Team Scores
2000 Short Course National Championships

Combined Team Results

Final Team Rankings

Combined - Small Teams
  Place         Team                                                                              Points
      1         San Diego Swim Masters                              SDSM                           590
      2         DC Masters                                          DCM                            571
      3         Tamalpais Aquatic Masters                           TAM                            544
      4         The Olympic Club                                    TOC                            495
      5         OJai-Santa Barbara                                  OSB                            482 .50
      6         Sierra Nevada Masters                               SNM                            448
      7         Gold Coast Masters                                  GOLD                           372
      8         Montgomery Ancient Mariners                         ANCM                           343
      9         Ohio Masters Swim Club                              O*H*                           326
      9         St. Pete Masters, Inc.                              SPM                            326
     11         Ventura County Masters                              VCM                            308
     12         Oregon Masters                                      OREG                           305
     13         Dallas Aquatic Masters                              DAMM                           276
     14         Garden State Masters                                GSM                            257
     15         U.S.A. Water Bandits                                USAB                           254
     16         Missouri Valley                                     MOVY                           232
     17         Florida Maverick Masters                            FMM                            226
     18         Anderson Masters                                    AM                             217
     19         Connecticut Masters                                 CONN                           207
     20         Swim Florida Masters                                SWIM                           204
     21         Music City Masters Swimming                         MCMS                           182
     22         Crescent Hills Masters Swimmin                      CHMS                           170
     23         San Mateo Master Marlins                            SMMM                           149 .50
     24         Team Texas                                          TTEX                           148 .50
     25         White Plains Masters                                WPM                            146 .50
     26         Palmetto Masters                                    PALM                           135 .50
     27         Iowa Masters                                        IAMA                           126
     28         Maryland Masters                                    MARY                           117
     29         Colonials "1776"                                    1776                           108
     30         Multnomah Athletic Club                             MACO                            95
     31         Vail Swimming                                       VS                              91
     31         Bowling Green S U                                   BGSU                            91
     33         Wildcat Masters                                     WILD                            89
     34         Crawfish Aquatics                                   CRAQ                            83
     34         Space Coast Masters                                 SPCO                            83
     36         Inland Northwest Masters                            INWM                            76
     37         Southern California Aquatics                        SCAQ                            72
     38         Westside Houston Swim Club                          WHSC                            69 .50
     39         Team Greenville                                     TG                              67 .50
     40         Golden West Swim Club                               GWSC                            66
     40         Nebraska Masters                                    NM                              66
     42         El Segundo Masters                                  SLUG                            62 .50
     43         Manatee Aquatic Masters                             MAM                             61
     44         South Texas Flying Fish                             STFF                            59
     45         Alaska Masters Swimming                             AKMS                            58
     46         Clearwater Aquatic Team Master                      CATM                            57
     47         Hilton Head Aquatic Club                            HHAC                            56
     48         Omaha Masters                                       OMAH                            55
     48         Badger Master                                       BDGR                            55
     48         Rohnert Park Swim Club                              RPMS                            55
     51         Stanford Masters                                    STAN                            54
     52         Naperville Waves SC                                 NWSC                            50
     53         Indian River Com Coll Masters                       IRCC                            49
     54         West Hollywood Aquatics                             WH20                            42
     55         Gamecock Masters                                    GCAM                            41
     55         Los Angeles Peninsula Swimmers                      LAPS                            41
     55         Greater Knoxville Masters Swim                      GKMS                            41
     58         Angelo Aquatic Masters                              ANGL                            40
     58         Catfish Masters Aquatics                            CMAQ                            40
     60         Adirondack District Masters                         ADMS                            39
     61         Lakeside Masters                                    LAKE                            38
     62         Daytona Beach Masters Swimming                      DBMS                            35
     63         Cy Fair Cy Clones                                   CYCL                            34
     63         Chico Sports Club Masters                           CSCM                            34
     65         Acuatica Nelson Vargas                              ANV                             33
     66         Vermont Masters Swim Club                           VERM                            32
     67         Shoal Sharks Master Swimming                        SSMS                            30
     68         Rinconada Masters                                   RINC                            29
     68         Scarborough Masters Aq. (CAN)                       SCAR                            29
     70         Heartland Swim Assoc. Masters                       HSAM                            28
     71         Yuba City Racquet Club                              YCRC                            26
     71         Burlington Masters (CAN)                            BURL                            26
     73         Los Altos Masters                                   LAM                             25
     74         UCLA Bruin Masters                                  UCLA                            23 .50
     75         In Motion Fitness Masters                           IMFM                            23
     75         UCI Masters                                         UCI                             23
     77         Allegheny Mt. Assn Masters                          AMAM                            22
     78         AZC Masters                                         AZC                             21
     78         Greater Pensacola Aquatic Club                      GPAC                            21
     78         Mountain View Masters                               MVM                             21
     81         Lincoln YMCA Y-nauts                                NEYN                            19
     82         Patriot Masters Swim Team                           GMUP                            17
     82         Lynbrook Masters Swimming                           LMS                             17
     84         Team Pittsburgh                                     TPIT                            16
     84         The Capitol Sea Devils Mast.                        TCSD                            16
     84         Santa Clara Swim Club Masters                       SCSC                            16
     87         Markham Masters Swim Club                           MARK                            15
     87         Rolling Hill Mud Sharks                             RHMS                            15
     89         New City Orcas                                      NCO                             14
     89         Tuolumne Co. Aquatic Master                         TCAM                            14
     91         Shiley Sports & Health Center                       SSHC                            13
     92         Fog City Masters                                    FOG                             11
     92         Las Vegas Masters                                   LVM                             11
     94         City of Mobile Swim Assoc.                          CMSA                            10
     94         Alexandria Masters Swimming                         ALEX                            10
     96         Minnesota Masters                                   MINN                             9
     97         Tulsa Masters Swim Club                             TULS                             8
     97         Austin Aquatics                                     AAQ                              8
     97         San Javier Club Privado Ac                          SANJ                             8
     97         Owensboro Marlin Masters                            OMM                              8
     97         U of Il Urbana/Champaign                            UIUC                             8
    102         Y-Spartaquatics Masters                             YSMS                             7
    103         Mid Cities Masters                                  MCM                              6
    104         Daland Swim School Masters                          DSSM                             5
    104         Oklahoma Masters                                    OKMS                             5
    104         Germantown Maryland Masters                         GERM                             5
    107         Windy City Wave                                     WCW                              4
    108         Dallas Aquatics Masters                             DALL                             3
    108         H20uston Swims                                      H20                              3
    110         Team Orlando Masters                                ORLM                             2
    111         Arkansas Masters                                    ARKM                             1
    111         Frankfort Area Swim Team Maste                      FAST                             1
    111         North York Gators                                   NYG                              1
    111         Graybeards                                          FYGB                             1
    111         U of San Francisco Masters                          USF                              1

Combined - Medium Teams
  Place         Team                                                                              Points
      1         Walnut Creek Masters                                WCM                          1,082
      2         Arizona Masters                                     ARIZ                           843
      3         Utah Masters Swimming                               UTAH                           772
      4         North Carolina Masters Swimmin                      NCMS                           748
      5         New England Masters                                 NEM                            727 .50
      6         Georgia Masters                                     GAJA                           635
      7         Virginia Masters Swim Team                          VMST                           522
      8         Pacific Northwest                                   PNA                            496
      9         Wisconsin Masters Aquatic Club                      WMAC                           484 .50
     10         DOC IU Masters Swimming                             DOC                            437 .50
     11         Empire State Masters                                EMP                            363 .50
     12         Niagara Masters                                     NIAG                           329 .50
     13         St. Louis Area Masters                              SLAM                           325
     14         Greater Columbus Masters Swim                       GCMT                           214
     15         Greater Indiana Masters                             GRIN                           119

Combined - Large Teams
  Place         Team                                                                              Points
      1         Illinois Masters                                    IM                           2,801
      2         Rocky Mountain Masters                              RMM                          1,408
      3         YMCA Indy SwimFit                                   ISF                            969 .50
      4         Michigan Masters                                    MICH                           825 .50
      5         Greater Ohio Swim Team                              GOST                           726
2000 Short Course National Championships

Men's Team Results

Final Team Rankings

Men - Small Teams

  Place         Team                                                                              Points
      1         Utah Masters Swimming                               UTAH                           396
      2         The Olympic Club                                    TOC                            345
      3         Ventura County Masters                              VCM                            308
      4         Montgomery Ancient Mariners                         ANCM                           302
      5         North Carolina Masters Swimmin                      NCMS                           278
      6         Ohio Masters Swim Club                              O*H*                           270
      7         Arizona Masters                                     ARIZ                           265
      8         Sierra Nevada Masters                               SNM                            244
      9         Virginia Masters Swim Team                          VMST                           237
     10         Niagara Masters                                     NIAG                           225 .50
     11         Florida Maverick Masters                            FMM                            216
     12         Tamalpais Aquatic Masters                           TAM                            204
     13         San Diego Swim Masters                              SDSM                           196
     14         Dallas Aquatic Masters                              DAMM                           195
     15         Empire State Masters                                EMP                            181
     16         Connecticut Masters                                 CONN                           165
     17         St. Pete Masters, Inc.                              SPM                            160
     18         Gold Coast Masters                                  GOLD                           159
     19         Anderson Masters                                    AM                             158
     20         OJai-Santa Barbara                                  OSB                            157
     21         Crescent Hills Masters Swimmin                      CHMS                           149
     22         Team Texas                                          TTEX                           148 .50
     23         St. Louis Area Masters                              SLAM                           139 .50
     24         DC Masters                                          DCM                            127
     25         Garden State Masters                                GSM                            118
     26         Swim Florida Masters                                SWIM                           108
     27         Pacific Northwest                                   PNA                            105
     28         Music City Masters Swimming                         MCMS                           104
     29         San Mateo Master Marlins                            SMMM                           101 .50
     30         Palmetto Masters                                    PALM                            95 .50
     31         Bowling Green S U                                   BGSU                            91
     32         Greater Columbus Masters Swim                       GCMT                            89
     33         Missouri Valley                                     MOVY                            81
     34         Southern California Aquatics                        SCAQ                            72
     35         Oregon Masters                                      OREG                            69
     36         Nebraska Masters                                    NM                              66
     37         El Segundo Masters                                  SLUG                            62 .50
     38         Vail Swimming                                       VS                              62
     39         Manatee Aquatic Masters                             MAM                             61
     40         Hilton Head Aquatic Club                            HHAC                            56
     41         Badger Master                                       BDGR                            55
     42         Stanford Masters                                    STAN                            54
     43         Crawfish Aquatics                                   CRAQ                            52
     44         Colonials "1776"                                    1776                            44
     45         West Hollywood Aquatics                             WH20                            42
     46         Gamecock Masters                                    GCAM                            41
     47         Angelo Aquatic Masters                              ANGL                            40
     47         Catfish Masters Aquatics                            CMAQ                            40
     49         Adirondack District Masters                         ADMS                            39
     50         Alaska Masters Swimming                             AKMS                            38
     50         Los Angeles Peninsula Swimmers                      LAPS                            38
     50         Space Coast Masters                                 SPCO                            38
     53         South Texas Flying Fish                             STFF                            35
     53         Daytona Beach Masters Swimming                      DBMS                            35
     55         Cy Fair Cy Clones                                   CYCL                            34
     56         Acuatica Nelson Vargas                              ANV                             33
     57         Vermont Masters Swim Club                           VERM                            32
     57         Omaha Masters                                       OMAH                            32
     57         Maryland Masters                                    MARY                            32
     60         Shoal Sharks Master Swimming                        SSMS                            30
     60         Multnomah Athletic Club                             MACO                            30
     62         Rinconada Masters                                   RINC                            29
     63         Iowa Masters                                        IAMA                            27
     63         Inland Northwest Masters                            INWM                            27
     65         Westside Houston Swim Club                          WHSC                            25 .50
     66         White Plains Masters                                WPM                             24 .50
     67         UCLA Bruin Masters                                  UCLA                            23 .50
     68         UCI Masters                                         UCI                             23
     69         Allegheny Mt. Assn Masters                          AMAM                            22
     70         Naperville Waves SC                                 NWSC                            21
     70         Mountain View Masters                               MVM                             21
     70         Heartland Swim Assoc. Masters                       HSAM                            21
     70         AZC Masters                                         AZC                             21
     74         Patriot Masters Swim Team                           GMUP                            17
     75         Santa Clara Swim Club Masters                       SCSC                            16
     75         The Capitol Sea Devils Mast.                        TCSD                            16
     75         Lincoln YMCA Y-nauts                                NEYN                            16
     75         Team Pittsburgh                                     TPIT                            16
     79         Las Vegas Masters                                   LVM                             11
     79         Fog City Masters                                    FOG                             11
     81         U of Il Urbana/Champaign                            UIUC                             8
     81         Austin Aquatics                                     AAQ                              8
     81         Owensboro Marlin Masters                            OMM                              8
     81         Rolling Hill Mud Sharks                             RHMS                             8
     85         Alexandria Masters Swimming                         ALEX                             7
     85         Y-Spartaquatics Masters                             YSMS                             7
     87         Mid Cities Masters                                  MCM                              6
     88         Germantown Maryland Masters                         GERM                             5
     89         Windy City Wave                                     WCW                              4
     90         H20uston Swims                                      H20                              3
     90         Dallas Aquatics Masters                             DALL                             3
     92         Wildcat Masters                                     WILD                             2
     92         Team Orlando Masters                                ORLM                             2
     92         Lakeside Masters                                    LAKE                             2
     95         U of San Francisco Masters                          USF                              1
     95         Graybeards                                          FYGB                             1
     95         Frankfort Area Swim Team Maste                      FAST                             1

Men - Medium Teams

  Place         Team                                                                              Points
      1         Walnut Creek Masters                                WCM                            430
      2         Michigan Masters                                    MICH                           284 .50
      3         New England Masters                                 NEM                            282
      4         Georgia Masters                                     GAJA                           266
      5         DOC IU Masters Swimming                             DOC                            255 .50
      6         Wisconsin Masters Aquatic Club                      WMAC                           176 .50
      7         Greater Indiana Masters                             GRIN                           119

Men - Large Teams

  Place         Team                                                                              Points
      1         Illinois Masters                                    IM                           1,247 .50
      2         Rocky Mountain Masters                              RMM                            787
      3         Greater Ohio Swim Team                              GOST                           519
      4         YMCA Indy SwimFit                                   ISF                            447 .50

Women's Team Results

Final Team Rankings

Women - Small Teams
  Place         Team                                                                              Points
      1         DC Masters                                          DCM                            396
      2         San Diego Swim Masters                              SDSM                           354
      3         OJai-Santa Barbara                                  OSB                            325 .50
      4         Tamalpais Aquatic Masters                           TAM                            318
      4         Utah Masters Swimming                               UTAH                           318
      6         Georgia Masters                                     GAJA                           305
      7         U.S.A. Water Bandits                                USAB                           254
      8         Oregon Masters                                      OREG                           210
      9         Gold Coast Masters                                  GOLD                           187
     10         St. Louis Area Masters                              SLAM                           185 .50
     11         Sierra Nevada Masters                               SNM                            180
     12         Empire State Masters                                EMP                            168 .50
     13         Missouri Valley                                     MOVY                           151
     14         St. Pete Masters, Inc.                              SPM                            146
     15         The Olympic Club                                    TOC                            144
     16         DOC IU Masters Swimming                             DOC                            142
     17         Garden State Masters                                GSM                            139
     18         Greater Columbus Masters Swim                       GCMT                           121
     19         White Plains Masters                                WPM                            102
     20         Iowa Masters                                        IAMA                            99
     21         Swim Florida Masters                                SWIM                            96
     22         Niagara Masters                                     NIAG                            94
     23         Wildcat Masters                                     WILD                            87
     24         Maryland Masters                                    MARY                            85
     25         Dallas Aquatic Masters                              DAMM                            81
     26         Music City Masters Swimming                         MCMS                            78
     27         Team Greenville                                     TG                              67 .50
     28         Golden West Swim Club                               GWSC                            66
     29         Multnomah Athletic Club                             MACO                            65
     30         Colonials "1776"                                    1776                            64
     31         Clearwater Aquatic Team Master                      CATM                            57
     32         Ohio Masters Swim Club                              O*H*                            56
     33         Rohnert Park Swim Club                              RPMS                            55
     34         Anderson Masters                                    AM                              51
     35         Indian River Com Coll Masters                       IRCC                            49
     35         Inland Northwest Masters                            INWM                            49
     37         San Mateo Master Marlins                            SMMM                            48
     38         Space Coast Masters                                 SPCO                            45
     39         Westside Houston Swim Club                          WHSC                            44
     40         Connecticut Masters                                 CONN                            42
     41         Greater Knoxville Masters Swim                      GKMS                            41
     41         Montgomery Ancient Mariners                         ANCM                            41
     43         Palmetto Masters                                    PALM                            40
     44         Lakeside Masters                                    LAKE                            36
     45         Chico Sports Club Masters                           CSCM                            34
     46         Crawfish Aquatics                                   CRAQ                            31
     47         Vail Swimming                                       VS                              29
     47         Scarborough Masters Aq. (CAN)                       SCAR                            29
     49         Burlington Masters (CAN)                            BURL                            26
     49         Yuba City Racquet Club                              YCRC                            26
     51         Los Altos Masters                                   LAM                             25
     52         South Texas Flying Fish                             STFF                            24
     53         Naperville Waves SC                                 NWSC                            23
     53         In Motion Fitness Masters                           IMFM                            23
     53         Omaha Masters                                       OMAH                            23
     56         Crescent Hills Masters Swimmin                      CHMS                            21
     56         Greater Pensacola Aquatic Club                      GPAC                            21
     58         Alaska Masters Swimming                             AKMS                            20
     59         Lynbrook Masters Swimming                           LMS                             17
     60         Markham Masters Swim Club                           MARK                            15
     61         New City Orcas                                      NCO                             14
     61         Tuolumne Co. Aquatic Master                         TCAM                            14
     63         Shiley Sports & Health Center                       SSHC                            13
     64         Florida Maverick Masters                            FMM                             10
     64         City of Mobile Swim Assoc.                          CMSA                            10
     66         Minnesota Masters                                   MINN                             9
     67         Tulsa Masters Swim Club                             TULS                             8
     67         San Javier Club Privado Ac                          SANJ                             8
     69         Heartland Swim Assoc. Masters                       HSAM                             7
     69         Rolling Hill Mud Sharks                             RHMS                             7
     71         Daland Swim School Masters                          DSSM                             5
     71         Oklahoma Masters                                    OKMS                             5
     73         Lincoln YMCA Y-nauts                                NEYN                             3
     73         Los Angeles Peninsula Swimmers                      LAPS                             3
     73         Alexandria Masters Swimming                         ALEX                             3
     76         North York Gators                                   NYG                              1
     76         Arkansas Masters                                    ARKM                             1

Women - Medium Teams

  Place         Team                                                                              Points
      1         Walnut Creek Masters                                WCM                            588
      2         Arizona Masters                                     ARIZ                           500
      3         Rocky Mountain Masters                              RMM                            495
      4         Michigan Masters                                    MICH                           483
      5         North Carolina Masters Swimmin                      NCMS                           412
      6         New England Masters                                 NEM                            391 .50
      7         Pacific Northwest                                   PNA                            361
      8         Wisconsin Masters Aquatic Club                      WMAC                           260
      9         Virginia Masters Swim Team                          VMST                           247
     10         Greater Ohio Swim Team                              GOST                           195

Women - Large Teams
  Place         Team                                                                              Points
      1         Illinois Masters                                    IM                           1,247 .50
      2         YMCA Indy SwimFit                                   ISF                            474