell M49 193.75
Kristin E Hutchins F47 44.30
Ashley M Plushnik F22 2.14
Kim S Ridinger M62 476.78
Club VACA (Vacaville Swim Club) (5 Swimmers, 1,200.26 Total Miles, 240.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Keitha D Bryan F53 26.97
Rick D Bryan M54 312.01
Mark D Frazier M54 446.67
Anietta R Tice F52 380.49
Karin M Van Klaveren F51 34.12
Club WAMS (Wildcat Alumni Masters) (1 Swimmers, 1.82 Total Miles, 1.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sandy Trimble M50 1.82
Club WCM (Walnut Creek Masters) (23 Swimmers, 5,922.85 Total Miles, 257.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pamela J Appel F56 142.77
Lisa M Asta F48 0.00
Deni L Basaraba F32 525.80
Chris S Bond M46 650.50
Amy C Bradford F33 218.79
Kathy Briner F59 103.00
Allison M Dibley F51 178.34
Jessica Donahoe F26 9.49
Sidney L Dowell F57 155.66
Gerald A Fegler M50 139.63
Laurie A Gardiner F49 192.97
Karen E Halm F28 0.00
Linda A Harrell F55 304.83
Suzanne M Heim-Bowen F55 787.93
Jackie S Lam F48 4.20
Ed V Lane M74 339.98
Marie K Lin F64 124.54
Robert A McNally M67 199.76
Julie A Meis F56 266.71
Margaret E Reece F41 478.86
Regina A Roach F27 420.41
Angela R Smith F39 272.53
Lin Zucconi F62 406.14
Club WEST (West Coast Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 120.60 Total Miles, 120.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jason D Curry M35 120.60
Club WINE (Wine Country Masters) (1 Swimmers, 4.26 Total Miles, 4.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Megan G Bair F37 4.26
Club YCMS (Yuba City Masters Swimming) (7 Swimmers, 901.65 Total Miles, 128.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bobby Cooper M38 2.90
Merry B Finch F59 301.22
Robert D Highland M36 49.55
Joe Kelly M32 5.34
Stanley H Lee M57 280.85
Robert A McClard M68 11.12
Barbara G Taylor F59 250.68
South Central Zone (288 Swimmers, 55,861.19 Total Miles, 193.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Arkansas LMSC (29 Swimmers, 6,776.87 Total Miles, 233.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ARKM (Arkansas Masters) (25 Swimmers, 6,276.11 Total Miles, 251.04 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sharon S Ard F52 58.56
Mike Booth M52 281.26
Theresa K Brewer F49 29.46
Marc Campbell M51 547.46
Starr Campbell F61 83.78
Alan Diamond M40 730.80
Annie N Games F48 330.23
David Gillanders M74 225.18
Melanie Graves F50 22.44
Scott P Halliburton M51 403.86
Leigh A Helm F49 59.52
Jennifer L Hodges F40 33.99
Steve Lisle M47 219.73
Dominick J Marino M47 100.01
Tina L Nuckles F48 227.20
Carie O'Banion F54 176.98
Steffan B Sarkin M53 1,119.69
Mignonne A Scarbrough F52 61.93
Calvin E Schildknecht M28 579.42
Paul Shepard M63 324.70
Whitney G Sutherland F35 166.66
Laura R Taylor F28 0.00
Brent M Tininenko M52 403.50
Tonya Vandermey F35 71.93
Robert W Williams M67 17.83
Club UC23 () (4 Swimmers, 500.75 Total Miles, 125.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Thomas J Callan M60 151.37
Bart M Dudley M41 253.41
Scarlett Harris F51 50.05
Erin McCormick F26 45.92
Border LMSC (3 Swimmers, 186.21 Total Miles, 62.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club COM (City Of Midland Aquatics) (2 Swimmers, 137.57 Total Miles, 68.79 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Juan H Brummett M68 131.31
Jocelyn E Piccone F49 6.26
Club RGSC (Rio Grande Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 48.64 Total Miles, 48.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan Traylor F60 48.64
Gulf LMSC (89 Swimmers, 16,774.64 Total Miles, 188.48 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CFSC (Cy-Fair Swim Club) (6 Swimmers, 751.47 Total Miles, 125.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Daniel Benitez M42 75.97
Ambar Fernandez F24 131.10
Robin C Galvin F56 107.68
Angeline Martin F33 170.52
Mary Peyton S Miller F38 142.34
Susan C Spore F48 123.86
Club COOG (Houston Cougar Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,521.69 Total Miles, 253.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karlene Denby F60 517.70
Jill E Gellatly F46 310.62
Derek J Nido M25 66.44
Alan T Pfeiffer-Traum M59 351.03
Dorothy Serna F44 18.46
Lydia B Tiede F48 257.44
Club COPM (ConocoPhillips Masters Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 226.81 Total Miles, 226.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Debra N Castell F29 226.81
Club DADS (Dad's Club Swim Team Masters) (1 Swimmers, 35.18 Total Miles, 35.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Leonie Karkoviata F44 35.18
Club ETEX (ETEX Masters Swim Team) (2 Swimmers, 101.77 Total Miles, 50.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shannon M Henry F43 1.77
Gloria Morgan F56 100.00
Club FBMS (Fort Bend Masters Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 284.12 Total Miles, 142.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Chris Chia M51 282.26
Janey W Woodley F59 1.86
Club FCST (First Colony Masters Swimming) (5 Swimmers, 835.26 Total Miles, 167.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Peter J Gerngross M44 552.36
Peggy Hart F54 1.18
Giulia L Hattan F50 250.23
Jodi Muschel F43 12.37
Mike Offner M37 19.12
Club KAMS (Katy Aquatic Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 280.61 Total Miles, 280.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nicole L Morgan F35 280.61
Club MACA (Memorial Athletic Club Aquatics) (9 Swimmers, 2,876.21 Total Miles, 319.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nathaniel Berenstein-Cervera M34 510.83
Steven C Clancy M58 605.85
Maria L Colon F54 3.66
Angel L Fox F51 63.10
Craig Fox M58 406.62
Carlye Graydon F43 275.53
Debbie L Loux F55 532.91
Susan S Pfrehm F60 229.01
Janet Rush F62 248.70
Club MOB (Masters Of Brazos) (3 Swimmers, 920.26 Total Miles, 306.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Angela Marotta F33 389.47
Conni M Roth-Lehmann F53 230.65
David G Ruff M53 300.14
Club PACK (Premier Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 66.88 Total Miles, 66.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karen Holt F63 66.88
Club RICE (Rice Aquatic Masters) (18 Swimmers, 3,751.34 Total Miles, 208.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nadia P AbdulGhani F27 138.17
Cedar Baldridge F52 69.68
Heather L Brown F44 215.46
Michael L Huffman M64 0.00
Bruce C Kone M55 352.91
Elizabeth Kostiuk F50 267.19
Colette M Lanier F55 276.57
Robert F Li M32 113.05
Anna T Mod F50 105.52
Erin E Phelps F33 302.78
Leslie C Roades F26 31.38
Jill V Robinson F30 152.64
Mary D Ruppe F44 387.31
Joyce Stock F47 81.99
Alvin L Thomas M67 258.23
Cynthia M Thomas F64 177.78
Nicole P Van Nood F41 355.30
Bruce F Williams M60 465.37
Club SSSM (South Shore Sails Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 11.33 Total Miles, 11.33 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cathy Modaro F47 11.33
Club SWYM (South West YMCA Masters) (2 Swimmers, 318.75 Total Miles, 159.37 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tracey A Johnson F50 6.53
Brian H Miller M52 312.21
Club TFMS (TeamFINS Masters) (2 Swimmers, 23.70 Total Miles, 11.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pam Stout F42 19.48
Michael K Wysocki M45 4.22
Club UC25 () (10 Swimmers, 1,791.71 Total Miles, 179.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Clay Ashley M50 136.08
Noel Duncan M66 40.84
Donald F Fancher M53 203.79
Joe Heun M44 258.41
Tammie Manchester F46 0.00
Martha A McDade F67 125.29
Bruce W Rollins M64 608.91
Elaine G Rollins F61 211.45
Jennifer Smart F52 202.16
Club WHY (Weekley Houston YMCA) (1 Swimmers, 91.48 Total Miles, 91.48 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Deborah P Hyink F50 91.48
Club WMST (Woodlands Masters Swim Team) (18 Swimmers, 2,886.08 Total Miles, 160.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John C Agathon M54 0.00
Margaret L Allen F54 273.08
Grace E Benes F30 273.37
Nancy A Crecelius F44 21.70
John R Hardin M50 113.49
Yan Liu F43 5.94
Louise M Longbottom F40 6.46
George P Mallard M58 77.35
Susie J Mallard F60 107.80
G.K. Merrill F59 96.74
Timothy J Monk M42 15.45
Andrea N Morton F51 623.36
Deborah Nunnallee F57 15.85
Vicki B Risinger F30 133.68
Melanie B Sellers F61 300.62
Julie M Stevenson F50 68.21
Philip J Sundahl M48 502.58
Tim Vibrock M50 250.39
North Texas LMSC (92 Swimmers, 15,301.27 Total Miles, 166.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club DAMM (Dallas Aquatic Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,329.13 Total Miles, 221.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jill Blanchar F49 292.04
Heather R Goodell F44 182.23
Gilberto Jimenez M37 12.09
Katrina Lane F65 412.02
Steve E Miller M41 176.78
Tracy Olsen F51 253.98
Club DASC (Denton Area Swim Club) (11 Swimmers, 1,428.46 Total Miles, 129.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael Ball M44 126.66
Hjalmar N Beijl M46 12.53
Kris Dorris M33 217.77
Shelly E Ehler F42 136.15
Danielle Estell F35 0.00
Marissa A Glasschroeder F37 280.81
Angela Manglaris F23 131.39
Robyin L Pucci F49 34.55
Christina V Rial F28 8.43
Ann M Tuttle-Best F39 265.25
Becky K Voight F48 214.94
Club FAST (Fort Worth Area Swim Team) (6 Swimmers, 476.47 Total Miles, 79.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Amy Barraclough F29 13.35
Nadine Grosse F33 26.59
Kristin W Henderson F53 269.01
Mary C Knox F59 51.50
Amber A McCuddy F28 60.57
Adam Telford M31 55.45
Club FMMS (Flower Mound Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 96.09 Total Miles, 96.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nicole L Mischke F32 96.09
Club IMSC (Irving Masters Swim Club) (4 Swimmers, 647.76 Total Miles, 161.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Megan W Fokken F33 85.45
Harvey F Hill M59 162.01
Kari Kennedy F45 327.65
Erik Nicholson M41 72.65
Club MARS (Mid-Cities Arlington Swimming Masters) (3 Swimmers, 87.71 Total Miles, 29.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Erica R Bates F42 21.02
Brad Hart M49 1.48
Michael Thorne M50 65.21
Club NTEX (North Texas Masters) (20 Swimmers, 3,217.15 Total Miles, 160.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Juan A Aguirre M44 53.46
Joshua Barrett M34 243.10
Jeff Bromfield M39 111.11
Steve Charters M51 100.70
Jan K Cocchiarella F46 254.76
Lynda C Delsol F52 54.04
Elaine Disney F50 131.61
Susan D George F80 64.76
Della Irby F51 367.45
Debbi S Plemons F54 264.61
Anna Procious F42 6.01
Brook R Quinn F38 22.80
Sergio M Ramirez M35 237.38
Charlotte Reeves F41 75.06
Rebecca Rourk F37 35.93
James Royal M51 80.02
Beth Smith F53 375.28
Denise Wickline F58 261.17
Joe Wickline M56 402.29
David H Young M64 75.59
Club PCAT (Plano Wetcats) (19 Swimmers, 4,539.05 Total Miles, 238.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tom Barton M57 267.53
Lisa Conley F41 105.95
Michael B Doyle M49 572.52
David S Gregory M49 435.95
Jamie Hulett M53 316.05
Louise Keetley F39 172.53
Amy Krajewski F43 211.56
Arthur R Larson M51 21.13
Krissy Maccurdy F61 509.34
Stephen L Morris M62 3.64
Lynn Morrison F59 0.00
Edward J O'Brien M54 20.14
Ken Pipkin M69 346.61
John B Ricca M64 279.97
Mary Ellen Sablick F59 389.63
Jonathan D Sher M49 220.98
Stephanie Stone F46 610.33
Cynthia Thomas F57 16.73
Timothy C Whitney M48 38.44
Club RAM (Rockwall Aquatics Masters) (2 Swimmers, 1,248.91 Total Miles, 624.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stewart A Carroll M43 775.76
Nicole Dauksavage F25 473.14
Club RIDG (Team Ridglea) (10 Swimmers, 730.66 Total Miles, 73.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Heather Buchanan F38 48.28
Kendra B Coleman F46 78.89
Barry Goldfarb M55 103.18
Christina E Holmes F45 0.00
Todd Johnson M52 51.63
Beth Jones F56 300.17
Paige Kirn F45 3.41
Amber L Murphy F32 64.72
Nick Ostermann M32 28.75
Art A Torpy M57 51.64
Club TNYM (Town North YMCA Masters) (1 Swimmers, 197.67 Total Miles, 197.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joseph C Murray M54 197.67
Club TXAQ (Texoma Aquatics Masters) (1 Swimmers, 117.25 Total Miles, 117.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dori R Smith F39 117.25
Club UC26 () (8 Swimmers, 1,184.96 Total Miles, 148.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mike W Aycock M58 22.46
Randal W Boldt M49 507.59
Janie L Crosmer F44 152.03
Gail Haynes F67 4.96
Summer S Lawrence F37 353.13
Robbie Meadors F51 45.99
Kristin Payne F33 56.28
Joshua G Schaeper M22 42.52
Oklahoma LMSC (12 Swimmers, 2,166.64 Total Miles, 180.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club EAMS (Extreme Aquatic Master Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 256.25 Total Miles, 256.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Louise D Cleary F59 256.25
Club OKMS (Oklahoma Masters Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 136.14 Total Miles, 45.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Phillip J Fitzsimmons M51 62.16
Kate Houck F53 73.30
Matt McGuire M45 0.68
Club OSUM (Oklahoma State University Masters Swimming Team) (1 Swimmers, 85.96 Total Miles, 85.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kirsten E Fullerton F34 85.96
Club TULS (Tulsa Masters Swim Club) (6 Swimmers, 1,635.66 Total Miles, 272.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mona A Canaday F57 253.13
Bruce D Dart M58 210.68
Joy Hancock F34 48.04
Stephen A Louy M34 349.39
Scott A Morgan M47 93.66
George C Villarreal M42 680.75
Club UC27 () (1 Swimmers, 52.64 Total Miles, 52.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alexis N Whiles F18 52.64
South Texas LMSC (63 Swimmers, 14,655.56 Total Miles, 232.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AAAA (Alamo Area Aquatic Association) (5 Swimmers, 750.87 Total Miles, 150.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jonathan Bush M31 64.69
Louis P De Leon M37 70.05
Katherine A Leusing Canales F51 389.50
Nicol J Schriner F35 124.76
Peter J Senior M25 101.88
Club AGM (Aquatics of Georgetown Masters) (5 Swimmers, 1,470.15 Total Miles, 294.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shirley Bibles F51 504.23
Shawn M Feather F52 581.65
Kathy J Goulding F55 170.09
Shawn E Sabo F54 100.98
Kelley C Spencer F54 113.20
Club CBA (Coastal Bend AllStars) (2 Swimmers, 249.75 Total Miles, 124.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tara Cocke F46 140.09
Mackinley L Cross F37 109.66
Club CTS () (2 Swimmers, 477.19 Total Miles, 238.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Vickie Aronson F46 100.05
Rosana Davison F42 377.14
Club HOT (Heart of Texas) (2 Swimmers, 479.04 Total Miles, 239.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ryan D Provencher M39 264.57
Michael S Walter M43 214.47
Club LAKE () (1 Swimmers, 200.23 Total Miles, 200.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jessica S Evans F46 200.23
Club MOST (Masters of South Texas) (13 Swimmers, 2,652.27 Total Miles, 204.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Erica L Barto F28 148.70
Linda Callaway F60 575.48
Catharine L Cebrowski F43 166.40
Suzanne E Cuda F53 460.74
Todd L Erickson M59 251.41
Leta A Gatton F27 109.52
Chandra C Kelley F40 120.38
Craig A Kercher M52 183.18
Allison LaField F50 330.27
John R Leonard M43 121.74
Alice M Perez F49 10.21
Donald M Walker M55 0.00
David D Welsh M54 174.25
Club NITR (Nitro Swimming) (7 Swimmers, 2,231.62 Total Miles, 318.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Leslie Booker F41 125.79
George Fawcett M61 303.18
Scott R Linnborn M43 3.66
Michael W Rourke M22 576.73
Donna P Schubkegel F61 419.58
David Thomas M53 251.86
Marianne Thomas F50 550.82
Club RGMS (Red Giant Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 47.97 Total Miles, 47.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Diana P Triana F47 47.97
Club SBMS (Swim Belton Masters Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 273.35 Total Miles, 136.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Vivian A Baker F72 3.69
Lenore J Burt F52 269.66
Club TXLA (Longhorn Aquatics) (14 Swimmers, 4,204.95 Total Miles, 300.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kelzie E Beebe F31 329.48
Ed M Coates M47 728.57
Clement J Cros M27 261.31
Lawson F Ellinor M51 64.49
Berry Hamilton M60 153.99
Roland Klober M45 50.74
Jack C Lee M55 720.38
Joseph W Mandy M36 267.62
Rachael M Maresh F38 51.50
Nancy Misage F43 342.30
Ben A Munguia M26 825.24
Erin H Shanley F37 60.42
Colin Smiley M46 328.78
Liza C Willmore F34 20.12
Club UC43 () (6 Swimmers, 895.13 Total Miles, 149.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Chad W Anderson M39 37.93
Geoffrey W Blake M31 116.33
Davina J Farrell F39 120.00
Herb C Janecek M81 16.65
Emily Preece F60 101.25
Craig Sorgi M53 502.97
Club WHAC (WHAC Masters) (3 Swimmers, 723.03 Total Miles, 241.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Julie A Candoli F55 16.16
Betsy Ditto F51 462.09
Ann E Phipps F49 244.77
Southwest Zone (394 Swimmers, 89,490.23 Total Miles, 227.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Arizona LMSC (83 Swimmers, 17,643.07 Total Miles, 212.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ARIZ (Arizona Masters Swim Club Inc) (44 Swimmers, 9,623.57 Total Miles, 218.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dominick Aiello M79 65.43
Clifford B Altfeld M61 69.71
Douglas G Blanchard M49 27.93
Randall Blute M36 52.90
Linda Brzycki F66 50.15
Theodore Collins M50 365.27
Joan D'Alonzo F54 47.15
Terry A DeBiase M48 470.10
Anna DeLozier F50 515.06
Kurt F Dickson M46 565.47
Debbie Duane F59 153.52
Douglas L Esch M46 250.68
Donna Gaudet F48 53.67
Rachel Goede F29 132.28
Francois Gratton M55 227.02
Barbara Gullingsrud F63 56.61
Gaile Harden F74 113.43
Joan Hellman F43 503.78
Shannon Hildinger F29 14.97
Hank Hoffman M46 273.89
Jim Hopp M78 109.15
Jen Inboden F33 250.05
Christopher H Jansmann M42 170.57
Deanna D Kelly F28 72.72
Cynthia A Kraft F44 369.59
Ron R LaLonde M74 258.18
Karen Levandowski F68 252.50
Carrie A McConville F30 36.06
Nancy McLaughlin F62 4.15
Emily Miller F44 191.42
Sandy Mitchel F54 353.08
Mark E Modjeska M60 810.09
Payne M Montgomery M22 14.04
Sharon L Ottman F45 317.73
Michele C Paden F33 25.36
Keyth P Parker M49 115.84
Todd R Schwendinger M33 400.09
Craig A Shaffer M67 433.21
Brian D Shepherd M52 69.33
Billie J Spencer F64 416.47
Penny O Stigers F67 102.33
Ed Thompson M67 317.94
John C Welton M66 182.61
Bill Wheeler M52 342.01
Club MMAC (Mesa Masters) (19 Swimmers, 5,615.79 Total Miles, 295.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Doug P Adamavich M44 277.54
Beatrix Blattmann F40 503.06
Patrick W Brundage M46 241.29
Greg Heden M39 250.03
Katie Kenny F43 188.04
Peter B Lofquist M52 220.79
Bradley Lundblad M45 514.30
Joanne Menard F65 59.26
Timothy W Murphy M44 506.96
Shauna J Nelson F25 530.68
Kent M Nicholas M46 149.83
Tony Poleo M48 341.14
Bonnie L Pronk F71 308.55
Sandra A Shrader F49 527.22
James Sieffert M46 151.33
Lacey Strickland F43 30.81
Michael A Vient M57 200.04
William J Wainwright M52 340.48
Lynette A Washburn F50 274.45
Club PHX (Phoenix Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 52.70 Total Miles, 17.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bruce G Laverman M73 49.91
Angela Puma F29 2.78
Robert Schiller M45 0.00
Club PSCM () (4 Swimmers, 643.00 Total Miles, 160.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brenda Creswell-Liotta F51 180.47
Denise Fowers F56 0.00
Martin R Hahm M72 177.17
Robert Liotta M62 285.35
Club TSD2 (Tempe Swim Devils II) (1 Swimmers, 29.69 Total Miles, 29.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rob Doherty M51 29.69
Club UC48 () (6 Swimmers, 600.35 Total Miles, 100.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Eric A Depner M44 26.48
Cindy Goetz F53 101.69
Marisa M Jenkins F37 94.55
Elizabeth Loffswold F56 121.49
Joe Ommen M58 247.27
Bill M Perrino M53 8.86
Club VOSY (Valley of the Sun YMCA) (1 Swimmers, 6.52 Total Miles, 6.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer M Rundle F40 6.52
Club YOSA (YMCA of Southern Arizona) (2 Swimmers, 95.00 Total Miles, 47.50 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Garret M Buehner M28 90.34
Michael Hast M43 4.66
Club YUMA (Yuma Heat) (3 Swimmers, 976.46 Total Miles, 325.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Philip Brill M49 316.65
Heath M Clifford M44 271.22
Diana Tunell F49 388.59
New Mexico LMSC (11 Swimmers, 1,685.78 Total Miles, 153.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CAQM (Charger Aquatics Masters) (4 Swimmers, 773.99 Total Miles, 193.50 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patty M Buffett F40 240.80
Karen L Henderson F39 325.94
William C Inkret M56 10.97
Annette R Thies F63 196.28
Club NMMS (New Mexico Masters) (5 Swimmers, 397.40 Total Miles, 79.48 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Helen V Bhasker F33 24.25
Rebecca D Friedberg (Sullivan) F51 6.90
Carol Ritchie F55 287.81
Nessa R Weinberg F64 75.71
Alexa N Wheeler F38 2.73
Club TAOS () (1 Swimmers, 510.64 Total Miles, 510.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ramona A Chavez F56 510.64
Club UC42 () (1 Swimmers, 3.75 Total Miles, 3.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jay J Stimmel M58 3.75
San Diego - Imperial LMSC (43 Swimmers, 10,408.47 Total Miles, 242.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CMA (Coronado Masters Association) (1 Swimmers, 2.30 Total Miles, 2.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sue Kopas F50 2.30
Club CPTT () (1 Swimmers, 523.54 Total Miles, 523.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Paul R Merritt M73 523.54
Club HSAM (Heartland Swim Association Masters) (2 Swimmers, 100.07 Total Miles, 50.04 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jacque M Muncy F29 30.78
Christine Spicer F34 69.29
Club LJCS (La Jolla Cove Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 1,099.47 Total Miles, 549.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ross G Simmons M50 325.72
Dan Simonelli M48 773.76
Club OSM (Oceanside Masters) (7 Swimmers, 2,969.93 Total Miles, 424.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael R Bullock M67 521.81
Nancy S Chennell F58 517.60
David Damico M53 450.90
Diane Gallagher F58 270.19
Jean M Gallagher F55 441.00
Lauren A Lemieux F54 716.95
Bill Scott M63 51.47
Club SBSM (Solana Beach Swim Masters) (3 Swimmers, 496.46 Total Miles, 165.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Allison N DeFrancesco F26 104.04
Beth Folkerth F47 81.21
Bjorn Svinterud M47 311.21
Club SDSM (San Diego Swim Masters) (19 Swimmers, 3,814.43 Total Miles, 200.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Linda J Cervantes F62 32.37
Berke Cetinoneri M29 433.42
Al Clepper M50 21.34
Allison M Czapracki F30 240.04
Jennifer S Files F38 316.65
Mary Lynne Hasty F36 130.14
Darrell L Jett M55 62.46
Kenton R Jones M46 1.93
Michelle K Jones F27 400.33
Kristina M Maroudis F38 223.50
Jackie M Marr F70 787.09
Anthony D Mitchell M47 90.91
Stella A Paz F29 37.44
Lisa M Simpson F49 203.74
Mark W Spratt M58 477.25
Marieke Thayer F52 287.41
Shannon M Welter F31 2.16
Genny White F30 64.49
Dawn M Wood F41 1.75
Club UC44 () (7 Swimmers, 1,088.15 Total Miles, 155.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John S Coyne M33 197.22
Kyle Dion M19 2.56
Bob Feinberg M58 101.02
Michael Kleinert M32 568.19
Michelle C Moreno F37 105.57
Andrew S Powell M56 5.57
Linda L West F61 108.03
Club WIND (Wind-n-Sea Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 314.11 Total Miles, 314.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Paton M McClung M44 314.11
Southern Pacific LMSC (257 Swimmers, 59,752.91 Total Miles, 232.50 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ABCM (Avila Bay Club Masters) (3 Swimmers, 714.57 Total Miles, 238.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karen T Haenke F53 261.63
Lawrence P Purcell M50 202.93
Liz West F41 250.01
Club BGWM (Bakersfield Gold Wave Masters) (2 Swimmers, 434.55 Total Miles, 217.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bruce D Friedman M61 207.28
Callie Peat F32 227.27
Club CAPO (Capo Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 65.19 Total Miles, 65.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shea Gordon M40 65.19
Club CCAM (CCAT Masters) (2 Swimmers, 2.36 Total Miles, 1.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Reza Ashourian M19 0.00
Victor R Vento M25 2.36
Club CTM (Caltech Masters) (11 Swimmers, 4,385.94 Total Miles, 398.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alexandra Alvarez F38 9.12
Skip M Bickett M50 504.03
Andrew P Darcey M29 324.80
Robert DaSilva M45 189.66
Suzanne R Dodd F52 423.52
Timothy J Martin M48 1,700.06
Duff Murphy M59 365.40
Sian L Romoli F42 51.28
Moheb Salama M41 0.00
Evelyn Stuwe F29 237.98
Nikki Takarabe F47 580.08
Club CTSM (Competitive Tri-Swim Masters LLC) (4 Swimmers, 820.11 Total Miles, 205.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Suzy Degazon F49 0.00
Mary A DeLong F47 266.02
Susan G Feick F51 186.09
Johannes A Harmse M31 368.01
Club CVMM (Conejo Valley Multisport Masters) (14 Swimmers, 3,165.61 Total Miles, 226.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lenelle C Castille F45 2.44
Alessandra B Castro F28 133.56
Emily Chang F32 49.54
Heidi L Christensen F55 318.93
Adrienne J Cleverly F24 400.13
Todd E Irmas M50 268.39
Rich Katz M44 437.78
Shane Loomis M41 2.24
Daniel Nolan M29 3.66
Kerry O'Shea M46 270.82
Tom N Pani M57 71.11
Lisa L Schoenneman F51 501.55
Niki F Stokols F56 385.59
Karen A Turner F49 319.85
Club FMST (Faster Masters Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 99.91 Total Miles, 99.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan E Martonosi F35 99.91
Club FMT (Fullerton FAST Masters Team) (1 Swimmers, 257.25 Total Miles, 257.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael E Pawloski M56 257.25
Club FONT (Fontana Flyers) (5 Swimmers, 232.01 Total Miles, 46.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
George Biddlecombe M45 17.53
Marion Browne F44 0.00
Jean M Rogers F62 32.27
Martha Rothwell F37 27.27
Tom Slider M42 154.94
Club GWSC (Golden West Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 91.53 Total Miles, 91.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Fred A Schiel M64 91.53
Club HSNM (Henderson Southern Nevada Masters) (2 Swimmers, 45.62 Total Miles, 22.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Melanie J McDowell F49 1.70
Deb L Miller F54 43.91
Club KMAN (Team KMAN) (3 Swimmers, 614.23 Total Miles, 204.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jacquie Anderson F77 503.93
Wendy N Fisher F62 103.02
Jennifer A Glenesk F56 7.27
Club LALM (Los Alamitos FINS) (1 Swimmers, 138.42 Total Miles, 138.42 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sandra C Field F58 138.42
Club LAPS (Los Angeles Peninsula Swimmers) (2 Swimmers, 290.53 Total Miles, 145.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David P Lindstedt M57 238.26
Kenneth M Shoor M65 52.27
Club LBG (Long Beach Grunions) (4 Swimmers, 957.89 Total Miles, 239.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan M Duquesnel F54 125.11
Bill Sive M52 577.99
Stanley M Smith M66 2.49
Kathy Wingert F55 252.30
Club LVM (Las Vegas Masters) (12 Swimmers, 2,879.69 Total Miles, 239.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kari S Adams F47 648.79
Jeffrey S Anderes M36 0.00
Pamela R Brearey F26 17.98
Susan Cushman F51 463.66
Billy Gaines M32 374.21
Jeff Ghan M63 181.02
Dara Goldsmith F47 400.61
Michael Goldsmith M48 9.03
Kelly Gross M47 18.94
Maki Moore F28 329.87
Michael Pashak M49 130.84
Lacie J Zimmerman F30 304.74
Club MAX (Max Aquatics) (1 Swimmers, 20.48 Total Miles, 20.48 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robin M Hart F33 20.48
Club MPAC (Monterey Park Aquatic Club) (1 Swimmers, 32.61 Total Miles, 32.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ashley M Jauregui F21 32.61
Club MSCM (Meridian Swim Club Masters) (1 Swimmers, 1.75 Total Miles, 1.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Veronica D Abney F62 1.75
Club MVN (Mission Viejo Masters) (18 Swimmers, 4,819.57 Total Miles, 267.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer A Burch-Ascencio F47 237.91
Wayne Deloney M53 504.96
Carol Hayden F63 566.34
Michael R Heather M59 255.52
Patricia A Holbrook F57 73.12
Duncan A Houldsworth M37 35.76
M. Heather Mikels F45 356.77
Beverly J Montrella F67 302.30
Kristina J Neill F48 604.26
Sian Pearson F23 540.54
Steve Ripic M40 23.98
Michele A Rosas F44 9.71
T Sorenson F47 256.16
Page Steinbauer F24 21.87
Audrey Lynn Viers F30 72.22
Deanne R Weissman F51 305.39
Carol W Wilson F56 450.90
Darryl D Wooten M42 201.86
Club MYST (Masters of Yucaipa Swim Team) (4 Swimmers, 317.14 Total Miles, 79.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marybeth Maury-Holmes F47 125.91
Robin L Nelson F45 3.07
Valerie M Skudlarski F33 163.11
Craig Walker M73 25.06
Club NBMS (Newport Beach Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 502.50 Total Miles, 502.50 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mark Toledano M32 502.50
Club NOVA (Novaquatics Masters) (14 Swimmers, 4,053.87 Total Miles, 289.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sherry M Wendzel Brooks F53 250.02
Gary A Brunell M56 133.45
Steven Chin M52 1.70
Michelle S Estrick F40 69.89
Mireya M Hernandez F43 85.16
Tanya Maclean F37 505.21
Cori McConkle F59 616.18
Eugene A Paul M85 440.30
Adam Ritchie M26 366.05
Jen M Schumacher F28 500.09
Nancy E Scott F52 176.23
Chris Smelt M50 356.26
Stephen P Sponagle M58 529.52
Caroline S Staub F34 23.81
Club OAS (Lancaster Oasis Masters) (1 Swimmers, 90.98 Total Miles, 90.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
William Haskett M39 90.98
Club OJAI (Ojai Masters) (1 Swimmers, 506.93 Total Miles, 506.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lois Goodman F66 506.93
Club OWSC (Open Water Swimming Team) (2 Swimmers, 2,832.84 Total Miles, 1,416.42 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lexie Kelly F27 1,656.22
Andy Seretan M60 1,176.62
Club PDSC (Palm Desert Masters Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 177.31 Total Miles, 88.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Janella Andrews F27 13.35
Bob Krom M58 163.95
Club PSP (Piranha Swim Team) (2 Swimmers, 228.82 Total Miles, 114.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Steven T Erickson M42 39.37
Jean T Ornelas F59 189.45
Club PUMA (PUMA Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 30.34 Total Miles, 30.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joshua Tharp M39 30.34
Club RAA (Riverside Aquatics Association) (1 Swimmers, 261.26 Total Miles, 261.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Larry Vesely M62 261.26
Club RMDA (La Mirada Armada) (1 Swimmers, 459.77 Total Miles, 459.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Glenn Piner M44 459.77
Club ROSE (Rose Bowl Masters) (20 Swimmers, 5,396.80 Total Miles, 269.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael Abounassar M38 164.78
Dan Borton M45 229.38
Frank E Campbell M55 35.42
Stefanie Capizzi F26 378.34
Kara Clifford F46 279.66
Nicole D Dubuc F35 29.67
Tait C Ecklund M32 517.39
Anna-Marie W Grizzell F42 57.77
Pamela T Harrison F54 178.92
Kelsey L Helgesen F23 366.81
Jill E Keenan-Boline F44 504.73
Patrick B Mc Ginley M50 316.88
Trisha A Myers F28 9.93
Peter E Ronay M71 273.87
Drew K Skelly M47 310.88
Tom J Soderstrom M55 416.26
Stephen P Stedry M62 820.35
David Strybel M58 15.60
Elizabeth C Wood F32 489.45
Bonnie K Yan F48 0.71
Club SBM (Santa Barbara Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,454.05 Total Miles, 242.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John F Abrami M53 0.00
Bob M Bell M58 20.31
Jean M Carlson F51 918.05
Sherry Keigher F61 500.83
Chris C Latham F42 8.20
Megan Nesland F27 6.66
Club SCA (South Coast Aquatics) (11 Swimmers, 1,822.13 Total Miles, 165.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Laura E Blue F34 508.36
Gretchen Caterson F47 117.69
Karen K Daniels F52 370.66
Deena Esparza F48 75.45
Douglas A Green M61 1.25
Brad Jordan M39 36.83
Kim J Kitchen F48 21.53
Kelly S Oliner F46 3.92
Ellen Pickman F54 154.31
Kristen E Pifko F44 1.65
Jill S Robertson F50 530.48
Club SCAC (Surf City Aquatics Club) (3 Swimmers, 484.76 Total Miles, 161.59 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jerry McGlynn M47 0.00
Hans Quinonez M51 86.88
Patty Smith F60 397.89
Club SCAQ (Southern California Aquatic Masters) (14 Swimmers, 2,560.77 Total Miles, 182.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Corby M Arthur F55 0.45
Alicia Bartley F36 225.83
Robyn Beresh F37 2.25
Ernest E Hayes M38 5.69
Bill Ireland M54 571.18
Monica A Maccaux F31 119.83
Karen L Melick F56 337.46
Leslie Morrow F48 116.61
Christine C Riley F29 258.97
Suzanne C Robertson F28 11.93
Jeanne E Sather F56 120.15
David A Schlesinger M38 595.39
Anne C Smith F49 102.17
Ali Wachler F36 92.87
Club SLOM (San Luis Obispo Masters) (1 Swimmers, 388.74 Total Miles, 388.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael T Hure M50 388.74
Club SLV (Swim Las Vegas) (4 Swimmers, 859.20 Total Miles, 214.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J Harty M51 98.81
William E Lutz M57 34.59
Kevin J Scott M43 725.12
Steve Vallender M45 0.68
Club SMSC (Santa Maria Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 242.91 Total Miles, 80.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lenni B Clardy F48 146.36
Rob Dumouchel M32 1.38
Cris Maxwell F57 95.16
Club SOBA (South Bay Swim Team) (4 Swimmers, 430.14 Total Miles, 107.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael S Egan M46 113.53
Justin A Hawkins M33 50.42
David Lim M53 15.26
Roger A Spencer M39 250.93
Club SWHM (Swim With Heart Masters) (1 Swimmers, 58.54 Total Miles, 58.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bahareh D Hadaegh F38 58.54
Club SWM (South West Aquatic Masters) (4 Swimmers, 430.40 Total Miles, 107.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Heidi I Grotsky F44 283.38
Sareen Hagopian F22 4.77
Larae T Hanks F24 135.26
Deborah J Hefter F27 6.99
Club T-26 (Tower 26) (1 Swimmers, 163.47 Total Miles, 163.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Greg Kearns M50 163.47
Club TCC (Claremont Club) (2 Swimmers, 67.12 Total Miles, 33.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Monica McLean F38 35.13
Gregg S Seltzer M49 31.99
Club TSTT (Triton Swimming and Triathlon Team) (2 Swimmers, 265.50 Total Miles, 132.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
George Durzi M37 222.11
Helene Hirsch F56 43.39
Club UC33 () (37 Swimmers, 7,195.63 Total Miles, 194.48 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jack Alden M48 260.38
Laurie E Andress-Delaney F30 13.81
Kris Assel F51 115.30
Tom M Cain M64 192.05
Christophe Charpentier M45 153.85
Jing Chen F40 173.13
James S Cherry M57 30.71
Juli Cromer F56 4.77
Nancy B Cunningham F52 234.95
Jason Davis M39 0.56
Michael Dean M52 367.00
Susan J Ecklund F67 72.16
Naomi J Fukutomi F55 448.88
Ivanka Gavanski F38 311.44
Chris L Geer M43 341.05
Kirsten L Jackson F45 6.99
Cathy S Kay F59 85.09
Jennifer Kopecko F32 0.00
Lynn V Kubasek F55 900.55
Heather M Kuntz F29 217.26
Valerie I Lang F54 52.49
Marie Marston F55 299.14
Patrick S Martin M37 140.36
Natalie A Merrow F33 954.39
Lisa K Myers F42 1.02
Andrew A Okun M51 17.64
Michael Pack M44 0.00
Carl W Rieger M57 77.39
Robert Roel M49 88.72
Julian Rusinek M53 579.50
Craig B Smith M75 265.09
Stuart Thomson M70 265.51
Russell T Wagner M33 88.96
Susannah S Walz F61 276.52
Jennifer S Wellman F34 99.79
John Wong M49 56.59
Sakina Zerrel F51 2.60
Club UCI (UC Irvine) (1 Swimmers, 2.05 Total Miles, 2.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Diana M Mullins F44 2.05
Club UCLA (UCLA Bruin Masters) (11 Swimmers, 3,923.36 Total Miles, 356.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bruce I Carlin M45 419.52
Jenny L Cook F55 433.28
Christine C Damian F28 501.27
Veronica Hibben F57 615.76
Daniel A Low M54 308.59
Michael S Musante M39 64.79
Judith A Nakamatsu F46 4.97
Deborah A Rodriguez F55 4.08
Ellen K Shockro F71 505.46
Dell Upton M64 123.56
Charley C Young F26 942.09
Club VCM (Ventura County Masters) (6 Swimmers, 3,382.93 Total Miles, 563.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J Blatt M58 505.87
Zachary T Jirkovsky M32 511.44
Jim Mc Conica M63 1,009.36
James H Neitz M45 276.54
Theo Schmeeckle M50 774.67
Tamie A Stewart F40 305.06
Club VKNG (Viking Aquatics) (2 Swimmers, 657.55 Total Miles, 328.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jocelyn K Atkinson F39 155.17
Peter J Knapp M44 502.38
Club VLVM (Viva Las Vegas Masters) (1 Swimmers, 153.67 Total Miles, 153.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marie D Girouard F36 153.67
Club WH2O (West Hollywood Aquatics) (3 Swimmers, 281.63 Total Miles, 93.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joel Mc Kenna M43 94.53
Kimberly A Menaster F27 10.74
Charles W Myers M60 176.36